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Everything posted by iMod

  1. iMod

    Bot Sicher?

    Die sind automatisch. Wenn du auf nummer sicher gehen willst, einfach ab und zu mal im Forum in den Ban Thread schauen.
  2. iMod

    Bot Sicher?

    Also Blizzard versucht natuerlich den Bot zu finden aber dieser hat Funktionen das zu verhindern. Meiner Erfahrung nach ist bei dem bot, wie oben schon gesagt, die Gefahr seitens Spieler wesentlich größer als von Blizzard. Bei einem Spieler Report schauen sich die GM's dein Spielverhalten genauer an und entscheiden dann ob du bottest oder eben nicht.
  3. iMod

    Bot Sicher?

    Ein Botter wird meistens einen anderen Botter erkennen, so meine Erfahrung. Dein größter Feind sind in dem Fall keine Mechanismen, sondern Spieler.
  4. iMod


    Short, no its only for windows.
  5. Well i will answer my self. Restart the game and the bot and you should be fine. Thanks goes to betterSister for the tipp.
  6. Here is the log The spell id is correct so why known = false?
  7. I also have problems with a debuff as DK Example: i'm trying to use icy touch only if the debuff "Frost Fever" does not exists. public Spell FrostFever = new Spell("Frost Fever"); if(!this._target.HaveBuff(this.FrostFever.Id)) { // Use spell } This does not work for me. If i replace the "this.FrostFever.Id" with the string "HaveBuff("Frost Fever")" it works. This is the function i wrote for my spells but it wont work if the framework dont detect the debuff with id private void UseSpell(Spell spell, bool canMove, List<uint> dependencies) { // Set current target this._target = ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject; // Valid? if (this._target.IsValid && spell.KnownSpell && spell.IsSpellUsable && spell.IsDistanceGood && !this._target.HaveBuff(dependencies)) { // Cast spell spell.Launch(canMove, true); } }
  8. Take a look in the plugin section there should be a plugin to clean your memory. Maybe it helps
  9. It also seems that the settings don't save if you are using the same value as the default Example: [Setting] [DefaultValue(80)] [Category("HealSettings")] [DisplayName("Rejuvenation")] [Description("Player health procent")] public int RejuvenationProcent { get; set; } If i load the setting the first time the value is 0 and if i try to save the same value (80) it wont work but 81 or 79 is working.
  10. Hm you could try to write a wrapper / loader where you can load the HB classes
  11. As far i remember lazy raider was a bot base and WRotation should be equals to it
  12. // Get player around us List<WoWPlayer> randomPlayer = new List<WoWPlayer>(); // Get specified player ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWPlayer(randomPlayer); this code returns randomPlayer.Count == 0 even if there are player around me Interact.InteractGameObject(ObjectManager.ObjectList.Single(o => o.Name == "CharName" && o.Type == WoWObjectType.Player).GetBaseAddress, false); this code should target the player with the name "CharName" but in my test it doesnt target anything. It seems that i'm doing something generally wrong. Hopefully someone can give me a hint.
  13. var tank = getTanks(); WoWUnit target = ; Interact.InteractGameObject(target.GetBaseAddress); _wrath.Launch(); Thats why i said don't use var ^_- // Get all available tanks List<WoWPlayer> tankList = getTanks(); // Get the first tank in the list WoWPlayer tank = tankList.First(); // Get the target of the tank WoWUnit target = tank.TargetObject; // Focus at target Interact.InteractGameObject(target.GetBaseAddress, true); // Use the skill _wrath.Launch(); It is way essiert to read ^_-
  14. // Get tank WoWPlayer tank = // Get target WoWUnit target = tank.TargetObject; // Select target Interact.InteractGameObject(target.GetBaseAddress); // Do Spell This is a quick and dirty example. Hope it helps.
  15. Well i had no issues with it for one hour.
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