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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Can you share your log file please (http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/).
  2. Bonjour, vous vous êtres probablement trompé de compte.
  3. Droidz

    Attacking NPC

    Hello, do you use fightclass?
  4. Hello, you get problem with this plugin http://wrobot.eu/files/file/667-lootfilterwrobot/ ? If yes contact owner. You can also found some wow addon for it.
  5. Droidz

    No ID

    Do you have follow this step http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/no-id-r533/?do=findComment&comment=3459 ?
  6. http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1689-useful-scripts/#comment-8448
  7. Droidz

    Mana drinks

    You want say than, if your character need to drink or eat, he drink and eat (even if don't need to eat or drink) ?
  8. You get same problem when "Use lua to move" is activate? Do you have big latency ingame?
  9. Hello, sorry I cannot help you I don't know how to play mage. But if you give me more informations about problem (how you want use this spell) I can try to help you.
  10. Hello, sorry I cannot resolve this problem.
  11. Essayez de supprimer le dossier "WRobot\Data\Meshes" (oublier pas de redémarrer WRobot)
  12. Hello, try in your fightclass to add: RunMacroText("/startattack") with timer (like 2500) and active option, not spell name is lua script
  13. Hello, I'll check if I can detect if he can skin or gather mob (currently I cannot). I comeback here later.
  14. Hello, you get this problem only when you use the fishing raft ?
  15. You need to interact with 'Titan Defense Orb' to disable it? If yes if it is npc use quest type 'interact with npc', if it is gameobject you can add object entry id at list of object at harvest
  16. You use quest profile? If yes run you code in step (quest order).
  17. Droidz

    Deleting fightclass

    Hello, Sorry but I will cannot help you. I think than can happen only when you save your fightclass.
  18. Hello, no with default settings. But you can run C# code to activate/desactivate option "Use trainer" depending of your level. For it use this c# code: var l = new System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> { 5, 10, 15 }; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.TrainNewSkills = l.Contains(wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Level); You can use this code in plugin or in your profile with "Action" ( http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2202-profile-positions-and-action-column/ )
  19. Hello, 1: Try to activate option in product settings "Back to last profile position". 2: Go to tab "Tools" > "NPC DB", in npc list select your npc and click on your keyboard key "Del". 3: In advanced general settings tab "others" you can disable options for it. 4: You cannot 5: WRobot go automatically to nearest npc, To force to go to repair use action "totown" ( http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2202-profile-positions-and-action-column/ )
  20. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 steps 10, 14
  21. Droidz

    No ID

    Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966 please read step 1, 2, 4, 6, 13. If you problem is not resolved, can you share again your log file please.
  22. Hello, you can found ban reports here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/29-security-ban-reports/
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