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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Your character go to melee all the time (even if WRobot start combat)? Do you have try to activate option "use lua to move" in advanced general settings? Can you share your log file, do you have problem with others characters?
  2. Hello, Edit quest profile and replace "quest type" by "InteractWithNpc", add "hotspots" and "target entry" (of npc), in "Macro when interact" put GarrisonCapacitiveDisplayFrame.CreateAllWorkOrdersButton:Click() You need to stop manually bot (otherwise the character will not stop). Sample: GarrisonAlliance.xml
  3. Droidz

    Future of WRobot

    I want remove free products/trial version and remove unlimited subscription for your security. Free products/Trial version add WRobot users, more he has users, more he has risk to attract bliz (it is incorrect for users who pay). Remove unlimited subscription encourages users to use multiple IP (Nightstalker pointed out to me). If you have a report on one account, all accounts that use the same IP will be monitored. It is true that I will lose subscriptions, and it is not benefit for me, but it's better for you.
  4. Droidz

    Future of WRobot

    Hello, Small news about the future of WRobot. It is planned to support Wow private server (version 2.4.3, 3.3.5a, 4.3.4, 5.4.8) (I’ll put low price of subscription, and give free access at the users of WRobot for official server), for the moment I have finished version for 5.4.8, I'll start to work on wow 4.3.4. I’ll remove "unlimited subscription" of WRobot (unlimited WRobot session on the same network (ip)), I’ll replace it by subscription with session limit (I think put 5 session at the same time, but not ip limit) (if you have currently "unlimited subscription" you keep it, to upgrade to session limit you can send me private message). I also thought to rename website (remplace mmorobot by wrobot) and completely remove the trial version (also "WRotation" and "Party" bot) and add a subscription to test WRobot five days for 2.5 €, but it did not sure. I’ll update website in the next weeks (new version is more clean). Next week, I’ll open WRobot beta for Wow PTR server to start to work on profiles/fight classes (Wow 6.2.1, it is “release” build, it should come out soon, fly in draenor is very good new) (released, topic here). The next extension was presented, World of Warcraft Legion, I look forward to learn more and to know the release date. Regards, Droidz. View full article
  5. Droidz

    Future of WRobot

    Hello, Small news about the future of WRobot. It is planned to support Wow private server (version 2.4.3, 3.3.5a, 4.3.4, 5.4.8) (I’ll put low price of subscription, and give free access at the users of WRobot for official server), for the moment I have finished version for 5.4.8, I'll start to work on wow 4.3.4. I’ll remove "unlimited subscription" of WRobot (unlimited WRobot session on the same network (ip)), I’ll replace it by subscription with session limit (I think put 5 session at the same time, but not ip limit) (if you have currently "unlimited subscription" you keep it, to upgrade to session limit you can send me private message). I also thought to rename website (remplace mmorobot by wrobot) and completely remove the trial version (also "WRotation" and "Party" bot) and add a subscription to test WRobot five days for 2.5 €, but it did not sure. I’ll update website in the next weeks (new version is more clean). Next week, I’ll open WRobot beta for Wow PTR server to start to work on profiles/fight classes (Wow 6.2.1, it is “release” build, it should come out soon, fly in draenor is very good new) (released, topic here). The next extension was presented, World of Warcraft Legion, I look forward to learn more and to know the release date. Regards, Droidz.
  6. I have added lua code: if LFDReadyCheckPopup and LFDReadyCheckPopup:IsShown() then LFDReadyCheckPopup.YesButton:Click(); end to click on button "Ready"
  7. If you can try it: ArenaWins V2.cs (tell me if this works, I'll update file in download session)
  8. Hello, Try to: - Right-click on "WRobot\WRobot.exe" and select Properties. - Then click on the Compatibility tab and check the box labelled “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings.” - Restart WRobot.
  9. Wait next update, I have added "Max Stacks Put Up For Sale" (and "Bid Auction Time Left" to avoid to bid if time left is long).
  10. Hello, Try it: using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using Custom_Profile; public class CustomProfile : ICustomProfile { private Form _form; private bool _isStarted; public void Pulse() { _isStarted = true; var t = new Thread(OpenWinform); t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); } public void Dispose() { _isStarted = false; if (_form != null) { // Use BeginInvoke because it not called from winform thread. _form.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(_form.Close)); _form.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(_form.Dispose)); } } void OpenWinform() { _form = new Form(); _form.Controls.Add(new Label { Text = "My window" }); _form.ShowDialog(); } }
  11. Hello, Do you have installed all required softwares: Can you share your log files please:
  12. Hello, Can you try to remove folder "WRobot\Data\Meshes" and restart WRobot.
  13. Hello, "Auction" bot it the only product disabled with trial version. I have disabled it to avoid abuse (and reserve this bot at mmorobot users) (If there are too many uses of this bot it becomes less useful).
  14. Hello, To enable dummies, go to tab "Genetal Settings" > "Enter advanced settings..." > tab "Class / Fight Class" > uncheck "Ignore Training Dummy". ps: If you use WRotation to test your fightclass blacklist is ignored by default.
  15. Hello, Yes, I check if all is good when new patch is released, if he has any problem I stop the login server.
  16. Do you have put your mount name in "General Settings" tab?
  17. Hello, I am not sure to understand what you want. Do you want than WRobot go to vendor/mailbox only every 3 hours (and continue to grind/farming even if bag is full)? Currently, WRobot go to vendor/mailbox every 3 hours (if timer is enabled), and go to vendor/mailbox between if your bags is full, if you need to repair.
  18. Hello, If you can give me please (create new post on the forum)
  19. Hello, The best way is to use "90 character boost" in blizzard store (but it costs expensive). After, with WRobot, use "Quester", if you cannot found quests profiles for your current zone/level, use "Grinder", if you don't found grinder profiles for you current zone/level, use "Automaton".
  20. Hello, I have moved your post to good forum. You can make you own profiles quickly with
  21. Hello, How has said Bugreporter, you try probably to use flying profile without flying mount, to check if you use flying profile you can open profile with notepad, if you have this lines: <Type>Flying</Type> It is flying profile.
  22. Hello, You can found "pick pocket" profile here: To create your path (profile), select product "grinder", in "product settings" click on "create profile", record and save path, select product "custom profile", in "product settings" select profile "Pickpocketing With Grinder profile support.cs", launch bot and select profile created in previous steps.
  23. Hello, All fight classes are here: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/9-fight-classes/ Test several fightclasses to find the best. You can report the problems to the creator, if it is still active it will correct them (or correct the errors yourself).
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