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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, In general settings try to activate option "Use lua to move". You can try also to increment your fightclass range.
  2. Droidz

    Attaque cible

    Bonjour, Comme vous l'avez dit, WRotation permet de faire cela. Télécharger une bonne Fightclass sur le site et vous obtiendrez un bon résultat. (vous pouvez désactiver l'option "Manage..." pour garder le control de votre personnage pendant les combats).
  3. Droidz

    Paypal/visa ?

    Bonjour, Vous pouvez utiliser votre Mastercard avec Paypal.
  4. Hello, problem resolved, relaunch WRobot and accept update: http://wrobot.eu/page/articles.html/_/news/wrobot-for-wow-620-build-20253-r86
  5. Hello, this is caused to Wow hotfix, the problem is resolved, relaunch WRobot and accept update: http://wrobot.eu/page/articles.html/_/news/wrobot-for-wow-620-build-20253-r86
  6. Hello, WRobot support now Wow 6.2.0 (20253). If your Wow server is not updated to build 20253, don't update WRobot (if you have update WRobot, you can download old version here).
  7. Hello, WRobot support now Wow 6.2.0 (20253). If your Wow server is not updated to build 20253, don't update WRobot (if you have update WRobot, you can download old version here).
  8. Hello, Can you try to remove folder "WRobot\Data\Meshes\" If you problem is not resolved, can you give me used profile or the log files.
  9. Hello, What do you have asked?
  10. Hello, I have added this in new update.
  11. Hello, Do you have try to disable option "Resurrect when dead" in Party product settings?
  12. You can put in "Lua script": phaseActive = BurningPhase == 1 or CooldownPhase == 1 or ConversePhase == 1; (this condition return true if is in burning or cooldown or converse phase)
  13. plugin updated
  14. Hello, In "http://www.wowhead.com/spell=17/power-word-shield" spell, in the condition "Buff" can you try use upper and lower cases (replace "power word: shield" by "Power Word: Shield")
  15. Hello, http://www.wowhead.com/spell=162077/artillery-strike is an spell (not an item) Remove condition lua with code GetItemCount(162077) and remplace RunMacroText("/use Artillery Strike") by RunMacroText("/cast Artillery Strike"). But why you use this spell with RunMacroText (this spell don't works with normal way)?
  16. 1 - In game, create macros: Name: OpeningPhase /run if OpeningPhase == 1 then OpeningPhase = 0; print("Opening phase desactivated") else OpeningPhase = 1; print("Opening phase activated") end Name: ConservePhase /run if ConservePhase == 1 then ConservePhase = 0; print("Conserve phase desactivated") else ConservePhase = 1; print("Conserve phase activated") end Name: BurningPhase /run if BurningPhase == 1 then BurningPhase = 0; print("Burning phase desactivated") else BurningPhase = 1; print("Burning phase activated") end Name: CooldownPhase /run if CooldownPhase == 1 then CooldownPhase = 0; print("Cooldown phase desactivated") else CooldownPhase = 1; print("Cooldown phase activated") end Name: DisableAll /run OpeningPhase = 0; ConservePhase = 0; BurningPhase = 0; CooldownPhase = 0; print("All phases desactivated"); Name: ActiveAll /run OpeningPhase = 1; ConservePhase = 1; BurningPhase = 1; CooldownPhase = 1; print("All phases activated"); and put is in your action bar like this: 2 - In your fightclass, add condition "Lua Script" by spell: In "Return value research" put: true In "Return value var" put: phaseActive In "Lua script" put: - For spells Opening phase: phaseActive = OpeningPhase == 1; - For spells Conserve phase: phaseActive = ConservePhase == 1; - For spells Burning phase: phaseActive = BurningPhase == 1; - For spells Cooldown phase: phaseActive = CooldownPhase == 1; 3 - Sample: testtest.xml
  17. Utiliser ce code: (wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(81661) >= 5) 81661 est l'id du sort, 5 le nombre de la pile requis. (en condition type C Sharp)
  18. Hello, I cannot add this,for performance, WRobot put in cache an lot of information (it is for this raison that you need to restart WRobot when you change character, or in your case, when you change spe).
  19. Droidz

    Need Help

    Hallo, In "General Settings" > "Advanced..." zu überprüfen, wenn die Option "Don’t start fighting" deaktiviert ist, können Sie versuchen, zu erhöhen "Search Radius" und "Max Units Near" (Register "Looting and Farming options"). Wenn Sie Ihr Problem nicht beheben, bitte teilen Sie Ihre Log-Datei: ______________________ Hello, In "General Settings" > "Advanced..." check if option "Don’t start fighting" is disabled, you can try to increment "Search Radius" and "Max Units Near" (tab "Looting and Farming options"). If you cannot resolve your problem, please share your log file:
  20. Hallo, Sie erhalten Problem zu Datei "WRobot \ Bin \ wResources.dll" zu laden. Sie können versuchen, Ihre Antivirus deaktivieren und downloaden vorinstallierte Version: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/tmp/WRobotPack.zip. Versuchen Sie auch, / Update erforderlich Software installieren: Framework 4.0, Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86). _____________________________ Hello, You get problem to load "WRobot\Bin\wResources.dll" file. You can try to disable your antivirus and download preinstalled version: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/tmp/WRobotPack.zip . Try also to install/update required softwares: Framework 4.0, Redistributable Visual C + + 2010 (X86) and SlimDX (4.0 X86).
  21. Hello, It is good suggestion. I'll add this also for "deaths".
  22. Hello, I'll not add this feature in WRobot. If you create your fightclass in C# or VB, you can do almost anything you want (but you need know base in C# .net or VB.net). With normal creator (Fightclasses creator), you can use wow macro (tell me if you don't understand how this works).
  23. Ok, can you share full please. Can you try to increment min latency (tab "General Settings" > "Enter advanced settings..." > tab "Other options" > "Latency Min:" (try to put 250))
  24. Hello, Can you share your and fightclass please. Are you sure than Fightclass is selected in "General Settings"?
  25. Bonjour, J'ai trouvé ces deux profils: et http://wrobot.eu/files/file/14-jade-forest-alliance-maybe-horde/ Sinon vous pouvez créer votre propre profil (c'est vraiment simple et rapide), regarder ce guide (page 51): http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/WRobot%20guide%20FR.pdf
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