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Posts posted by iMod

  1. 35 minutes ago, vegeta87 said:

    Just bought the  Priovate version of the  bot,  was wondering how do I get out of Trial mode,  and also  can anyone point me to a  Mage Profile ?  free or paid ?

    Get your serial from "My Purchases" and start the bot.
    Remove the TRAIL and enter your serial and press the "+"

    Profile can be found in the download section.

    Happy botting.

  2. 4 hours ago, Prioni said:

    I believe all this has to do with how poorly you support the program itself and how you market it. None would have a problem paying a little bit more and have the profiles in his list but sadly guys you become lower than the expectations of those who are buying your product.

    What kind of support do you mean? The admin and the community is kinda helpfull if you have questions. I think the problem is that many ppl think that this bot is equals to other bots and this is wrong =/ people have the chance to read the forum before they buy the bot and if you invest a few minutes in it you will notice that its not a one click solution like others.

    Well and if its not a problem to pay a bit more, just buy the profile from community ppl who offer their service.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Prioni said:

    But that's why you buy a bot! So the bot can support it! And you pay subscription for that! They cannot leave lvl 100-110 blank!

    No you are wrong. You pay for the programm that makes it possible to do that stuff but not the instructions to level up.
    Everyone said HB is a one click solution and they have profiles for free. This is also wrong since one guy was paid for this profiles he made. Would you make a profile for everyone from 1-110 for free?

  4. Quote

    Let's say I want to write a starter Protection warrior fight class...

    1. Create a new C# class.
    2. Add refrences to the bot libs you want to work with
    3. Implement the ICustomClass interface into your new class
    4. Implement the interface methods (just take a look at the samples floating around)
    5. Make instances of your spells like Spell spellName = new Spell("SpellName");
    6. Well and now the creative part comes... you need to validate and pulse your actions you want to do

    At the end compile the stuff and put the dll into your FightClass folder.

    That should be the basic stuff.

  5. On 5.7.2017 at 9:38 PM, Drekal said:

    geht eher  um die optimale route weil ich davon keine ahnung hab...  hab mir fuer ground mount auch alles selber erstellt ohne probleme... aber hab kein plan wie das mit outland routen so aussieht...

    und im tbc profilbereich seh ich rein garnix fuer outlands... x.x 

    Gibt doch genug Farmguides die genau das beschreiben oder addons die dir sogar anzeigen wie die route ist.

  6. 1 minute ago, trooperhdxx said:


    Got the latest WRobot version 1.7.5 and also closed skype.

    Error still not fixed

    Are you starting wrobot with admin rights?
    Also make sure wow is running in 32bit mode.

  7. Some event samples

                    #region Events
                    // Listen to events
                    EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaWithArgs += delegate (LuaEventsId id, List<string> args)
                        #region PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED
                        if (id == LuaEventsId.PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED)
                            Functions.InCombat = false;
                        if (id == LuaEventsId.PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED)
                            Functions.InCombat = true;
                        #region MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED
                        if (id == LuaEventsId.MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED && args.Count == 2)
                            //  Possible values are LSHIFT, RSHIFT, LCTRL, RCTRL, LALT, and RALT
                            string key = args[0];
                            // 1 means that the the key has been pressed. 0 means that the key has been released
                            int state = int.Parse(args[1]);
                            // AOE mode
                            if (key == "LALT" && state == 0)
                                // Set status
                                rotation.AoeMode = !rotation.AoeMode;
                                // Write to chat
                                string message = $"iRotation AoeModes: {(rotation.AoeMode ? "|cFF00FF00On.|r" : "|cFFFF0000Off.|r")}";
                            // Burst mode
                            if (key == "LCTRL" && state == 0)
                                // Set status
                                rotation.BurstMode = !rotation.BurstMode;
                                // Write to chat
                                string message = $"iRotation BurstMode: {(rotation.BurstMode ? "|cFF00FF00On.|r" : "|cFFFF0000Off.|r")}";


  8. 19 minutes ago, eniac86 said:

    well it's been over a week now that i answered his request and he has been online several times but never answered.

    support it shit on this bot. HB is way better. But then again they have a whole staff.

    Well this bot has one admin and the community. It takes some time ;) i mean what do you think how many messages he get per day? It must be a mess.
    This is not like HB and will never be :wub:
    I know what you mean but i had to wait like 3 weeks to get an answer and sometimes it takes an hour. It always depends on his free time.

  9. 14 minutes ago, marco5655 said:

    hey ich spiele auch einen warlock aber auf 2.4.3

    ich wäre euch sehr dankbar wenn mir jemand eine fightclass die auf diesen patch funktionieren würde schickt bzw hilft genauso mit dem profile finde da kein richtiges bin lvl 65

    Hast du schon mal in der Downloadsektion geschaut? Du wirst denke ich kaum welche finden die gut funktionieren und umsonst sind.
    Hilfe kann nur geboten werden, wenn auch Fragen in dem Raum stehen bzw konkrete Anwendungsfälle formuliert werden.
    Tutorials anschauen und bei Fragen einfach ans Forum wenden.

  10. 31 minutes ago, NewName10 said:

    From where i can find basic profile for mining ?

    Create one by your self would be the fastes and secured way. You just need to fly one route and record it and you are done. If you don't know where you need to fly, just get a gatherer addon that will show you the way.

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