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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, It is good idea, I have noted this but I am not sure it is possible to make complete profile (I need to test to know if this can help or not).
  2. Hello, I think that this problem is solved now. If it is not solved go to tab "Tools" > "Black list editor" and select in game a blood worms and click on button "Add current target type to blacklist".
  3. Hello, I have added option pet battle at some bots (grinder, ...) but I'll not add it at quester bot (to avoid compatibility problem with profiles).
  4. Droidz

    Add Button

    Hello, This feature has been added since your post.
  5. Hello, You have already conditions: - TargetTargetingMe, - TargetTargetingMeOrMyPet, - TargetTargetingMyPet, I have added (wait next update): - TargetTargetingPartyMember I have also added in next update the spell option "Cast spell on self".
  6. Droidz

    auto gathering

    Hello, This feature is added (bot "Automaton").
  7. Droidz

    Ignore This mob

    ps: Now in blacklist (in tab "Tools") you can blacklist npc by guid (blacklist npc by npc) or blacklist npc type.
  8. Hello, I haven't accessed at this quest, Try to put 8 at "Objective count 2", if this not works put 8 at "Objective count 3"... If after this not works, put 0 at all "Objective count" and activate settings "Auto detect objective count (1-4)". Tell me if this works, I'll test again tomorrow if I have access at this quest.
  9. Ok, on some computer, Windows/antivirus seem block installation in certain folders.
  10. Hello, Do you have read this post: ? Can you share your log (you can found it in "Logs" folder).
  11. Hello, Can you share your log file please (you can found it in "Logs" folder). Try also to install wrobot in new folder.
  12. Hello, Tame pets is not easy, WRobot is not make for it. I have coded quickly an "Custom profile" to detect NPC by id (this custom profile play an sound and show on map (in wrobot window tab "Map") NPC detected). To add/remove NPCs at detect, edit custom profile with notepad here: // Id of NPCs at detect: private readonly List<int> _detectNpc = new List<int> { 38453, // Arcturis: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=38453 54319, // Magria: http://fr.wowhead.com/npc=54319 }; // Play sound when npc detected: private readonly bool _playSound = true; (for the moment I have put only two pet). To install this custom profile, download Npc detector.zip and extract zip file in folder "WRobot\Profiles\Custom Profile\". ps: I have noted your suggestion to add "tame pet" feature, but I'll don't add it quickly.
  13. Hello, I have fixed the black listed zone (to don't blacklist the path of profile, you can also try to make a path more farther the boat.). wreck of vanguard.xml
  14. ps: More info of how to blacklist certain herbs/Mines:
  15. Hello, To remove useless items you can use wow addon like http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/loot-filter To auto-open or combine items read this: (replace item id ( 90407) by your item id or use your own macro) Tell me if you need more help.
  16. Hello, To resolve this problem you can increment min/max latency. For it: Go to tab "General Settings". Button "Enter advanced settings…". Go to tab "Other options". Edit option "Latency – Min x ms | Max: x ms". (try to use 500 and 800)
  17. Hello, You can use bot "Automaton" (in "Product Settings" activate option "Gather", deactivate "Kill mobs", activate "Use Flying mount" and increment "Max distance form start position"). Or you can use bot gatherer and create an big profile.
  18. Hello, No, sorry, wrobot is only for last wow version.
  19. Hello, I have reply at your privates messages.
  20. Hello, You cannot manage how WRobot use pet abilities, wrobot select automaticly the ability at use. You can blacklist abilities in "Pet battles" "products settings" if you have problem. (or disable abilities usage and use external tools for this) For change pet after first attack you can use this code:
  21. Hello, To don't dismount you can activate option "Ignore Fight if in Ground Mount" in advanced general settings. To don't approach the target you can increment "Range" settings in your fightclass (with "create fightclass" in tab "Tools"). But not way to manage the target from a fightclass.
  22. Hello, I'll add a spell option like "Cast spell on me" For wait you can use this lua code instead the spell name (don't forget to activate a spell settings "Not spell, is lua script"): CastSpellByName("Fear Ward", "player")
  23. Bonjour, Il arrive que wow utilise le nom du sort de base et non le nom du nouveau sort, lancez ce macro dans votre chat wow, il mettra le nom de base et le nom affiché en jeu: /run for i=1,200000 do local f=FindSpellBookSlotBySpellID(i,"spell") if f then local n,id=GetSpellBookItemName(f,"spell"),select(2,GetSpellBookItemInfo(f,"spell")) local s=GetSpellInfo(id) s=n==s and " " or "\124cFF4FF763"..s print(id,n,s) end end (si le problème ne viens pas de la me le dire, vous pouvez aussi regarder dans votre fichier log, tous les sorts trouvés y sont écrit en début de fichier). Pour temporiser vous pouvez utiliser l'option du sort "Timer" (le temps est en millisecondes).
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