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  1. True this. The Gatherprofile is flying... So well I'm gonna make a custom one and try that instead. Thank you for your help!
  2. Good shot - he tries to walk into the air xD I also tried quester profile 1-5 human and it did not work correctly. Since I have no gametime atm I am bound to "test" all low level profiles :S
  3. So I skipped your first suggestion and just reinstalled wrobot but the problem kinda persists. I cleared the wow cache, reinstalled wrobot, started, set fight-class and gather profile, bot gathered 3 herbs, then wanted several times to run into a tree. Stopped bot, walked a bit, restarted bot and now my toon stays at the same position. Are there any issues with path-finding currently?
  4. Hey Folks, I haven't been in here for a while, also haven't used the bot for a while. Yesterday I updated everything, created a new character and wanted to use the Alliance\Mix\[1-75] ElwynForest [No City].xml after reaching lvl 5. Well the bot started, moved out of SW to EF, gathered 3 herbs and then the bot stopped after "25 interrupts". So I restarted the bot, started same profile and nothing happens. I already downloaded all meshes via the development console, but that did not help either. As I am not a real new user I am questioning myself if maybe just the profiles are outdated or have I overseen something? Any help on this very appreciated. Log is attached. 7 Jan 2017 12H45.log.html
  5. Yes please more spells ... oh this comment lifetime xD
  6. somehow the fury wariour is not working for me o:
  7. Version 0.1.0


    Hey Folks I've just completed my first gatherprofile for gathering Fel Scales in the Outlands. Just need to get there - Enjoy!
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