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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Version 1.0


    How to install: Download and move file "AntiAfk.dll" to folder "WRobot\Plugins\". How to use: You need to activate plugin, for this, go to tab "Plugins" > Select "AntiAfk" > Click on on/off button.
  2. Hello, WRobot try to go to vendor or not? If not, activate timer option. For more help if you can send me your log please.
  3. Hello. Can you share your log file of bugged session. For it close wrobot, go to folder "Logs", remove all files, launch bot and wait to get bug, go again to folder "Logs" and send me the file of this folder. Your can attach file in more option reply.
  4. Hello. Can you share your log file of bugged session. For it close wrobot, go to folder "Logs", remove all files, launch bot and wait to get bug, go again to folder "Logs" and send me the file of this folder. Your can attach file in more option reply.
  5. Hello, You can use lua for it: http://www.wowwiki.com/API_UnitBuff and http://www.wowwiki.com/API_UnitDebuff for i=1,40 do local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player",i); if spellId > 0 then print("name="..debuffType) end end
  6. Hello, Can you share your profile and your log file please. Check if your profile contain an mailbox (or add it with profile editor) (ps, you can add mailbox also in NPC DB (tab "tools")) Dont forget to activate option "Use mail" in "advanced general settings". You can try to increment distance of search of mailbox ("General settings" > "advanced..."> tab "others" > "Npc/Mailbox Search Radius")
  7. Hello, Your problem is not normal, do you have this problem with all dig sites? (it is possible to get problems with one or two dig sites, in this case, just desactive dig site in product settings). Do you have an good fps in-game? You have this problem since start or only since last update?
  8. Hello, wManager.Wow.Helpers.Fight.InFight is true when WRobot is in combat (not if player is attacked) To detect if player is attacked you can use it: wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNumberAttackPlayer() > 0 or wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat ps: In the last update I have added new WRotation option to attack all selected targets (without any check) (to avoid this problem).
  9. Ok, Kill command is russian is Команда "Взять!" ? If you enter this in wow chat: /cast Команда "Взять!" the spell is launched? If in the wow chat you enter /run spellname=GetSpellInfo(34026); CastSpellByName(spellname); the spell is launched? Now if you can try to add in your fightclass instead the spell name this code: local spellname=GetSpellInfo(34026); CastSpellByName(spellname); And activate the spell option "Not spell, is lua script".
  10. Hello, I have written an similar custom profile:
  11. Hello, I have replied by private message: ps: You can download previous version here: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/WRobot_1.2.3.zip (please tell me if this works on previous version and not on current version)
  12. Droidz

    mise a jour

    Bonjour, Avez-vous essayé de désactiver votre anti-virus? Vous pouvez télécharger à cette adresse un pack de WRobot pré-installé: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/tmp/WRobotFullPack.zip
  13. Hello, Do you have download WRobot from this page: ? Check if your antivirus don't block download, and try to install last version of winrar/7zip.
  14. I'll write the API documentation but I do not know when.
  15. Hello, Can you send me your log file (you can found it in "Logs" folder).
  16. Ok, if you can try to put (instead spell name) this lua code: RunMacroText('/cast Команда "Взять!"') And activate the spell option "Not spell, is lua script" (don't forget to settings spell range, timer, spell is usable condi and ... manually). If you can tell me if this works.
  17. Hello, Sorry but I haven't write a documentation of WRobot API for the moment. You can found some samples in dev forum and tuto forum. If you have problem don't hesitate to contact me to get helps.
  18. Yes, in dev tools click on dump all, an page is open on your web browser, you can found list of object, find line with the object name and copy "Entry id".
  19. Hello, Thank you zjxlsmr. jason, in tab "Map" click on "More options" and activate/desactivate what you want show/don't show.
  20. What profile do you use? For skip this quests, you can remove this quest of your profile (you can found tool for it in "Product settings" tab).
  21. Droidz

    Dream of Cenarius

    Hello, What is your wow langage? Can you share your fightclass and the log please. Thanks
  22. Hello, It is strange, wrobot seem found and launch spell, You get this problem since when? Can you go to tab "Tools" > "Dev tools" > Copy this text in textbox: print('Команда "Взять!"') And click on button "Lua (return value in 'ret’)". If you can say me if in your wow chat (ingame), the spell name is properly written.
  23. Hello, WRobot 1.2.4 is released, to get this new version accept update request (when you launch WRobot). He has a lot of change (changelog here). If you get bugs do not hesitate to contact me on bug tracker. If this version don't works properly on your computer, you can download previous WRobot version here (1.2.3).
  24. Hello, WRobot 1.2.4 is released, to get this new version accept update request (when you launch WRobot). He has a lot of change (changelog here). If you get bugs do not hesitate to contact me on bug tracker. If this version don't works properly on your computer, you can download previous WRobot version here (1.2.3).
  25. beta is now in normal release
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