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Everything posted by Seumas

  1. You can't, but it makes it look more realistic as everyone has a crush on there space button :)
  2. Seumas

    Remove Chat box

    It's not being used for what it was meant for it's a hell of alot easier to track if people where creating forum posts for support
  3. You can add this to ur blacklist for mobs
  4. Could you give me the exact location of where you seem to be running into them use cords.
  5. Worth every penny I do a monthly sub so it's more like donating instead of getting the life time!
  6. I'm willing to band together with a team to create a quest profile but I don't think there is any team doing it :(
  7. 0.7 Supports Mailbox make sure you have set everything up correctly in advance settings / mailbox
  8. This is a very very stupid idea hence why it hasn't been made. You are interacting with players to much to bot. Just use the party mode if need be.
  9. PM Droidz he can do this for you. He can be found here >>> http://wrobot.eu/user/1-droidz/ <<<
  10. Cmon Driodz! Get the complete list of dig sites done already! :L
  11. Sue's Ore Gatherer 0.7 offers mailbox support for both Alliance and Horde but covers all of MOP.
  12. Try black listening the cave entrance, and make sure you have always use flying mount enabled. I hope we get cave support soon! Best place to find ore.
  13. Go to general settings click advance settings. go to wowhead.com search the item that the bot farms and copy the id in the url for example. If I didn't want to farm ghost iron ore the id would be 72092 as it's the end of the url below. http://www.wowhead.com/item=72092 Now add that code to the "DO NOT HARVEST" tab in advance settings. As for the combat bug problem isn't away around it at the moment just blacklist the area.
  14. Version 0.1


    Welcome to Sue's Herb Gatherer This profile will cycle all through Pandaria. Supports mailbox for both Horde and Alliance. I don't actually have a herbing character, this profile is based of research. So please submit all blacklists or PM the profile and i'll add them to future releases. I hope you enjoy and continue to use all my profiles.
  15. Coul;d you make it sync with MRrobot?
  16. First download a Fight Class for your character Next check the settings so tweak what is needed e.g tick use ground mount and other important options. Try the BG profile now.... If it still doesn't work paste a log here and I can see what the actual problem is.
  17. All my profiles farm over 100 an hour, but then again i'm on silvermoon
  18. Same seems very easy to do questing profiles but very time consuming and with my work hours I hardly get time to play WoW! :(
  19. Seumas

    Combat Bug

    Everyone hates the combat bug! Is there a way where you can make the bot run away in combat when nothing is attacking it. Or find a way to get out of the combat bug
  20. Please try new version and see if any improvement.
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