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Posts posted by iMod

  1. 2 hours ago, Amazing Snake said:

    I know. The CC Creator detect the Spells but they dont get used in the Combat rotation.


              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">
          <SpellName>Mangle (Cat)</SpellName>


    Well i would remove the conditions to make sure the skill is be used and if yes something with the conditions is strange.

  2. Hello,

    I'm looking for some ideas how you would create or what you expect from a heal engine.

    We got a list with player objects that will be updated async so we allways have an updated list of party or raid member.
    Now it comes to the point we have to priorize the ppl. What would you expect from it?
    I never wrote such stuff so it would be helpfull if someone could explain what and why he would add some functions. Also samples are welcome if you know a existing heal engine.

    Thanks iMod

  3. 1 hour ago, joecon509 said:

    Playing on hellground! Using winebottler to launch windows client. wow works fine, bot doesnt :( downloaded all programs to use. cant open update.exe or any other program within the file

    Check if winbottler is supporting .NET Framework 4.5 if not you are lost.

  4. 5 hours ago, tonycali said:

    Does WRobot work with Windows XP?  i see you need Framework 4.6 for Wrobot to run which only works with Windows 7 / Windows Vista and up.  And Windows XP only goes to Framework 4.   So can the bot work with Windows XP or no?.

    I'm running the 2.4.3 TBC Bot atm.

    You answerd your question by your self it think ;) if it needs framework 4.6 no.

  5. 1 hour ago, mercomy said:

    Hello! I need your help

    I need Fiile with fight class for Priest WoD 

    I need skills :




    And Hill spell 



    I am writing this route for pumping up to level 15 , and becouse i need to use this skills/

    Sorry for my english

    Thank you!

    Have fun.

  6. 2 hours ago, camelot10 said:

    according to http://www.wowhead.com/spell=230877/correct-barrel-selected

    my suggestion about spell casted when interact with unit is correct

    im pretty sure Droidz can impelent it, he seems busy atm

    Well may i'm too stupid but could you please describe what you exacly want to do with interactSpell? If you are looking for the mob who is casting 230877 CastingSpellID is the right property but it seems its not the thing you are looking for.


    var barrel = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().FirstOrDefault(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == 115947 && u.CastingSpellId == 230877);
    There is no need for the where if you are just looking for one.

  7. 46 minutes ago, camelot10 said:

    i dont know, 

    tryed to decompile HB, but its obsfucated or my knowlegde too low.

    i thinks its a spelleffect used when you interact with unit.

    didnt found anything similar in wrobot WoWUnit, tryed everything whats return int/uint

    need Droidz help, last time im encountered something like that - was AreaTrigger implemented in HB, and Droidz added support to wrobot

    Well if you don't know what it does i think no one can help you not even droidz.

  8. 21 hours ago, camelot10 said:

    nope. its not working. summoning Driodz


    i need to convert C# from HB

    public WoWUnit Barrel => ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().FirstOrDefault(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == 115947 && u.InteractSpellId == 230877);

    to wrobot

    var barrel = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(u => u.IsValid && u.Entry == 115947 && u.CastingSpellId == 230877).FirstOrDefault();

    this is not working. need more info

    So what kind of informations does InteractSpellId contains? Is it the id of the currently casting spell?

  9. Irgendwo fliegt ein plugin rum und zur not kann man das hb plugin umschreiben damit es fuer wrobot funktioniert. Ich bin mit nicht ganz sicher was der relogger alles kann, da müsstest du dich noch mal schlau machen.
    Ließ dir aber bitte vorher alles genau durch, weil das läuft hier alles ein wenig anders als bei hb.

  10. On 26.2.2017 at 3:11 PM, kortav said:


    ich habe das selbe Problem, hab mir zwar die version WRobot_7.0.3_22522 geladen aber bekomme die selbe meldung (Game Version incorrect)  im Fenster unten steht immer WRobot Version 1.6.0 (34444) for wow 7.0.3 (~22248).

    Ich bräuchte die Version 7.0.3 (~22522) falls mir da einer helfen kann, wär ich dankbar.


    Wenn du die nicht in dem von droidz angegebenen bereich findest, wird sie nicht supported. Was du nun tun kannst ist ihn darum bitten die version zu veröffentlichen.

  11. Der Bot ist super fuer Leute die die Zeit haben sich mit dem Bot auseinander zu setzen und eigene Profile schreiben wollen etc. Ein Krampf fuer Leute die kein Geld investieren wollen und keine Zeit oder Lust haben etwas selber zu machen. Support gibt es auch eigentlich immer bei Fragen, allerdings nur wenn man auch sieht das der User sich auch Gedanken macht und nicht einfach nur etwas haben möchte.

    Man kann alles realisieren aber man muss sich halt damit beschäftigen.
    Über Bans müssen wir denke ich nicht reden, da gibt es genug Einträge im Forum drüber.

    Solltest du konkrete Fragen haben, dann solltest du deine Fragestellung überdenken.

    Greez iMod

  12. 9 hours ago, Coolabah said:

    i think this is a good idea to bring more botters into world of warcraft and make more sales by giving people a once off trial  for couple days 

    No one wants more botters in wow. More botter = more attention = more bans. This is a small community and the most of them i think, including me, really like it as it is.

  13. You need to write a plugin for it. There is still one that reacts at chat messages, you could take a look at it.
    It should be not that complicated.
    1. Trade can be detected by event + name filter
    2. A text parser(Regex) should do the rest

    Here is a sample how i did it in one of my projects.

            public void Pulse(WaitChatCommand task)
                // Log
                Log.WriteDebug($"Waiting for chat command \"{task.ChatCommand}\" from {task.UserName}.");
                // Create channel
                Channel chat = new Channel();
                // Proceed until we have a match
                bool match = false;
                while (!match)
                        // Read chat
                        while (chat.ActuelRead != Channel.GetMsgActuelInWow && Products.IsStarted)
                            // Get message
                            Channel.Message message = chat.ReadMsg();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.Msg)
                                && message.Channel == task.ChatType
                                && message.UserName == task.UserName
                                // Is a known command?
                                if (message.Msg == task.ChatCommand)
                                    // Set
                                    match = true;
                            // Wait
                    catch (Exception e)
                        // Log
                        Logging.WriteError("[DungeonRobotActionCommand]: " + e);

    I also took the existing one from @Droidz as sample.

    About the invite.

            public void Pulse(InviteToParty task)
                // Still in the party?
                if (Party.GetParty().Any(p => p.Name == task.UserName))
                    // Log
                    Log.WriteDebug($"Skip invite player, because {task.UserName} is in the party.");
                if ((Party.IsInGroup() && Party.CurrentPlayerIsLeader()) || !Party.IsInGroup())
                    // Log
                    Log.WriteDebug($"Invite {task.UserName} into the party.");
                    // Invite player
                    // Log
                    Log.WriteDebug($"Skip invite player, because we are not the leader.");
                // Log
                Log.WriteDebug($"Wait until {task.UserName} is in the party.");
                // Wait until the player is in the party
                while (!Party.GetParty().Any(p => p.Name == task.UserName))
                    // Wait
                    // Invite player

    There is some more stuff in it that you don't need but its just an example and I was to lazy and just copied some of my code :ph34r:
    Hope that helps a bit.

  14. 22 minutes ago, gamerhead said:

    Hello, are there any fight classes for Fire or Affliction that are high performance for raiding?  I was trying to make my own before i got banned(from HB).  Now that my account is about to come back to life need something to use.

    Take a look into the download section and you should be able to answer qour question by your self :) if you are looking for high performance fight classes you need to create one in c#.

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