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Everything posted by camelot10

  1. taxi db wierd bug, other taxi node screwed
  2. great, write review if you minute
  3. after 7.3.5 update i noticed (also got few reports about my profiles not using taxi), wrobot update founded near flightmasters positions to something strange tryed to run this code var nodes = Taxi.TaxiList.Nodes; Logging.Write("------> MY POSITION: " + ObjectManager.Me.Position); foreach (var n in nodes) { if (Usefuls.ContinentId == n.ContinentId) { Logging.Write("==> NODE " + n.Name + " n_pos=" + n.Position + " n_dist=" + +ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(n.Position)); } } get this result: 01:31:50 - ------> MY POSITION: -849,5297 ; 4305,083 ; 745,1576 ; "None" 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Покой Лазурного Крыла, Азсуна n_pos=7,168062E-41 ; 576,405 ; 6644,03 ; "None" n_dist=7030,038 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Терраса Чаллианы, Азсуна n_pos=7,161196E-41 ; 1406,08 ; 7140,7 ; "None" n_dist=7073,109 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Аванпост иллидари, Азсуна n_pos=7,161756E-41 ; -117,835 ; 6891,19 ; "None" n_dist=7619,555 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Логово Шекла, Азсуна n_pos=7,146622E-41 ; -784,174 ; 6130,04 ; "None" n_dist=7457,827 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Лорлатил, Валь'шара n_pos=7,094914E-41 ; 2299,88 ; 6577,66 ; "None" n_dist=6225,803 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Браденсбрук, Валь'шара n_pos=7,092672E-41 ; 2814,29 ; 7275,82 ; "None" n_dist=6752,312 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Громовой Тотем, Крутогорье n_pos=7,083984E-41 ; 4156,51 ; 4374,45 ; "None" n_dist=3730,354 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Дозор Куллен, Штормхейм n_pos=7,039983E-41 ; 2885,65 ; 2422,61 ; "None" n_dist=2355,915 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Лагерь Дредвейка, Штормхейм n_pos=7,038862E-41 ; 2355,72 ; 1870,09 ; "None" n_dist=2405,657 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Опорный пункт Отрекшихся, Штормхейм n_pos=7,038862E-41 ; 3987,54 ; 2914,29 ; "None" n_dist=2351,1 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Валдисдалль, Штормхейм n_pos=7,040964E-41 ; 3205,59 ; 1515,58 ; "None" n_dist=1588,753 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Небесный Рог, Крутогорье n_pos=7,035639E-41 ; 4833,93 ; 3967,37 ; "None" n_dist=3374,023 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Ведьмин лес, Крутогорье n_pos=7,034799E-41 ; 5116,11 ; 4982,16 ; "None" n_dist=4396,778 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Лагерь Проклятия Скверны, Крутогорье n_pos=7,033678E-41 ; 5108,33 ; 5570,61 ; "None" n_dist=4965,067 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Бухта кораблекрушения, Крутогорье n_pos=7,03606E-41 ; 6466,84 ; 4727,99 ; "None" n_dist=4610,624 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Обсидиановый дозор, Крутогорье n_pos=7,037741E-41 ; 2971,69 ; 4343,46 ; "None" n_dist=3930,32 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Анклав Железного Рога, Крутогорье n_pos=7,038582E-41 ; 3005,72 ; 3668,47 ; "None" n_dist=3309,955 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Убежище Песни Звезд, Валь'шара n_pos=7,041104E-41 ; 3094,06 ; 5807,21 ; "None" n_dist=5273,77 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Сад Луны, Валь'шара n_pos=7,041665E-41 ; 2841,79 ; 6482,29 ; "None" n_dist=5981,439 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Приют Эрнестуэя, Крутогорье n_pos=7,039283E-41 ; 4483,46 ; 4843,29 ; "None" n_dist=4189,058 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Даларан n_pos=3,162871E-41 ; -860,828 ; 4295,95 ; "None" n_dist=6325,856 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Лесной водопад, Крутогорье n_pos=7,031996E-41 ; 3853,55 ; 5150,59 ; "None" n_dist=4509,259 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Дозор Каменного Копыта, Крутогорье n_pos=7,031716E-41 ; 3891,95 ; 3500,18 ; "None" n_dist=2912,478 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Оплот Стражей, Азсуна n_pos=6,876312E-41 ; -1403,63 ; 6656,86 ; "None" n_dist=8261,92 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Остров Брошенного Щита, Штормхейм n_pos=6,811291E-41 ; 4764,52 ; -186,997 ; "None" n_dist=1342,273 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Вершина Отмщения, Расколотый берег n_pos=6,812833E-41 ; -545,191 ; 3001,78 ; "None" n_dist=5416,567 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Штормовые предгорья, Штормхейм n_pos=6,814655E-41 ; 3835,61 ; 2016,12 ; "None" n_dist=1599,203 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Врата Пламени Скверны, Азсуна n_pos=6,812553E-41 ; 554,042 ; 5628,88 ; "None" n_dist=6216,329 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Вершина Стражей, Азсуна n_pos=-1804,72 ; 6417,63 ; 177,986 ; "None" n_dist=2386,824 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Уступ иллидари, Азсуна n_pos=6,811852E-41 ; -228,438 ; 7733,7 ; "None" n_dist=8373,425 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Хафр Фьялл, Штормхейм n_pos=6,803164E-41 ; 1797,35 ; 1816,7 ; "None" n_dist=2856,331 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Багровая чаща, Сурамар n_pos=1894,129 ; 3088,342 ; 221,3169 ; "None" n_dist=3046,724 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Приют Железной Рощи, Сурамар n_pos=6,724691E-41 ; 2268,8 ; 5241,59 ; "None" n_dist=5008,598 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Сумеречный риф, Валь'шара n_pos=6,724831E-41 ; 2523,94 ; 8174,86 ; "None" n_dist=7687,304 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Вершина Избавления, Расколотый берег n_pos=6,589466E-41 ; -1647,68 ; 3178,64 ; "None" n_dist=6486,827 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Лагерь Аалген, Расколотый берег n_pos=6,591848E-41 ; -1225,51 ; 2195,23 ; "None" n_dist=5780,3 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Мередил, Сурамар n_pos=6,815495E-41 ; 1615,52 ; 4757,86 ; "None" n_dist=4904,816 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Лагерь Аалген, Расколотый берег n_pos=6,591848E-41 ; -1225,51 ; 2195,23 ; "None" n_dist=5780,3 01:31:50 - ==> NODE Хафр Фьялл, Штормхейм n_pos=6,803164E-41 ; 1797,35 ; 1816,7 ; "None" n_dist=2856,331 this mean all X coords of flightmaster have been around 6.8 point. this mess whole taxi usage in broken isles (legion) other continents flightmasters coords seems ok, but i need to run wrobot in other place to check if it screw position for them too or this only in broken isles. npc db seems ok, but i put in settings "only profile npc", need to check that too
  4. tryed to add +5 to digsite Z, doesnt help alot. here extra info: if i stay in digsite point and start wrobot, long move inited and stucked. when i fly from digsite point not too far, and if longmove not inited, then arch start surveying. when i fly a bit longer and archeologist init longmove to get into digsite, its get stuck to reach point. im attached log. i think something wrong with close range detection in longmove 18 янв 2018 11H59 - qhCYEqw.log.html
  5. yes this coords is correct flyed away a bit to show map icon, when log spam starts character exactly in arch icon
  6. item http://www.wowhead.com/item=123956/leystone-hoofplates > buff http://www.wowhead.com/spell=182993/leystone-hoofplates http://www.wowhead.com/spell=182999/leystone-hoofplates its a craft spell
  7. grabbed quest in azsuna and run archaelogist. log attached [D] 00:50:04 - [Spell] Survey (Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Исследовать, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Survey (Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Исследовать, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Charge (Id found: 100, Name found: Charge, NameInGame found: Рывок, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Victory Rush (Id found: 34428, Name found: Victory Rush, NameInGame found: Победный раж, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Die by the Sword (Id found: 118038, Name found: Die by the Sword, NameInGame found: Бой насмерть, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Commanding Shout (Id found: 97462, Name found: Commanding Shout, NameInGame found: Ободряющий клич, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Defensive Stance (Id found: 238245, Name found: Defensive Stance, NameInGame found: Оборонительная стойка, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:05 - [Archaeology] Digsite zone found: Name: Раскопки: Руины Заркенара - Distance =54,63463 [D] 00:50:05 - [Archaeology] Digsite zone found: Name: Раскопки: Приливные болота - Distance =1288,331 [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Intimidating Shout (Id found: 5246, Name found: Intimidating Shout, NameInGame found: Устрашающий крик, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Hamstring (Id found: 1715, Name found: Hamstring, NameInGame found: Подрезать сухожилия, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) 00:50:05 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Avatar (Id found: 229407, Name found: Avatar, NameInGame found: Аватара, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [N] 00:50:05 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 54,63463 [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Battle Cry (Id found: 1719, Name found: Battle Cry, NameInGame found: Боевой крик, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Colossus Smash (Id found: 167105, Name found: Colossus Smash, NameInGame found: Удар колосса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:05 - [Spell] Warbreaker (Id found: 209577, Name found: Warbreaker, NameInGame found: Миротворец, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Execute (Id found: 163201, Name found: Execute, NameInGame found: Казнь, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Focused Rage (Id found: 245734, Name found: Focused Rage, NameInGame found: Сосредоточенная ярость, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Mortal Strike (Id found: 12294, Name found: Mortal Strike, NameInGame found: Смертельный удар, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Bladestorm (Id found: 227847, Name found: Bladestorm, NameInGame found: Вихрь клинков, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Slam (Id found: 1464, Name found: Slam, NameInGame found: Мощный удар, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Whirlwind (Id found: 1680, Name found: Whirlwind, NameInGame found: Вихрь, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Whirlwind (Id found: 1680, Name found: Whirlwind, NameInGame found: Вихрь, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Ravager (Id found: 248439, Name found: Ravager, NameInGame found: Опустошитель, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Cleave (Id found: 845, Name found: Cleave, NameInGame found: Рассекающий удар, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Rend (Id found: 258990, Name found: Rend, NameInGame found: Кровопускание, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Shockwave (Id found: 236347, Name found: Shockwave, NameInGame found: Ударная волна, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Storm Bolt (Id found: 222897, Name found: Storm Bolt, NameInGame found: Удар громовержца, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Focused Rage (Id found: 245734, Name found: Focused Rage, NameInGame found: Сосредоточенная ярость, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Overpower (Id found: 119938, Name found: Overpower, NameInGame found: Превосходство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Pummel (Id found: 6552, Name found: Pummel, NameInGame found: Зуботычина, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:50:06 - [Spell] Heroic Throw (Id found: 57755, Name found: Heroic Throw, NameInGame found: Героический бросок, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) 00:50:06 - [Archaeology] Started [D] 00:50:06 - [ItemBuffer] started 00:50:06 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:08 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:09 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:09 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:09 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:09 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:10 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:10 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:10 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:10 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:10 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:10 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:10 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:10 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:10 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:11 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:11 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:11 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:11 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:11 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:11 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:11 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:11 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:11 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:12 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:12 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:12 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:12 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:12 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:12 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:12 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:12 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:12 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:12 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:12 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:13 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:13 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:13 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:13 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:13 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:13 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:50:13 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,12228 00:50:13 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:50:13 - [Archaeology] Stopped 00:50:14 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:00m:08s Kills: 0 (0/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Stucks: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 0 (0/hr) Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C) [D] 00:50:57 - [Blacklist] Added, 2 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True). [D] 00:50:59 - [Spell] Survey (Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Исследовать, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:51:00 - [Spell] Survey (Id found: 80451, Name found: Survey, NameInGame found: Исследовать, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:51:00 - [Spell] Charge (Id found: 100, Name found: Charge, NameInGame found: Рывок, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:00 - [Spell] Victory Rush (Id found: 34428, Name found: Victory Rush, NameInGame found: Победный раж, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:00 - [Spell] Die by the Sword (Id found: 118038, Name found: Die by the Sword, NameInGame found: Бой насмерть, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:51:00 - [Spell] Commanding Shout (Id found: 97462, Name found: Commanding Shout, NameInGame found: Ободряющий клич, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:51:00 - [Archaeology] Digsite zone found: Name: Раскопки: Руины Заркенара - Distance =32,74655 [D] 00:51:00 - [Archaeology] Digsite zone found: Name: Раскопки: Приливные болота - Distance =1333,043 [D] 00:51:00 - [Spell] Defensive Stance (Id found: 238245, Name found: Defensive Stance, NameInGame found: Оборонительная стойка, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) 00:51:00 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [D] 00:51:00 - [Spell] Intimidating Shout (Id found: 5246, Name found: Intimidating Shout, NameInGame found: Устрашающий крик, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [N] 00:51:00 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 32,74655 [D] 00:51:00 - [Spell] Hamstring (Id found: 1715, Name found: Hamstring, NameInGame found: Подрезать сухожилия, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Avatar (Id found: 229407, Name found: Avatar, NameInGame found: Аватара, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Battle Cry (Id found: 1719, Name found: Battle Cry, NameInGame found: Боевой крик, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Colossus Smash (Id found: 167105, Name found: Colossus Smash, NameInGame found: Удар колосса, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Warbreaker (Id found: 209577, Name found: Warbreaker, NameInGame found: Миротворец, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) 00:51:01 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Execute (Id found: 163201, Name found: Execute, NameInGame found: Казнь, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Focused Rage (Id found: 245734, Name found: Focused Rage, NameInGame found: Сосредоточенная ярость, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Mortal Strike (Id found: 12294, Name found: Mortal Strike, NameInGame found: Смертельный удар, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Bladestorm (Id found: 227847, Name found: Bladestorm, NameInGame found: Вихрь клинков, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Slam (Id found: 1464, Name found: Slam, NameInGame found: Мощный удар, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Whirlwind (Id found: 1680, Name found: Whirlwind, NameInGame found: Вихрь, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Whirlwind (Id found: 1680, Name found: Whirlwind, NameInGame found: Вихрь, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) 00:51:01 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Ravager (Id found: 248439, Name found: Ravager, NameInGame found: Опустошитель, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Cleave (Id found: 845, Name found: Cleave, NameInGame found: Рассекающий удар, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Rend (Id found: 258990, Name found: Rend, NameInGame found: Кровопускание, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Shockwave (Id found: 236347, Name found: Shockwave, NameInGame found: Ударная волна, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Storm Bolt (Id found: 222897, Name found: Storm Bolt, NameInGame found: Удар громовержца, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Focused Rage (Id found: 245734, Name found: Focused Rage, NameInGame found: Сосредоточенная ярость, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Overpower (Id found: 119938, Name found: Overpower, NameInGame found: Превосходство, Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False) 00:51:01 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Pummel (Id found: 6552, Name found: Pummel, NameInGame found: Зуботычина, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) [D] 00:51:01 - [Spell] Heroic Throw (Id found: 57755, Name found: Heroic Throw, NameInGame found: Героический бросок, Know = True, IsSpellUsable = True) 00:51:01 - [Archaeology] Started [D] 00:51:01 - [ItemBuffer] started 00:51:01 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:01 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:01 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:02 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:02 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:02 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:02 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:02 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:02 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:02 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:02 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:02 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:02 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:03 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:03 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:03 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:03 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:03 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:03 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:03 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:03 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:03 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:03 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:04 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:04 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:04 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:04 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:04 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:04 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:04 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:04 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:04 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:04 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:04 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:05 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:05 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:05 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:05 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:05 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:05 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:05 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:05 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:05 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:05 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:05 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:06 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:06 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:06 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:06 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:06 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:06 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:06 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:06 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:06 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:06 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:07 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:07 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:07 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:07 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:07 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:08 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:08 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:08 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:08 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:08 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:09 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:09 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:09 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:09 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара [N] 00:51:10 - [MovementManager] Long Move distance: 1,027042 00:51:10 - [Archaeology] Go to Digsite Раскопки: Руины Заркенара 00:51:10 - [Archaeology] Stopped 00:51:10 - Session statistics: Elapsed time: 00h:00m:09s Kills: 0 (0/hr) Deaths: 0 (0/hr) Stucks: 0 (0/hr) Farms: 0 (0/hr) Loots: 0 (0/hr) Money/HR: 0 G 00 S 00 C (0 G 00 S 00 C) tryed both server-side and client-side pathfinding. disabled all wow addons nothing helps
  8. you mean retail/official wow? yes. two accounts running world quests constanly on one of eu servers right now
  9. nevermind. offmesh used by server. seems like something changed in meshes and my offmesh was out of mesh. added another offmesh and all worked <OffMeshConnections> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="5.802792" Y="6734.506" Z="55.58629" /> <Vector3 X="-7.87693" Y="6733.143" Z="55.5886" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1220</ContinentId> <Name>Crumbled Palace (in)</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-7.87693" Y="6733.143" Z="55.5886" /> <Vector3 X="6.526126" Y="6733.073" Z="55.58778" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1220</ContinentId> <Name>Crumbled Palace (out)</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="23.30392" Y="6736.103" Z="54.5425" /> <Vector3 X="36.07014" Y="6736.183" Z="50.58706" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1220</ContinentId> <Name>Crumbled Palace 2 (out)</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="36.07014" Y="6736.183" Z="50.58706" /> <Vector3 X="22.99454" Y="6736.314" Z="54.66934" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1220</ContinentId> <Name>Crumbled Palace 2 (in)</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="82.54731" Y="6328.554" Z="12.91586" /> <Vector3 X="81.07138" Y="6321.648" Z="12.33982" /> <Vector3 X="81.40395" Y="6316.572" Z="10.57484" /> <Vector3 X="72.69096" Y="6316.937" Z="8.352345" /> <Vector3 X="67.7528" Y="6311.971" Z="4.914262" /> <Vector3 X="64.84033" Y="6300.508" Z="-4.702368" /> <Vector3 X="63.3671" Y="6292.952" Z="-9.926853" /> <Vector3 X="62.11694" Y="6287.175" Z="-13.16042" /> <Vector3 X="59.60135" Y="6280.523" Z="-15.45998" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1220</ContinentId> <Name>Nar'thalas Academy (Inside)</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="64.61892" Y="6280.565" Z="-15.28693" /> <Vector3 X="65.07072" Y="6290.283" Z="-10.97174" /> <Vector3 X="66.88626" Y="6304.091" Z="-0.872109" /> <Vector3 X="69.11488" Y="6311.245" Z="5.450499" /> <Vector3 X="72.61546" Y="6316.599" Z="8.33297" /> <Vector3 X="81.16038" Y="6317.677" Z="10.89087" /> <Vector3 X="80.67827" Y="6324.435" Z="13.5541" /> <Vector3 X="82.03206" Y="6330.474" Z="12.91695" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1220</ContinentId> <Name>Nar'thalas Academy (Outside)</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-905.8118" Y="5732.874" Z="1.28149" /> <Vector3 X="-893.9441" Y="5693.978" Z="0.09856865" /> <Vector3 X="-900.9965" Y="5681.769" Z="-6.458876" Type="Swimming" /> <Vector3 X="-907.9178" Y="5676.53" Z="-8.292475" Type="Swimming" /> <Vector3 X="-915.958" Y="5669.602" Z="-6.469892" Type="Swimming" /> <Vector3 X="-946.9422" Y="5644.292" Z="2.961971" Type="Swimming" /> <Vector3 X="-967.1766" Y="5630.005" Z="4.556946" /> <Vector3 X="-975.2239" Y="5624.187" Z="4.856537" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1220</ContinentId> <Name>Mak'rana</Name> </OffMeshConnection> </OffMeshConnections>
  10. var p = new Vector3(-65.77718, 6773.445, 59.7128, "None"); var p2 = new Vector3(-4.743056, 6736.632, 55.64066, "None"); Logging.Write("SERVER SIDE PATHFINDING"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.PathFinderFromServer = true; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.PathFinderRequestLog = true; wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.FindPath(p, p2, "Troll Raid"); Logging.Write("CLIENT SIDE PATHFINDING"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.PathFinderFromServer = false; wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.PathFinderRequestLog = false; wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.FindPath(p, p2, "Troll Raid"); gives this (profiles started and paused, offmesh grabbed from profile) 01:02:30 - SERVER SIDE PATHFINDING [N] 01:02:30 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid) [N] 01:02:32 - [Server] [RD] findPath out of nodes [N] 01:02:32 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29979_32,12333) to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36881_32,00889) [N] 01:02:35 - [Server] [RD] findPath out of nodes [N] 01:02:35 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29979_32,12333) to -7,87693 ; 6733,143 ; 55,5886 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,37536_32,01477) [N] 01:02:38 - [Server] [RD] findPath out of nodes [N] 01:02:38 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29979_32,12333) to 5,802792 ; 6734,506 ; 55,58629 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,3728_31,98912) [N] 01:02:41 - [Server] [RD] findPath out of nodes [N] 01:02:41 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29979_32,12333) to 64,61892 ; 6280,565 ; -15,28693 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,22394_31,87884) [N] 01:02:41 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: 59,60135 ; 6280,523 ; -15,45998 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,22402_31,88825) to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36881_32,00889) [N] 01:02:41 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36881_32,00889) to -25,27646 ; 6740,951 ; 59,26085 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36072_32,04739) [N] 01:02:41 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3 (71,61993y) 01:02:41 - CLIENT SIDE PATHFINDING [N] 01:02:41 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid) [N] 01:02:44 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29979_32,12333) to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36881_32,00889) [N] 01:02:46 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29979_32,12333) to -7,87693 ; 6733,143 ; 55,5886 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,37536_32,01477) [N] 01:02:46 - [Path-Finding] Use Off-mesh connection. [N] 01:02:46 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (199,6022y)
  11. i have offmesh in profile in Azsuna profile <OffMeshConnections> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="5.802792" Y="6734.506" Z="55.58629" /> <Vector3 X="-7.87693" Y="6733.143" Z="55.5886" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1220</ContinentId> <Name>Crumbled Palace (in)</Name> </OffMeshConnection> <OffMeshConnection> <Path> <Vector3 X="-7.87693" Y="6733.143" Z="55.5886" /> <Vector3 X="6.526126" Y="6733.073" Z="55.58778" /> </Path> <ContinentId>1220</ContinentId> <Name>Crumbled Palace (out)</Name> </OffMeshConnection> </OffMeshConnections> if i enable serverside pathfinding, i got partial path and stuck [N] 00:17:46 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -65,16291 ; 6777,197 ; 60,68279 ; "None" to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid) [N] 00:17:49 - [Server] [RD] findPath out of nodes [N] 00:17:49 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,16291 ; 6777,197 ; 60,68279 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29276_32,12218) to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36881_32,00889) [N] 00:17:52 - [Server] [RD] findPath out of nodes [N] 00:17:52 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,16291 ; 6777,197 ; 60,68279 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29276_32,12218) to -7,87693 ; 6733,143 ; 55,5886 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,37536_32,01477) [N] 00:17:55 - [Server] [RD] findPath out of nodes [N] 00:17:55 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,16291 ; 6777,197 ; 60,68279 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29276_32,12218) to 5,802792 ; 6734,506 ; 55,58629 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,3728_31,98912) [N] 00:17:58 - [Server] [RD] findPath out of nodes [N] 00:17:58 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,16291 ; 6777,197 ; 60,68279 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29276_32,12218) to 64,61892 ; 6280,565 ; -15,28693 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,22394_31,87884) [N] 00:17:58 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: 59,60135 ; 6280,523 ; -15,45998 ; "None" (Troll Raid_20,22402_31,88825) to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36881_32,00889) [N] 00:17:59 - [Server] [Path-Finding] Partial result: -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36881_32,00889) to -25,27646 ; 6740,951 ; 59,26085 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36072_32,04739) [N] 00:17:59 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 5 (74,61847y) [N] 00:18:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition: -23,21725 ; 6747,668 ; 67,38583 ; "Flying" strict = False [N] 00:18:03 - [Path-Finding] GetZPosition result: Z = 60,16085 [N] 00:18:03 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -23,21725 ; 6747,668 ; 60,16085 ; "Flying" to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64065 ; "None" (Troll Raid) if i disable server-side pathfinding and use local, all works fine and offmesh works [N] 00:58:47 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid) [N] 00:58:49 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29979_32,12333) to -4,743056 ; 6736,632 ; 55,64066 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,36881_32,00889) [N] 00:58:52 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: -65,77718 ; 6773,445 ; 59,7128 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,29979_32,12333) to -7,87693 ; 6733,143 ; 55,5886 ; "None" (Troll Raid_19,37536_32,01477) [N] 00:58:52 - [Path-Finding] Use Off-mesh connection. [N] 00:58:52 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 15 (199,6022y)
  12. we need to metion @Droidz to get any answer or comment on this
  13. retail? whats in log?
  14. character fighting http://www.wowhead.com/npc=120354/garothi-obliterator in krokuun with my draenei blood dk, solo. character become afk while fight in progress and wrobot run fightclass. i think this kinda danger behaviour
  15. acidently killed http://www.wowhead.com/npc=120354/garothi-obliterator in krokuun with my draenei blood dk, solo. i assume fightclass works perfect
  16. @Droidz i know i can disable fight by code Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked = true; but, this will ignore fighting with mobs. fightclass still running and sometimes contains spells/casts that can break questing behaviour, especialy "out of combat" spells. example this quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=42834/intense-concentration any mount or stealth or form will remove quest item and you need to gather it again. is there any possibility to disable fighclass and/or fightclass state from running ? and enable it again
  17. В настройках поставь цифру больше до перезагрузки уи
  18. Latency в настройках больше сделай
  19. you mean increased range? you should check, never tryed it. but default attack distance is 5
  20. wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.PressKeybindings(wManager.Wow.Enums.Keybindings.PITCHUP, timeMs); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Keybindings.PressKeybindings(wManager.Wow.Enums.Keybindings.PITCHDOWN, timeMs); this keybindings is not autobinded by wrobot and code abode not working if character keybinding activated for current character. NOT WORKING WORKING i think wrobot trying to make binding for global keybind, but wow uses current character
  21. тут политика: меньше народу больше кислороду. то бишь за количеством никто не гонится. главное сильно не отсвечивать.
  22. Version 12.14


    Based on https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/affliction-warlock-pve-dps-rotation-cooldowns-abilities Tryed to cover all spells/talents/artifact powers. My profiles
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