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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Add in "Quests order" new action "RunLuaCode" and in param "AcceptQuest()". male goblin quest FIXED2.xml
  2. Hello, I don't have warrior, but I have found it: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/dng7cwknxh52nh4/AzN_WARRIOR_Abilities.xml (pqr profile): http://www.wowhead.com/spell=122510 ID = 122510 http://www.wowhead.com/spell=2565 ID = 2565 http://www.wowhead.com/spell=122016 ID = 122016 http://www.wowhead.com/spell=845 ID = 845 http://www.wowhead.com/spell=78 ID = 78 Ability: Prot Heroic Strike local playerhealth = 100 * UnitHealth("player") / UnitHealthMax("player") local targethealth = 100 * UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target") local threat = UnitDetailedThreatSituation("player", "target") local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(2565) if (start + duration - GetTime() > 0 and UnitPower("player") >= 85) or UnitBuffID("player",122510) or UnitBuffID("player",122016) then if AoE == true then CastSpellByName(GetSpellInfo(845)) else CastSpellByName(GetSpellInfo(78)) end end
  3. Your entry id is good? What can you share the log of bugged WRobot session (after getting problem).
  4. Wait next update and tell me if you get again this error. But it is not important, this doesn't affect performance of wrobot.
  5. Hello, I'll not add it in wrobot. But I'll add in fightclass possibility to add custom c# function/methods. I post here sample when I have added this feature (sample of use of your boss list).
  6. I'll add timer by player, to pause only if player is near your more than X sec.
  7. To test it quickly you can click on button "Go to town" (in tab "Tools") when the bot is started. If this don't works if you can give me details please.
  8. Hello, I have replied at your support request (if you launch wrobot with shortcut ."WRobot Quick Launch" you license key is selected automaticly, you need to launch wrobot with "WRobot.exe"). Your problem is solved?
  9. Hello, You can pay with bitcoin, or help the community (create profiles, fightclass, help for user support) to get free license key.
  10. Hello, For one, check if your fightclass use all spells required and if optimised. If your fightclass is good but slow, you can: Activate options (in advanced general settings) "Unlock fps limit" and "Improve combat rotation speed". In the fightclass settings you can also increment "Frame per seconde". (More you have fps in wow, more wrobot is reactive, use low image quality in wow to get the best fps).
  11. Droidz


    Wait next update, I have added tab chat in main window.
  12. I have added this wait next update (today). I cannot test it, if you can say me if this works or no (option is in advanced general settings, tab mail).
  13. Can you share your log please (you can found it in "Logs" folder). Can you try to activate option "Use Lua to move" in General settings advanced.
  14. Hello, Npc is far of your farming zone? If yes, in "General Settings > Advanced > Tab Others options" increment Npc/Mailbox Search Radius. In "Product Settings" do you have activate option "Revive even if one pet is dead"?
  15. Hi, look this: your problem seem like this.
  16. WRobot support the new wow hotfix 17930 (5.4.7 ) More info about wow hotfix here.
  17. WRobot support the new wow hotfix 17930 (5.4.7 ) More info about wow hotfix here.
  18. restart WRobot and accept update. Good botting at all.
  19. Bonjour, la réponse comme indiqué sur le poste du dessus est ici: Quand il y a une mise à jour de wow je suis souvent obligé de mettre à jour WRobot également, la mise à jour de mercredi j'ai pu la prévoir (vu qu'elle était sur les royaumes de teste), mais je n'étais pas au courant qu'il allait y avoir une mise à jour aujourd'hui. Je viens de mettre la mise à jour de WRobot sur le serveur, redémarrez WRobot et acceptez la demande de mise à jour.
  20. Hello, I'll update WRobot (wait 1 hour max).
  21. Bonjour, As-tu essayé de mettre un "Timer" (cette option est dans "Spell Settings") à http://www.wowhead.com/spell=45477/icy-touch pour laisse le temps à http://www.wowhead.com/spell=49998
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