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Bug Report Comments posted by Droidz

  1. Hello,

    This error is in "SpellManager.SpellInfoCreateCache(List<uint> listId)" when lua function "GetSpellInfo" don't found result.

    SpellInfoCreateCache(List<uint> listId) is useb by "SpellManager.GetSpellInfo(uint id)"

    SpellManager.GetSpellInfo(uint id) is used by "new Spell(uint spellId)" and "SpellManager.ExistSpellBook(string spellNameInGame)"

  2. When you open editor with Windows shortcut "Fight Class Editor"? If yes it is normal, you need to attach WRobot at Wow to use dev tools (open WRobot normally and open fightclass editor in WRoobot tab "tools")

  3. new version use debugging by default to hook wow (with hardware breakpoint). When WRobot closing he remove all breakpoint (but he cannot do it when you kill process), he shoulds do it when relogger close bot (I need to check why relogger don't close correctly WRobot).

    If your server don't detect directx hook you can in relogger general settings use wrobot arg:



  4. 7 hours ago, nickname said:

    @Droidz version 2.3.3 (32199), because newest versions are crashing wow window with 132 error when the wrobot.exe closes (at the moment when the relogger changes one 'Run' to another)

    I changed it in last update

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