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  1. LOL totaly forgot about wrobot :D Aaah the nostalgia of playing WoW
  2. Use this(or check my profile): for i=1,40 do local _, _, _, count, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellId = UnitBuff("player",i); if (spellId==53817 and count>4) then retV="1" break else retV="0" end end return value research=1 return value var retV
  3. Yeah will do, I use this one mostly for raids/dungeons so I manage Ascendance by hand.
  4. All feedback is welcome, I'm back to wow from vanila like month or so. Won't be perfect profile yet i guess =)
  5. Version 0.1


    Hello all, my first class Maintain these buffs at all times.Lightning Shield DPS Priority: Execute this priority for optimal DPS. Searing Totem is maintained at all times. Lightning Bolt with 5 Maelstrom Weapon. Stormstrike / Windstrike on cooldown. Lava Lash on cooldown. Flame Shock refresh DoT when Unleash Flame is up. Unleash Elements on cooldown. Frost Shock on cooldown. Lightning Bolt as a filler spell with 1+ Maelstrom Weapon.
  6. Yeah I've found this in wow api when I was planning to make 'database' of all debuffs :p Guess I'll be using parts of lua, thanks!
  7. You can write a custom profile for it in c# with a delay or not sure if it is possible with regular profile xml
  8. That would be AWSOME! =)
  9. You can probaly use windows task manager and schedule it there with some optional parameters. I'm not sure, currently at work, gonna try out tonight. Edit: in wrobot folder you have a quicklaunch shortcut with following command: AutoAttachAndLog=true So there might be other command options like to alutologin/start botting then you can just schedule it in tak scheduler:
  10. Afaik you should use Schedule product and then config it something like this:
  11. Heyya anyone knows if there is a method that can retrieve player debuff type. Basicly instead of : player.HaveBuff("SomeHarmFulDebuff") I can retrieve collection of partymember debuffs. Then iterate the collection and see if debuff type is magic/poison/curse and dispell it with some spell like "Natures's Cure" Else I'll have to use a list of all harmfull spells(gonna be a long one i guess...)
  12. Ah ok, and would it be possible to gen something with like http://www.doxygen.org/ ? ofcouse if you are willing to and have time :)
  13. Hello, Recently joined. Tried to look first for some documentation about api/library but haven't found any(I might be blind :) ) So the question is, is there any? like description of all member in for example wManager class or robotManager...
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