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  1. If you use this , your Fight class profile will get screwed ... your character ( my rogue) couldn't do the cycles of the fight class ... Your plugin just keeps him right clicking all the time...
  2. So you're basically telling me to Run the profile while watching my character ^^'. Well I think you're right, It would be safer if you use the bot for only like 30 minutes in intervals. I mean ( Fish for 30 minutes) then go do something usefull , then go grind some mobs (while watching your char). Well that might be good. But i have something Else to report. whenever i use the bot my player just keep running on circles or he just wants to get underground , I don't know what the problem is. But if I click on the Keyboard button that turns off the Keypad Numbers light , My character gets back to normal . after few minutes he does the same thing again. and i have to fix it manually every once and then. @Droidz . I need your help on this one plz
  3. So should i just launch the update whenever i launch the wrobot ? cuz i thought that update was for Retail version.
  4. Good Morning everyone, I used Wrobot as a Quester profile on a level 1 char; on Angrathar progressive realm. The thing is after like 30 minutes ( and i was watching my Character on the other screen) The account got disconnected and instantly banned. I didn't get any reports from anyone nor a GM talked to me. I don't understand how they detected the bot; Though I used the bot for more than 8 months on Retail. Do they have like a new detection method or what? (I am using wotlk private wrobot without the update)
  5. Hey guys I was wondering if it's possible to make a plugin that auto activates the CRA addon if the player can't find the creeps on the same realm . for example the bot will use the addon when he doesn't kill any creep for 30-60 seconds ?
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