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  1. Issues. Dude doesnt run out of the dungeon every time. How do i fix that..
  2. Having mad issues. He ends up flying around in circles?
  3. Yo dynasty you still want rylak eģgs?
  4. Okay so in the profile creator there are two buttons Add this mob And Add this mob type
  5. Its up in profiles under grinder. Its a couple of days of botting though plenty of primal spirits
  6. This is awesome dude
  7. Having an issue where the bot just crashes in the same spot every time.
  8. Can you catch any of ohrens? I fkund that you need to look into them under class specifics. You can make the rotation exactly how you play. I would make you one but i have no idea on how to boomkin. Unless you can write down exactly whaf you use and at what point.
  9. Make the profile as a gathering profile. Set the deviation to 0. Profit? Only thing is will this work and can you also allow it to run out and reset the instance?
  10. Version .xml


    Gorian artifact grind off the zebras and shit around there... little tip. make sure the initiation is ranged. go into your fight class and prioritize your ranged spell if you are melee. ahh its quiet efficient thats all i really have to say about it.. just be careful due to nagrand being a busy area. cheers
  11. sorted dont worry. LAUGHING SKULL REP GRIND IS UP
  12. Version xml


    Laughing skull rep grind through everbloom wilds. It is not a fast way to grind rep although with the laughing skull what is really? Does not have a vendor route so if you are too poor to buy a tundra mount too bad? jks but seriously get that thing saves you so much time on your botting.!!!! also came across the apexis crystals that drop any issues let me know.. i generally start it in the wilds anyway so that may need a mention.
  13. ahhh... little help anyone? it says i cannot upload files???
  14. I have a gorgrond artifact grinder. And a couple of lvling s but as for fishing i find that if you have a lvl 3 shack just use what ever bait you want to catch with and dont actually set a certain profile. Ill have a laughing skull rep farm aswell soon enough. Its all coming together nicely i just dont want release anything that is rubbish.
  15. Okay i have been a member of wrobot for a little while now and i have seen some amazing profiles that work like a dream. My goal at the moment is to start the reboot on the profile side of wod. feel free to drop in a couple of ideas for some profiles. I do have a couple i will be releasing in the next week.. they just need a fine tuning.
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