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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Version 1.1


    Move During Combat Simple plugin to move during combat. You can configure the move sequences. Ps: I have added source code of this plugin (MoveDuringCombatSourceCodeProject.zip), it is visual studio 2013 project (in C#).
  2. And open your logs with internet explorer, google chrome or firefox it is more easy at read.
  3. Je vais regarder si je trouve d'où peut venir le problème mais je n'ai jamais eu de problèmes similaires reportés. - Pour le moment, essayez de re télécharger WROBOT et réinstaller WROBOT dans un nouveau dossier (ne toucher pas aux configurations sauf le choix de votre fightclass et profil). - Si ça ne fonctionne toujours pas allez dans l'onglet "General Settings" > "Advanced ..." > onglet "Looting and farming options" > dans la zone de texte "Harvest object (one id by line)" ajoutez "189973" (sans les "), sauvegardez et essayez de nouveau. Dites-moi si votre problème est résolu, si vous pouvez également partager votre journal (qui se trouve dans l'onglet "Logs"). Je reviens vers vous quand je trouve la cause du problème.
  4. I have found similar error on the web: http://forums.iis.net/t/1148147.aspx?It+is+an+error+to+use+a+section+registered+as+allowDefinition+MachineToApplication+beyond+application+level+ Can you try to install WRobot in your desktop, if this don't works, try to install WRobot in base HDD folder (by sample "C:\WRobot\"). Do you have try to disable your anti virus?
  5. I'll look it but it is no easy problem at solved. Do you know if wow map of this zone have changed since last updates of wow?
  6. For the moment ignore if bot cannot pickup/turnin http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9704 because npc is dead, I'll fix problem in next updates you can continue your profile.
  7. Hello, You can create an wrobot plugin (if you know C# or VB.net) or add it in your fightclass and move with lua api.
  8. Quel est ton niveau avec le métier herboriste? Et quelle herbe veux-tu ramasser?
  9. Activate/Deactivate spells of rotation with wow macro In wow create new macro with this code: /run if pausecooldown == 1 then pausecooldown = 0; print("pause desactivated") else pausecooldown = 1; print("pause activated") end Now in your spell add condition script lua: LuaScript: if not (pausecooldown == 1) then resultCooldown = "canlaunch" else resultCooldown = "" end Research: canlaunch Var: resultCooldown After, just click on macro to pause your spells. PS: You can change variables name. EDIT: Sample here:
  10. If I found better solution I post it here but I don't understand why this don't works correctly on all mobs.
  11. Hello, Do you have look for an wow addon?
  12. Do you have try to disable your wow addon? You have this problem also with mobs and mines loot?
  13. Bonjour, Vous pouvez trouver le forum Français ici. Pour votre problème, vérifiez si dans l'onglet "General Settings" l'option "Harvest Herbs" est bien activé. Si le problème est toujours présent pouvez vous poster votre fichier journal (vous le trouvez dans l'onglet "Logs" d'une session de WRobot ou vous avez eu ce problème. Essayez également d'utiliser un autre profil. PS: Je vous conseil de lire le est en Français.
  14. Hello, Time is in milliseconds, for 60 secondes put 60000 (1 sec = 1000 milliseconds)
  15. Droidz


    Bonjour, WRobot ne trouve pas les sites de fouille, Essayez de désactiver tout vos addons wow (et vérifiez également si sur le continent sur lequel vous vous trouvez il y a des sites de fouille). ps: J'ai déplacé vos sujet dans le forum Français.
  16. Droidz

    Ignore This mob

    Hello, Activate option "Start fighting with Elite" for don't avoid this mob (you can found this option in advanced "General Settings"). Tell me if your problem is solved.
  17. Hello Use spell http://www.wowhead.com/spell=686 instead of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=29722. Use spell http://www.wowhead.com/spell=172 instead of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=348. Tell me if this works. You can use this macro to get base spell name:
  18. Hello, What is your latency in game?
  19. For http://wowhead.com/quest=8330 you need to make one quest by item at farm (one quest by objective), wrobot try to return to object already collected. For http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9704 add in "Macro when interact" this: CompleteQuest() GetQuestReward(1) AcceptQuest() (I'll add possibility to pickup/turnin quests on dead npc later).
  20. Wait next update, I have added fightclass option (General Settings) "Additional C# Code". This is sample (with you bosslist): AdditionalCodeSample.xml
  21. You can found wow lua functions here: http://wowpedia.org/World_of_Warcraft_API
  22. You code has errors. - Before "UnitPower("player")" add "(". - "UnitBuffID("player",122510)" is an PQR function (no wow function), replace it by "UnitBuff("player",GetSpellInfo(122510))". - I have also removed unused variables. Result: condiok = 0; if (UnitPower("player") >= 85) or UnitBuff("player",GetSpellInfo(122510)) then condiok = 1; end
  23. Try this, tell me if this works HSProt.xml
  24. Hello, What is the name of the quest (wowhead link)? Do you have try to use quest type "InteractWithNpc" instead of "KillAndLoot" to make agroo?
  25. Hello, Wait next update, I have fixed the problem, for unknown reason in this zone he has an game object without name (this cause an error in wrobot to get wow object by name).
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