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Everything posted by Pepa

  1. Version 1.0.1


    Elemental shaman PVE solo profile modified oon base from my experiences . Disabled Call of the elements bc my experience is better with summon totems by one by one to get agrro and shiend from glyph of stoneclaw totem and AOE grind . You can edit it for chosse fire totems ( magma or searing)
    Hello , I suspect that the unique spell Spellcast Omni for personal ingame settings (transmog, arena replayer , and more) on the wow circle server. It causes the bot and the game to crash, when I see in the log that it is starting to check my spell. last line before crash. https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/spell=38057/spellcast-omni 13:39:47 - [Wholesome Inventory Manager]: Your version is up to date (3.0.8642.38336 / 3.0.8642.38336) 13:39:47 - [Wholesome Inventory Manager]: Launching version 3.0.8642.38336 on client WOTLK [D] 13:39:48 - [Spell] Dual Wield (Id found: 42459, Name found: Dual Wield, NameInGame found: Dual Wield, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False)
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Irons , Gold, truesilvers, some Mithril . You should disable bloodstones n your advanced settings
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Greater Sagefish Alterac Mountain , near Dalaran Crater and Undercity - Low population and a lot of fishes here for cooking
  4. Version 1.0.0


    The Deviate Fishes in the Barens
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Herbalism route from Gatherer and Routes Addon Do not run REVERSE! or you will be stuck under hills . Or use Plug in SmoothMove.dll for recalculate route around the hills Patch aligements set to 10 smoothnes to 2.6 Disable keyboard controls and Straffe Character level 20+ (mount a´g group of mobs) Mount setting ranges and maybe other ranges in the bot´s advaced setting you must have multiplied by Patch aligements sttings (here 10x) !
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Crated from the Gatherer database and Route Addon . Sugested lvl 40+ ideal for Paladins mount speed (very long way and group of mobs can)
  7. Version 1.3


    This route has been generated from the Route addon with Gatherer database. Suggestet character level is = > 20 with mount bc pack of mobs sometime. If you get stuck , modify your smooth settings , or little change change the path way . Trigger it to make your character go around the map counter-clockwise
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