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Everything posted by zadman

  1. Hi, Im trying to early refresh Slice and Dice, using this condition. However it seems that SmallerOrEqual is broken only Bigger or BiggerOrEqual work I tried many times and it seems that it simply does not working e.g. this should always be true but it does not run If I switch that to BiggerOrEqual and Number to 0 it works. <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>BuffTimeLeft</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBuffStack"> <Number>10000</Number> <Type>SmallerOrEqual</Type> <Name>Slice and Dice</Name> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions>
  2. Ok, so I figured it out. It was fun. Nearest unit was Meatgut. However the zone was blacklisted and some function was returning false. Altought Meatgut was not blacklisted, the zone where he is was blacklisted so that condition failed. I cleared the blacklist zones and it works again.
  3. Hi I was trying the meatgut profile in my pc (used to work on my laptop) However it seems that this instruction: GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(2938.628f, 4863.047f, 128.2746f), 82727); Is not properly working. My character moves towrds the npc but then just stands there. It seems that the IntecractWithNpc part is not working. Anyway to fix this? I'm a programmer myself and I have tried a few thing but none seem to work. (i.e. adding thread sleep, trying with other npcs) Weird thing is that on my other machine it works, could it be a wow setting? Thank you, --Victor
  4. Hi, The bot won't turn in the bones, just stands next to Meatgut. Weird thig is this only happens on my desktop, when I tried it on my laptop while I was on vacation it worked fine. Any help?
  5. You can activate debug mode and look at the log to see which condition is failing. I have used this to troubleshoot some issues I was having with my rotation.
  6. This is not working for me. I get this in debug mode [D] 18:37:57 - Stealth (Stealth. If hostile 30 Yards away. only pvp or solo) - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 18:37:57 - Stealth (Stealth. If hostile 30 Yards away. only pvp or solo) - NeedToRun time to execute: 0 [D] 18:37:58 - Stealth (Stealth. If hostile 30 Yards away. only pvp or solo) - NeedToRun = false - condition [D] 18:37:58 - Stealth (Stealth. If hostile 30 Yards away. only pvp or solo) - NeedToRun ....
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