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Bug Report Comments posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, I found this example:

    https://github.com/droidzfr/WRobot_Packages/blob/fc6f7455e7c25beb4ce106788ae4d0725099bf2e/Old paid files/enraged/001053_Horde[01-12]Vanilla(Durotar).xml#L1708

    But indeed your code looks good. When you launch Automaton near these mobs, the bot attacks them? Do you have the session log file with you? When you retrieve the target's information with 'Dev... tools' 'Target info' there is erroneous or bad information (like the blacklisted mob for example).

  2. Hello,

    I think that when the game changes continent, the bot changes quest (step) ('return Usefuls.ContinentId == (int) ContinentId.Azeroth' will return false). Try putting the part where the bot leaves the ship in another 'Quest'.

  3. Hello,

    I don't know exactly why you have this problem but it's probably a problem on your side.

    Tried with a fresh installation of WRobot (with minimal configuration changes) to verify that the problem does not come from there.

    Also tried disabling your Wow addons.

    Sometimes restarting the computer can solve this type of problem.

    Also tried, if the problem is not resolved, to download the game client from another site (to be sure that your client is not modified).

  4.  Hello,

    You have a 

    15:56:52 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi node Деревня Сломанного Клыка, Внутренние земли to Мельница Таррен, Хилсбрад, go to npc.

    And here, the start position is very strange :

    Path-Finding] FindPath from 0 ; -859 ; 58 ; "None" to -233,9797 ; 1026,787 ; 54,32534 ; "None" (Azeroth)


  5. Hello,


    var fromZeppelinWaitPosition = new Vector3(1185,022, -4144,208, 70,62553); // Position where Zeppelin/Ship waits players (from)


    var fromZeppelinWaitPosition = new Vector3(1185.022, -4144.208, 70.62553); // Position where Zeppelin/Ship waits players (from)


  6. Hello,

    Check the positions and ID, add lines of logs to help you debug, it will be difficult to help you. Optionally disable game addons to make sure it doesn't interfere with the bot.

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