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  1. I'm currently at level 40, ran for several hours straight(When it didnt crash..), no bans, doesn't seem like its detecting the bot
  2. Anyone else experiencing a lot of crashes? My bot crashes almost every 20 minutes and its nearly a 100% crash if it changes zone (E.g. IF/SW tram, heartstoning)
  3. inside the flightclass? cause I'm using the "Project wholesome" which cant be edited ?
  4. on the server I play on, this is kinda bugged - so they dont pull other mobs. I need the bot to just pull them and stay where it is, to not pull everything around it as well
  5. is it possible to stop the bot from chasing down mobs? Ive seen mine die a few times now because its chasing down humanoids and pulls 5-6 other mobs n the meantime..
  6. How is the detection on sunwell atm? Wanna try getting some alts up, but reading this kinda gets me on the fence ;)
  7. Warmane has gotten pretty good at bot detection - you need to stop running 24/7
  8. If it was for me, Im obviously using newest version. Was leveling a dk from 70-80 using Automaton and a dk leveling fightclass from here
  9. I just got banned on my account on Warmane today, idk if it was reports or if it was a detection tho, it just says "bot"
  10. Im pretty sure they started detecting the bot now and not just reports or getting caught by a GM
  11. how is wrobot safe? - Warmane is getting spammed by banned bots 24/7, most if which must be from here and a lot of people are saying they are getting banned for "PQR" while using Wrobot, probably because of the combat rotation system
  12. yeh, my miner just got a 1 month ban, was farming ores :p
  13. I just tried to move out the fightclass, plugins and profiles folder and then completely re-install Wrobot, that did the trick.. dont know what caused it, but a re-installed fixed it :)
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