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  1. Struggling to find where it will allow to auto equip better gear... any help would be appreciated. :-) and if not, how to make something like AutoEquip2 work with wrobot? Thanks!
  2. Since Droidz did such a fabulous job in helping me put together a healing profile that would heal my bodyguard (/focus), I was wondering if anyone knew a way to select from a list of "possible" targets and set the one it found to the focus? Here is what I am striving for: if exists (Aeda Brightdawn, Defender Illona, Delvar Ironfist, Leorajh, Talonpriest Ishaal, Tormmok, Vivianne) Set Focus then /targetlasttarget As I do not know programming, I thought I would post my thought here and see if anyone knows a way to do this? Thanks!
  3. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This worked great. I modified it to put "Focus" instead of the follower's name. that way I can use any of them and just set them to "focus". Droidz, you are a rockstar!!!! I attached my current working fight class (Holy Priest) Dan Heal Focus.xml
  4. Thank you for deciphering my sleepless rambling! As I look back at what I wrote, there are all kinds of issues with what I was putting in. I'll try it tonight and let you know how it turns out. :-) Thanks!
  5. Ok, trying to do this through the lua (me=newbie in writing lua) ... *********************************** <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>-- Focus Binding Heal</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>LuaScript</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua"> <LuaScript>if (UnitHealth("Focus") / UnitHealthMax("Focus") * 100).."%" < .90 then CastSpellByName("Binding Heal"[, "Focus"]) end</LuaScript> <VarRet>retV</VarRet> <ValueRet>0</ValueRet> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <Priority>31</Priority> <CombatOnly>false</CombatOnly> <NotSpellIsLuaScript>true</NotSpellIsLuaScript> <TargetFriends>true</TargetFriends> </FightClassSpell> ********************************************** Any help on what I am missing? I am trying to cast binding heal on my bodyguard (after he is set to focus) when he drops below 90% health. Thanks for any assistance!
  6. Thanks. I am not that good at lua yet, but I'll try that option. :-) Currently I have this running: ***************************** <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>RunMacroText("/Use [@focus,exists,nodead][]Renew")</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>MeInCombat</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBool"> <Value>true</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <Priority>30</Priority> <Timer>16000</Timer> <NotSpellIsLuaScript>true</NotSpellIsLuaScript> <CanMoveDuringCast>Yes</CanMoveDuringCast> </FightClassSpell> ***************************** With the same kind of macro going for Prayer of Mending and Power Word: Shield. PS - I am loving the bot and have most of my fight classes and grinding profiles set. I really appreciate the great tool and all the information in here to get it all set. You guys are awesome!
  7. I have, but is does not seem to make a difference. I'll keep working on it. For now, I just have a couple macros to toss a heal every so many seconds.
  8. Now that you mention it, I had the same issue in the beginning and I gave deleted Arcane Brilliance from the list until I reached the level I could add it back. For some reason it was detecting that the spell was usable.
  9. Here is the one I use for leveling. Hope this helps! Dan Frostmage.xml
  10. I am looking for a little help. I have a Holy priest and use a bodyguard (follower) for grinding. I would like to setup a fightclass that allows me to target and heal my bodyguard so it doesn't die on the elite mobs in Negrand. Has anyone accomplished this yet? Thanks for any suggestions!
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