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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. If you get problem to resurect pet please read this post: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2326-mm-hunter-with-pet/
  2. Hello, Do you use this fightclass: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/417-jons-marksman-hunter/ ? If yes, Go to tab "Tools"Click on button "Create Fight Class"In new window click on button "Load FightClass" and select fightclassIn "General Settings" (top/left of fightclass editor) select option "Call Pet spell name" and put text "Call Pet 1" (don't forget to save).
  3. Hello, Do you have special bags (mining or herbs bags?), if yes, you can go to "General Settings" > "Enter advanced settings..." > "Looting and Farming options" > "Go to town when mining/herbs bags full". You can also try to activate option "Go to vendor/repair/mailbox with timer:..." (in "General Settings" > "Enter advanced settings..." > "Vendor (Selling or Buying)"). When the bot is launched, if you click on button "Go to town" tab "Tools" you character try to sell items?
  4. Hello, Can you share your log file please. Do you have follow this steps: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/ ?
  5. Peut tu m'envoyer par message privée la clé que tu utilse.
  6. Hello, The website update is finished (or almost), I have also renamed the site (now it is WRobot instead MMORobot) and changed address (http://wrobot.eu/ instead http://mmorobot.com/). I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused by this update (I had many unforeseen problems, it took much longer than expected). Don't not hesitate to report bugs or make suggestions here. Kind regards, Droidz. View full article
  7. Hello, The website update is finished (or almost), I have also renamed the site (now it is WRobot instead MMORobot) and changed address (http://wrobot.eu/ instead http://mmorobot.com/). I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused by this update (I had many unforeseen problems, it took much longer than expected). Don't not hesitate to report bugs or make suggestions here. Kind regards, Droidz.
  8. Votre fichier journal est vide. Vous n’en avez aucun de pas vide? Avez-vous essayé avec la nouvelle version (le system de connexion à un peut changer avec le nouveau site).
  9. Hello, If you can try again, normally the problem is resolved.
  10. Hello, I need your help to create logo (to replace "WRobot" text (top/left)). if you are interested, post the logo in response (I want a simple logo), I will give a lifetime subscription if I use your logo. This contest end the 09/30/2015, after I will open poll to allow at the members to choose their favorite logo. Regards, Droidz.
  11. Hello and welcome to the new website. The update is not finished, but I have open for download and support access. Don't not hesitate to repport bugs here. If you buy/renew you subscription, please download again WRobot (or change manually the address in the file "WRobot\Settings\update.conf"). Regards, Droidz.
  12. Hello and welcome to the new website. The update is not finished, but I have open for download and support access. Don't not hesitate to repport bugs here. If you buy/renew you subscription, please download again WRobot (or change manually the address in the file "WRobot\Settings\update.conf"). Regards, Droidz. View full article
  13. Le problème ne vient de vous, tout fonctionne correctement et je n'ai pas eu d'autre rapport. WRobot fait un fichier journal même s’il ne cette lance pas (supprimé le dossier "Logs", essayer de lancer WRobot jusqu'au message d'erreur, aller dans le dossier "Logs" pour trouver le fichier journal). Vérifier également le pare-feu de Windows, dites-moi si vous avez accès à cette page http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/isOnline.php (il y a écrit "true") Essayé d'installer WRobot dans un dossier différent (les antivirus/pare-feu bloquent des fois par dossier). Vous avez installer un nouveau logiciel, changer de pc ou quelque chose avant que WRobot ne fonctionne plus?
  14. Bonjour, Pouvez vous regarder si vous avez un
  15. You can found the old fightclasses here: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/39-old-obsolete/ (I have added a lot of options in fightclasse since your version, you can get compatibility problem). Or try to create your own fightclass. I works on new versions of (with last WRobot features). I'll release it soon.
  16. Try to activate option "Use lua to move" in advanced general settings.
  17. Do you have put "http://www.wowhead.com/spell=783/travel-form" in "gound" and "flying" mount in tab "General Settings"? Sorry, you cannot disable autoloot option, he has wow addon to remove useless items in your bag.
  18. Hello, Can you send me full and your fightclass please.
  19. Hello, To upload fightclass you need to go to good category (the "Fight Classes" category is loocked, you need to go to "Fight Classes → Hunter" (if is hunter fightclass) to activate bouton "Upload File")
  20. Hello, Send me by private message your paypal email please.
  21. hello, Now, the mailboxes are automaticly added when your character is near, but you can add manually the mailbox like this: After, go to advanced general settings tab mailbox to setting it.
  22. Hello, Disable option "Harvest Herbs" in tab "General Settings".
  23. The name of http://www.wowhead.com/item=93351/potion-of-luck is Potion of Luck. Try this: RunMacroText("/use Potion of Luck")
  24. Version 1


    Loot Statistics This plugin add in your log looted items. How to use: - Move downloaded file to folder "WRobot\Plugins\". - Launch WRobot and go to tab "Plugins". - Activate "Loot Statistics.cs".
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