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Posts posted by camelot10

  1. 1. http://www.wowhead.com/quest=43767/enigmatic



    this quests require movement precision around ~1.5 units

    at this moment Movement manager and GotoTask sets precision to 3.5 if it set lower. 

    2. also 

    wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.RandomJumping = false;

    character still jumps when moving. what im doing wrong ?

    3. also is there any possibility to know what puzzle executed? didnt found any/hidden objects/npc around, or any hidden buffs


  2. im maded Black Temple profile, and working on Sunwell profile too

    and i noticed that navigation in both these instances is terrible. its meshes problem? if yes, can that meshes be updated or edited to fix navigation there?

    if not meshes problem: how i can manage default navigation? becouse at this moment its very awefull if profile stoped in middle of run and saved paths by hand start working very badly

  3. 		var name = SpellListManager.SpellNameInGameById(94719);
    		Lua.RunMacroText("/cast " + name);
    		Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 2);
    		if (ObjectManager.Me.IsCast)
    			TravelLog("Heathstoning(" + name + ")");
    		else if (ItemsManager.HasItemById(6948))
    			TravelError("Dont have Heathstone or The Innkeeper's Daughter");

    your welcome

  4. I just want to make quick tutorial how you can run multiple characters with wrobot and good profile. Its very usefull for farming daily/weekly instances, world quests or some grind farms. At this moment relogger have some issues with loading and running smoothly with multiple characters. I found working solution and make some tutorial.

    1. run Relogger.exe (wrobot folder)

    2. Add Task Queue and setup initial parameters


    3. Add "Switch Character" task


    4. Add "Run" task with blank.xml (grinder) (IMPORTANT)


    5. add Task with actual needed profile/product



    6. repeat steps 3, 4, 5 for all your character on all servers


    7. start task queue and goto sleep



  5. var isKnown = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsSpellKnown(91226)");
    Logging.Write(" is known 91226= " + isKnown);
    isKnown = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsSpellKnown(94719)");
    Logging.Write(" is known 94719= " + isKnown);
    isKnown = wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return IsSpellKnown(94727)");
    Logging.Write(" is known 94727= " + isKnown);


    02:06:53 -  is known 91226= False
    02:06:54 -  is known 94719= False
    02:06:54 -  is known 94727= False


    any other ideas ?

  6. attached profile. when i run this first time - its works. but if i stop bot. and start again i got this error in log:


    [E] 22:33:38 - Compilator Error :
    c:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\Temp\hxyuajh2.0.cs(25,4) : error CS0433: Тип "TravelHelper" существует как в "c:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\Temp\vgo5ed2s.dll", так и в "c:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\Temp\jdlaobth.dll"

    translation: type "TravelHelper" already exist in (file1.dll) also in (file2.dll)

    what im doing wrong and how i can fix that?


  7. only this works


    	public static void UseHeathstone()
    		var name = SpellListManager.SpellNameInGameById(94719);
    		Lua.RunMacroText("/cast " + name);
    		Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency * 2);
    		if (ObjectManager.Me.IsCast)
    			Logging.Write("Heathstoning ("+ name+")");
    		else if (ItemsManager.HasItemById(6948))
    			Logging.WriteError("Dont have Heathstone or The Innkeeper's Daughter");


  8. Hi. i cant find out how i can check if known/usable and not in cooldown http://www.wowhead.com/item=64488/the-innkeepers-daughter / http://www.wowhead.com/spell=94719/the-innkeepers-daughter#used-by-item

    i tryed this:

    var list = SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("The Innkeeper's Daughter");
    foreach (var id in list)
    	var name = SpellListManager.SpellNameInGameById(id);
    	Logging.Write(" >> id=" + id + " name="+ SpellListManager.SpellNameInGameById(94719)+" know =" + SpellManager.KnowSpell(id)+ " cd=" + SpellManager.GetSpellCooldownTimeLeft(id) +
    		" usable=" + SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA(name)+
    		" cd=" + SpellManager.GetSpellCooldownTimeLeftBySpellName(name) );
    	Logging.Write("exist:" + SpellManager.ExistSpellBook(name));

    but i get this result:

    17:34:45 -  >> id=91226 name=Дочь трактирщика know =False cd=0 usable=False cd=0
    17:34:45 - exist:False
    17:34:45 - ------------------------------
    17:34:45 -  >> id=94719 name=Дочь трактирщика know =False cd=0 usable=False cd=0
    17:34:45 - exist:False
    17:34:45 - ------------------------------
    17:34:45 -  >> id=94727 name=Дочь трактирщика know =False cd=0 usable=False cd=0
    17:34:45 - exist:False

    didnt get anything usable from decompiling wrobot dlls.


    also: how i can check hearthstone cooldown left?

    any help would be usefull


    im trying to get this working:

    if know("The Innkeeper's Daughter") and not in cooldown > cast "The Innkeeper's Daughter"

    else if have("Hearthstone") and not in cooldown > use "Hearthstone"

    else Thred.Sleep( hearthstone.cooldown)


  9. today i noticed that wrobot dont use taxi in russian client

    [N] 14:44:11 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 61
    14:44:12 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at Бринлания Лунный Камень
    [N] 14:44:12 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:44:13 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 3
    14:44:19 - [FlightMaster] No found useful destination on FlightMaster Бринлания Лунный Камень, skip it.
    14:44:19 - [FlightMaster] Cannot take taxi, Blacklist flightmaster 30 min and taxi node for session.

    im opened all Val'sharah flypoints. Quester check flymaster and didnt found anything and just walk to destination.

  10. there is alot of unnecessary clicks with wrobot. for love of god, make checkbox options in "General settings":

    1. (pestered) click: teamviewer warning (+1 unnecessary click, total: 1) (option "disable teamviewer warning")

    2.  (pestered) client choose. for the love of god make setting "automaticaly connect to wow if only one client available for wrobot". after that connect/launch menu appear only if 0 or 2+ client available for wrobot

    (+2 unnecessary clicks: choose client click, launch bot button click. total: 3 clicks)

    3. (pestered) license key managment menu, ALSO make setting: "keys list automaticaly for use" and let peoples enter keys list and forget about this menu forever (optionaly you can add checkbox "its my private computer, its safe to automanage keys here". show this menu if no free/working keys from that menu available. (+2 unnecessary clicks: choose key click, login button click. total: 5 clicks)

    4. im playing on russian servers. i dunno if wrobot remembers settings/products/fightclass/profile for each characters in other localizations but not in russian. i have many characters, one grinder, one skinner, one gatherer etc. every time (after click on wrobot + 5 unnecessary clicks) in need to change product/profile/fightclass for every characer (for druids its also mount name change to travel form). Yes i know about "setting backup" plugin. its even worse (+6 clicks for this plugin: 1 "plugins", 2 "setting backup", 3 "setting for selected plugin", 4 "load settings", 5 xml file click, 6 open click ). if you change something and forget about that - you need to change that again, save that setting. 

    i think usefull feature: save product/profile/fightclass for each character by default, or add such option in settings

    5. quester profile editor improvements 


    6. quester editor <QuestFile> support. at this moment i spending hours to fight against wrobot and quester editor. There is alot of C# coding required to make fully afk profile. And im tired to fight unfriendly ui, unknown api and not documented product. atleast dotpeek decompiler helps alot. i managed how i attach c# code to my profile. but there is major editor problem. if i change something in editor: quest order, npc or quest info and save profile: <QuestFile> and link to .cs file removed from xml .

    I attached 2 files. xml have <QuestFile> node, if you change quest order or any other changes in profile in editor and save it -> boom, no more QuestFile node there. Please fix that and

    7. make quester profile and editor support for xml node <Include>somescript.cs</inclide> or something like that. quester editor is terrible for c# code. many usefull code (c# and/or lua) used multiple times in whole profile, its realy ugly everytime copy/paste this things in profiles.

    8. API doc needed. you waste alot of time explain same info over and over, instead to make one documentation





  11. fishing

    that fishing qoesnt help

    this http://wowhead.com/quest=41264 fishing quest requires to fish pool, pools appear only when quest active. each pool have only one fish. this que


    pvp quests:





    some of pvp quests can be completed with grinder. but some pvp quest can be completed by attacking/killing players


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