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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, You need to use "Grinder" product (or "Automaton" if you don't have profile, you can also found some quests profiles to farm gold)
  2. If you try again, if you can give me log of session of WRobot where you get this problem.
  3. Hello, No sorry, and I don't think add support of this wow versions.
  4. Hello, The fight class manage the spells rotation. Without fight class your character don't use spell.
  5. Hello, Do you get errors in your log?
  6. Hello, The best and quick way is to use "Level 90 Character Boost", and leveling 90-100 with "Quester" bot (if you don't found profile for your level, you can use "Grinder" or "Automaton" profile).
  7. Il est possible dans les options de Wow de mettre le jeu en Anglais, ca peut aider lors de la création de Fight classes
  8. Bonjour Pour le bon fonctionnement, il faut mettre les noms des sorts en Anglais (dans certain cas mettre les noms en français fonctionnera mais que sur les clients français).
  9. I understand, but you cannot will found bot with 64 bit support. And the difference between Wow 32 and 64 bit is very important, which explains why I didn't put the two versions. And 64 bit is usefuls when software use a lot of memory (this increment max memory size autorized by process), and the max ram supported by windows, but for wow with bot it is not usefuls (64 bit version increment usage of the memory, it is not good for botting, and how I said, some computer use yet windows 32 bit).
  10. if (wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.IsValid && wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.IsCast) { int spellId = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.CastingSpellId; wManager.Wow.Class.Spell spell = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.CastingSpell; } Sans lua tu peux utiliser ce code, si une fonction lua t'intéresse dit moi laquel je te montrerais comment l'utiliser avec WRobot.
  11. Hello, For the moment, you cannot found quests profiles for all zones/levels. You need to use "Grinder" or "Automaton" bot if you don't found quests profiles for your current zone.
  12. string instanceType = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<string>("local inInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance(); return instanceType;"); instanceType = instanceType.ToLower(); // En minuscule if (instanceType == "pvp") { } else if (instanceType == "arena") { } else if (instanceType == "party") { } else if (instanceType == "raid") { } else if (instanceType == "scenario") { } else { // Pas en instance } J'ai pas testé le code, mais ça devrait donner quelque chose de ce genre
  13. Hello, I have reply here: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2544-64-bit-win-10/#comment-11622
  14. Hello, Sincerly, I don't think that you can see difference between 32 and 64 bit version. I have found this test: http://www.adriacraft.net/vesti/world-of-warcraft/wow-64-bit-client-test-201201093232/ (the difference is minimal). For WRobot I'm sorry but I won't make a 64 bit version (two version to keep updated otherwise, because there are always a few 32 bit computer...). Nothing prevents you to launch Wow in 64 bit when you do not use WRobot.
  15. Droidz

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas View full article
  16. Droidz

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas
  17. I have found this Wow addon: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/need-primal-spirits
  18. Can you test this plugin please: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/411-auto-accept-wow-popup-window/
  19. Hello, Strange, do you have popup in game when you loot http://www.wowhead.com/item=120945/primal-spirit (popup to accept or not to pick up item) (if yes can you send me screenshot of this window and say me where you get this problem)? Are you sure that this problem was not caused by Wow addon?
  20. Use quest type "Gatherer". In entry put: 203968 203966 203964 203967 203965 203443
  21. Hello, Your profile is empty (he has not hotspots and ...). But, with "InteractWithNpc", you need to config option "Gossip option" if NPC has menu (or you can use "Macro when interact" if npc have multi menu or complex menu).
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