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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Bonjour, votre code est faux (le "return true;" est en trop), voila un exemple simple pour cette quête (qui fonctionne): Corruption.xml Corruption.xml
  2. After "var msg = chat.ReadMsg();" (line 34) you can add this line: Logging.Write("Channel = " + ((int)msg.Channel) + " (message: " + msg.Msg + ")"); (this line writte in log tab the channel number, when you get channel number, you can remplace 49 in "(int)msg.Channel == 49" by your channel number)
  3. Hello, you want it in quester profile? If yes For the portals you can look this: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2681-snippets-codes-for-quest-profiles/?do=findComment&comment=12213 (add c# code to cast mage portal) For taxi you can look this: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2681-snippets-codes-for-quest-profiles/?do=findComment&comment=12205 But currently no way to take boat/zeppelin.
  4. Droidz

    Profil raid

    Hello, http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1925-sample-dungeon-profile/
  5. Hello, To disable detection when player is attacked, use this c# code: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2681-snippets-codes-for-quest-profiles/#comment-13088 To use this code, you have a lot of ways, the more easy ways is to add this on your profile like this: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2202-profile-positions-and-action-column/ or you can run this code in tab "Tools" > "Dev... tools" > paste code in textbox and click on button "Run c# code...".
  6. I have fixed code (I use ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer() instead Party.GetPartyHomeAndInstance() to be sure not to miss tank). Home is for normal group, Instance is for raid group (http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_GetNumPartyMembers and http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_GetNumRaidMembers ).
  7. Train spells This sample is for WoD, in this sample the profile train the spell http://www.wowhead.com/spell=2018/blacksmithing at http://www.wowhead.com/npc=514/smith-argus : TrainSpell.xml To adapt this profile at you, in "Is complete condition" quest option replace "2018" by your spell id, in "hotspots" put your trainer position and in "target entry" put your trainer entry id.
  8. On WOTLK "UnitGroupRolesAssigned" change, try this (not tested): public WoWPlayer GetPartyTank() { WoWPlayer tank = new WoWPlayer(0); var lua = @" for groupindex = 1,MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS do if (UnitInParty('party' .. groupindex)) then local isTank, isHealer, isDamage = UnitGroupRolesAssigned('party' .. groupindex); if isTank then local name = UnitName('party' .. groupindex); return name; end end end return ''; "; // Get tank name string tankName = Lua.LuaDoString<string>(lua); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tankName)) { tankName = tankName.Trim().ToLower(); //foreach (var p in Party.GetPartyHomeAndInstance()) foreach (var p in ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWPlayer()) { if (p != null && p.IsValid && p.Name.Trim().ToLower() == tankName) { tank = new WoWPlayer(p.GetBaseAddress); break; } } } return tank; }
  9. Droidz

    bug quest bot

    Bonjour, ce profile data de 2013, il est possible que depuis des quêtes n'existe plus (du coup WRobot reste devant le PNJ et que la quête soit dispo (ce qui arrive jamais)). (vous pouvez désactiver le étapes ou WRobot reste bloqué avec le bouton "Profile settings (enable/di..." onglet "Product Settings").
  10. Bonjour, Je suis désolé mais je ne pourrais pas résoudre ce problème (vous n'utilisez pas la dernière version de WRobot). Sauf les messages d'erreurs que vous recevez (quand WRobot essaye de ce réinscrire dans un BG), quand le BG et dispo, WRobot l'accepte?
  11. Hello, please wait next update and tell me if problem is resolved.
  12. Hello, you speak about option "Wow window position and size:"? You use last version of WRobot?
  13. Salut // On supprime les anciens points (WRobot ne supprime pas les points automatiquement): wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Remove("Nom de mes points de repère"); WoWUnit unitBoss = new WoWUnit(0); //... // On ajoute un boss wManager.Wow.Forms.UserControlMiniMap.LandmarksMiniMap.Add(unitBoss.Position, "Nom de mes points de repère", System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed, 10);
  14. Hello, use "timer" option at your healers spells (your server have probably too much latency) (by sample, if your spell is cast in 2 secondes, put in "timer" option "2500" (=2.5 secondes))
  15. Hello, do you have special char in your character name? Do you have try to reinstall WRobot in new folder? Do you have files in folder "WRobot\WRobot\Settings\"? Do you get error in your log?
  16. Droidz

    Website upgrade

    Hello, sorry I did get some problems during website upgrade but now problem is resolved. Regards.
  17. Hello, can you share your profile, your log file and give wowhead link of objects at harvest please.
  18. Bonjour, C'est plus simple à mettre en place (surtout pour le vol), et surtout plus fiable. Je ne pense pas qu'un autre joueur (a par si le profil et mal fait ou en cas de bug) puisse faire la différence (ils ont un temps de latence, ils ne voient pas exactement ce que vous voyez, de plus certains joueurs se déplacent avec les deux cliques de la souris ce que fait des angles raides aussi).
  19. If you can wait next update. When next update is release, you need close WRobot and remove file "WRobot\Settings\RobotManagerGlobalSetting.xml" (you can also reinstall WRobot in new folder).
  20. Hello, thank you for the addons, do not hesitate to post it in download category: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/129-wow-addons-wotlk/
  21. Some old versions of WRobot only works only with plugin dll file (and older version of wrobot was not supported by WRobot team). The only way is to compile cs file ( http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/213-how-to-create-plugin-developer-only/ )
  22. Droidz

    up mascotte

    Bonjour, utiliser ce code dans "Product settings" dans "Lua hook...": http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/734-request-power-leveling-battle-pets-bug-found/?do=findComment&comment=4173
  23. Hello, I'll fix it, i comeback here when is done.
  24. Hello, can you try to activate "Use lua to move" in advanced general settings.
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