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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Sorry but I don't understand what you want exactly, can you give me more information please. ps: Most profiles/plugins of WRobot for WoD works fine on MoP.
  2. Hello, is is quest profile, you need to convert it manually (you can use tools in "Easy quest profile creator" to help you to convert it).
  3. Hello, you can use wow addon like http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/easyloot
  4. If you use grinder bot, add entry id of mob in your profile. if you use automaton, in product settings you can add name of mobs at attack.
  5. Ok, can you try to activate option "Skin/Gather/Mine Mobs" in general settings, if this don't works, I'll write plugin for it.
  6. Do you play on official WoD server?
  7. When you loot manually (without bot), Wow don't loot all near mobs (you need to lool mob by mob)?
  8. Hello, like for Thelivia, I have credited your WRobot account of the price of your old subscription, you can use it to buy new subscription.
  9. Hello, no you can run more than 1 client on the same computer without vmware. But some users prefer to start 1 session by VM and use 1 IP address by session (VPN).
  10. Hello, you can disable hostile vendor in your NPC database (tab "Tools"). (to avoid problem, disable option "Automatically add nearest NPCs to database" in advanced general settings tab "Other...", remove all npc in "NPC DB" tab "Tools" and add vendor manually in your profile or in "NPC DB").
  11. Hello, can you share your log file please
  12. Hello, here: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/wod/meshes.zip (extract all files of "meshes.zip\meshesV2\" to "WRobot\Data\Meshes\"). You can also download minimaps file here: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/wod/minimaps.zip
  13. Hello, do you use wow addon? If yes can you try to disable all. If you run macro in your wow chat: /reload the problem is resolved?
  14. Hello, http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/private-servers-unable-to-go-underwater-while-mounted-on-a-flying-mount-r357/
  15. Hello, can you make new post and share your log file
  16. Try to change max lua memory size: (if you don't use wow addon try to put 170000) PS: I finish to make external app to manage Wow and WRobot (relogger/relaunch/...) and I'll release update to fix this problem.
  17. Hello, I have worked on it, if you can wait next update and tell me if problem is resolved. Else, how said iMod, use this plugin is good way to avoid out of memory error : http://wrobot.eu/files/file/622-memory-clean/
  18. Works fine for me: 2016-02-08_18-41-37.mp4 If someone get the same problem it does not hesitate to report it.
  19. Bonjour, sélectionner le produit "Grinder" onglet "Main", aller sur l'onglet "Product Settings" et sélectionner le profil que vous voulez utiliser avec "Pick Pocket", revenez onglet "Main" et sélectionner "Custom Profile" puis lancer le. Dite-moi si votre problème est résolu.
  20. Wait next update, I have improved default regen feature.
  21. Hello, After UseItem try to add wait time: Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 700);
  22. Yes, it is planned to release an app to manage/launch/relanch wow and wrobot. For your problem with party product, please give me this information http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2690-party-mode-bots-stop-attacking-and-just-stand-there/?do=findComment&comment=12266
  23. For auto attack, try to reset your wow settings, auto attack works fine for me. Disengage is the best way to avoid melee, you can also use lua code to move like this http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1118-snippets-of-lua-codes-for-fightclass/?do=findComment&comment=11416 but it is more safe to use disengage.
  24. Ok, if you can wait again next update.
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