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Everything posted by bonanza1

  1. is it possible to choose a specific set of gear/weapon to equip? like plate armor and 2h weapons instead of it picking random gear with better stats?
  2. is there any workaround? or like an addon to fix it? since im playing on wotlk i cant remove those two from random bg que...
  3. Hey, is there any way to make the bot use the portals in isle of conquest and strands of the ancients? currently the bot keeps running in the door and closes the game after 29 "blocks"
  4. im not familiar to any of the visual studio programs, but i think its time to start learning it :P ill give it a try and in meanwhile is there a premade healing priest profile made with the C# i could look at?
  5. it still gets stuck on the last targeted group member, although it will change to other group members when they have lower hp... but never the healer character itself. It will heal the group but then when all have full hp, it will target the group leader and when the healer need to heal it self it wont change target but it will heal since its in the condition to heal it self when low health. but when i untarget on the healer it starts healing without targeting itself... so i tried turning off "auto self cast" ingame thinking it will help, but still it doesnt target it self.
  6. i have tried to fix the healing problem, but when i activate the "healer" mode it target the other group member and heals, even if the healer have low hp, it doesnt change targets. How do i fix that ?
  7. i have the same problem and i cant make it work :P i get this in the log when i start the bot "Spell(string spellName): spellName=RunMacroText ("/dismount") => Failed", what am i doing wrong ?
  8. Hey, im having the same problem with the bot not healing itself... and i noticed that aslong as its targeting the group leader it does not change the target to heal itself it will lock on the other target and spam heals even though that target is at full health... could you take a look at this simple profile and just tell me what im doing wrong ? :P its a very simple one with only the main healing spells for disc priest. PS. the dismounting is not working either, if you could take a look at that too it would be awesome :D discheal.xml
  9. i cant get the healer to dismount so he can heal :P ive tried RunMacroText("/dismount") with the conditions "me in combat" true and false, none of them work... also spell settings cast in combat and cast while mounted, any suggestions ?
  10. ohh i found out that the healer function is not the problem but my poorly made profile... i will try to make a new one, but any suggestions on some important settings for the party heal would be awesome :P
  11. Hey, im having trouble with the party function. I am using a disc priest as healer but i cant get it to work properly, as it dont know what to priority between healing and dpsing so it gets stuck switching targets... That case is when i have the "healer" function turned off. And when its on, it doesnt seem to do anything... what do i need to do ? in the fight class ive used the "for friends (party)" PS. other profiles (combat profiles) are working perfectly in party mode, im only having trouble with the healer function.
  12. Hey, this is my first post here and i was wondering about how to avoid mounting at every node even though the next node is just next to the one i just gathered or atleast in a walking dinstance. Even dismounting while gathering if that is possible. Im starting to learn to create profiles and fighting classes, but i keep getting stuck on stuff like this (mounting problem). Is there any way to fix that or is it built in the bot ?
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