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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hi, it is code: private void ButtonCopyLog(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var logFilePath = $@"{Others.GetCurrentDirectory}\Logs\{Logging.NameCurrentLogFile()}"; var logCopyDest = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory)}\{Logging.NameCurrentLogFile()}"; if (File.Exists(logCopyDest)) File.Delete(logCopyDest); File.Copy(logFilePath, logCopyDest); Logging.Write("[Logging]" + Logging.NameCurrentLogFile() + " copied on your desktop."); } catch { } }
  2. Hello, you can also use WoWUnit.InteractDistanceByEntry[18385] = 3 (maybe you need to change WoWUnit.MinInteractDistance)
  3. Bonjour, Déplacer votre personnage est compliqué (voir très compliqué si vous utilisez une classe de combat XML), regarder ces exemples https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2029-going-backward/?do=findComment&comment=10267&_rid=1 Pour la création d'eau regarde ce post: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/5015-mage-conjuring-too-many-water/
  4. Hello, try with new update, problem should be solved
  5. Hello, I found the cause of problem (in Vanilla, BC and Wotlk). It should sovled.
  6. It is code used in BFA interface (function seems changed since old game vesions) to change difficulty: https://github.com/tomrus88/BlizzardInterfaceCode/blob/ffbd8a3f993fb455aaff5726a8192b1a6d81f56c/Interface/FrameXML/UnitPopup.lua#L1885 For "DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY": SetDungeonDifficultyID(difficultyID); For "RAID_DIFFICULTY": SetRaidDifficulties(true, difficultyID); For "LEGACY_RAID_DIFFICULTY": SetRaidDifficulties(false, difficultyID); And diffultyID can be found here: https://github.com/tomrus88/BlizzardInterfaceCode/blob/ffbd8a3f993fb455aaff5726a8192b1a6d81f56c/Interface/FrameXML/UnitPopup.lua#L85 ["DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY1"] > difficultyID = 1 ["DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY2"] > difficultyID = 2 ["DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY3"] > difficultyID = 23 ["RAID_DIFFICULTY1"] > difficultyID = 14 ["RAID_DIFFICULTY2"] > difficultyID = 15 ["RAID_DIFFICULTY3"] > difficultyID = 16 ["LEGACY_RAID_DIFFICULTY1"] > difficultyID = 3 ["LEGACY_RAID_DIFFICULTY2"] > difficultyID = 4 IDs seems unchanged, you can use https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/API_SetRaidDifficultyID 3 → 10 Player 4 → 25 Player 5 → 10 Player (Heroic) 6 → 25 Player (Heroic) 14 → Normal 15 → Heroic 16 → Mythic Based on wow UI code you code should look like (to use heroic difficulty): SetRaidDifficulties(true, 15);
  7. Hello, if you can tell me if problem is resolved with the new update
  8. Hello, it is not recommanded to use bot with your main account.
  9. Hello, look https://github.com/tomrus88/BlizzardInterfaceCode/blob/ffbd8a3f993fb455aaff5726a8192b1a6d81f56c/Interface/FrameXML/UnitPopup.lua#L1885 (to get DifficultyID https://github.com/tomrus88/BlizzardInterfaceCode/blob/ffbd8a3f993fb455aaff5726a8192b1a6d81f56c/Interface/FrameXML/UnitPopup.lua#L85 )
  10. Droidz

    Unable to Login

    I have no idea, there is Cloudflare between you and the server, I think the problem may be with it.
  11. Droidz

    Unable to Login

    I don't have the problem. I rebooted auth server, you still get this error? You can access to this address ? https://auth.wrobot.eu/o You can also try to use google or cloudflare DNS (and restard computer).
  12. Droidz

    Unable to Login

    Hello, Does anyone else have this problem? If yes, how often? When you get this problem you can access to the website with your webbrowser?
  13. Hello, try to launch wrobot with the shortcut "WRobot (No Lock Frame)"
  14. Hello, you can try to use quester product (with quest type interactwith)
  15. Look this video For healing your character, use condition "Health percent"
  16. Try to update Windows also if it is not done. If it is not the problem I am sorry I don't understand why you get this problem.
  17. You have try to update Windows or try to install it with others iso (some versions don't work fine)? But WRobot should work fine in VM.
  18. Bonjour, pouvez vous donner plus de détails.
  19. Hello, infight healing is managed by the fightclass
  20. Hello, maybe Wow FPS is too slow for the bot. VM settings provide good performance?
  21. To be sure that it isn't the cause of the problem please disable this plugin. You can also try to download Wow client in another website (to be sure that it is not modified).
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