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Everything posted by cephius

  1. Nearest? nah. I do know that it targets a random friendly player and starts to "follow" it. But I dont think it is a very good when my bot starts to follow someone who is afking on the starting cave in AV. Then again, it wouldnt be a good idea to follow the exact same waypoints to the same location over and over again
  2. Like i said, if I knew how to make them work as well as the default is working... I've tried doing that, but the results were not as good as I hoped them to be
  3. Yeah, I would if I knew how to make them work as well as the default is working
  4. Hey, As most of us here play on Lordaeron, and this bot has become quite known and widely used, It's not a surprise that the amount of bots running BG has increased too. I myself am playing on the horde side, so I'm not quite sure how it is on alliance. But anyway, there are now 3-4 bots on every BG I'm playing, and they are all quite running the same waypoints - you know what i mean. In AV, the bots run to the starting cave - very suspicious. WSg they get stuck into a wall etc etc. What I'm saying is that it is VERY easy to see who is botting, if you know what you are looking for. I think Malaco and his minions are also noticing this, since there have been quite a few bans lately for BG botting. What I'm trying to say here is that it is not very safe to bot BGs if you aren ot constantly looking at the screen incase a GM whispers to you. Is there a possibility to improve the BG bots somehow? like more randomized moving behaviour, and that the bot would not go back in to the starting cave etc. TL;DR: Warmane is banning BG bots - be careful
  5. Very good idea and a very useful addition if this is a possible thing to be done :)
  6. Yeah it only spammed Ice armor, because it was 'true' instead of 'false' in your behaviour. Was easy to fix tho. However, it only uses mana drinks if the mage is over 75 lvl :/ Whic his quite a big minus in my opinion.
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