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Everything posted by iMod

  1. Ich löse das Ganze in dem ich den Tank im Focus habe. Das ganze koennte dann in C# so aussehen: // Get focus object WoWUnit focusTarget = ObjectManager.Me.FocusObj; if (focusTarget != null) { // Do Something } Bei dem XML Editor habe ich leider keine Ahnung aber da gibt es bestimmt auch etwas was den Focus benutzt.
  2. First tipp: Create a simple xml routine with one spell and the conditions you need and check the generated C# code. If you want to check items use: ItemsManager.GetItemCountById(1234) > 0 For your pet attack you could use lua: Lua.LuaDoString("PetAttack();"); You can check the target of the mob: WoWUnit target = ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject if (target.TargetObject != ObjectManager.Pet) { // Do something } If you want to check the debuff's at your target: Spell debuff = new Spell("DebuffName"); bool hasDebuff = ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject.HaveBuff(debuff.Ids); All that stuff is not tested but i hope it will help you out. Greez iMod
  3. there is no key under http://wrobot.eu/clients/purchases/ ?
  4. Sadly there is no API available and wont be. You need to discover the libs and try and error or take a look at existing projects. Yes you can create the most stuff with the xml editors but you will be limited to the existing functions. For real profiles you need to create them in C# You can find some examples at the tutorial or dev forum. Also the community is kinda helpfull if you have questions about the API.
  5. Hello, all the bots i know are selling their software and nothing more. Quests and stuff like that was allways a part of the community. Since this one here is not that big, there are not that many profiles.
  6. Informationen sind alles z.B Patch wäre sicherlich auch eine interessante Information damit dir Leute helfen koennen.
  7. iMod


    Also was ich auf den ersten blick sehe bei den SpellSettings: 1. For friends = true 2. Cast on = target (bin ich mir nicht sicher) 3. Combat only = false Dann die conditionen: Rage? hat ein Schami sowas in irgendeinem Patch? Wenn nein dann rauslöschen, du meintest bestimmt Range. Target Targeting Party member? Wieso muss das Mob den toten anvisieren? Denke dort ist auch ein Denkfehler unterlaufen. Im grunde brauchst du nur prüfen ob dein Ziel tot ist, was du ja mit dem Health = 0 schon tust. Ich hoffe das hat geholfen bin selber kaum unterwegs in dem Editor, sondern mehr in C# Klassen
  8. Face target: // Face target if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsFacing(target.Position)) { MovementManager.Face(target); } Target with Z position: Vector3 testTarget = ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject.Position; testTarget.Z = testTarget.Z + 10; !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(testTarget) About the API: Short answer... there is no documentation and i think there will be no one, you need to check the libs and try and error. A big issue if you ask me. The last question i don't understand, i don't know the condition "counter spell", sorry for that. if you want to interrupt a spell this could be an example for it: WoWUnit target = ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject; Spell interruptSpell = new Spell("SpellName"); Spell targetSpell = target?.CastingSpell; // Validate target and spell if(ObjectManager.Me.HasTarget && target.IsCast && target?.CastingSpell.Name == "SpellName") { // Interrup if specified time is left and interrupt spell is ready if(target.CastingTimeLeft <= (targetSpell.CastTime - 2) && interruptSpell.IsSpellUsable) { // Interrupt interruptSpell.Launch(); } } Never tested, written right out of the mind. I would recommend to change the CastingSpell.Name to ingame name or ID. Hope i could help you out a bit.
  9. iMod

    profile bearbeiten

    Es gibt genau zwei mir bekannte Möglichkeiten. 1. Den WRobot Quest Converter benutzen (Muss trotzdem händisch korrigiert werden) 2. Sich anschauen wie die Syntex bei WRobot aussieht (Existierende Profile anschauen) und es per Hand anpassen.
  10. iMod


    Ein paar mehr Informationen wären hilfreich ;) Was genau geht nicht und womit und wobei geht es nicht?
  11. Has nothing todo with the game it self. You need .net framework 4.6 i think. If you don't want to install it you can replace the line with // Cast on target Lua.LuaDoString(String.Format("CastSpellByID({0}, \"{0}\")", spell.Id, target.Name));
  12. Hello, // Get target WoWUnit target = .... // Get Spell Spell spell = new Spell("SpellName"); // Cast on target Lua.LuaDoString($"CastSpellByID({spell.Id}, \"{target.Name}\")"); Hope that helps.
  13. Well first you should provide us a log file that could be found in the Logs folder, also some more informations would be nice like version of the bot, game, window ect. What kind of button do you mean? Did you select a product before pressing some buttons? I don't know what kind of answer you expect with that kind of information ;)
  14. You need to talk with @Droidz about it, If you want custom profiles you need to open a thread at the black market.
  15. For sure you paid for the bot not for profiles. Profiles are coming from the community and since this one here is kinda small and it is kinda time consuming to create profiles there are just a few or paid one.
  16. No not all the time but from time to time until the next level is done. I don't think so, there just a few people who creating profiles as far i know.
  17. Check the profile and make sure it is a 100% quest profile. The most people here are using quest + grinder.
  18. So for private server it does not work, like WOTLK?
  19. Sure just get the mob object ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject.Name == "PizzaMob" if i'm not wrong OR ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject.Id == 1001 Not tested.
  20. You also could use this code: // Wait while (MovementManager.InMovement && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(position) > 1) { // Wait follow path Thread.Sleep(100); } // Still moving? if (MovementManager.InMovement) { // Stop MovementManager.StopMove(); } Edit: Oh nvm the problem is that you are using an event. You could also could check if you are still at the right position with: // Do we need to move? if(ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(position) > 1) { // Move }
  21. // Position we want to move to Vector3 position = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); // Move to the given position MovementManager.Go(PathFinder.FindPath(position), false); // Wait while (MovementManager.InMovement && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(new Spell("NameOfTheSpell").Ids) { // Wait follow path Thread.Sleep(100); } This is an example for the movement to a specified position. Hope it helps. Edit: Aw droidz was faster :D
  22. Ah okay, you can add it in any profile / plugin you want. You just need to add C# conditions.
  23. Sure just use the condition if you are in fight or not pseudo code: while not in combat ... if in combat move to xyz If you want more informations please explain us what botbase you want to use. Edit: If you just want ignore mobs if your are at a mount while moving to a place, take a look at this post. Ignore fighting if in ground mount is the option you'r looking for.
  24. There is no trail version for the live server as far i know. If you really can't spent the money for the 3 day lisence you need to ask @Droidz
  25. I wish you a happy new year, too. Yes i had some time and started to write a new product that should do what you need, but i had no time to test it yet. I think it will be done in around a week. I'll message you as soon it is done. greez iMod
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