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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. Welcome to the forum! All the things mentioned here are known issues Blacklisting nodes:
  2. Version 1.1.0


    I wasn't going to release this but another Finn asked for it so here it is I used this to bot my prot warrior 20-66. It's missing stamina shout but who needs it anyway... It will use defensive cooldowns over damage abilitys so it'll survive quite big pulls as long as the mobs stay in front of you. I advise you to use "Move During Combat" plugin with this. I attached my version of it here that has forced optimal backwards movement
  3. Then it's in wrong folder
  4. Eli joo tervetulemast vaan minunkin puolesta WRobottia käyttämään.
  5. We did get this working properly. It will now be transformed to other dungeons that people like to farm
  6. I've botted 3 chars to 80 on 1x rate and 5 to 60. There really isn't big issues before getting to 70+ because then it starts to take 15hours++/lvl. The amount of profiles is low because there is maybe 5 wotlk players who actually release profiles including me
  7. Alright so new project and new problems. Since the same problem with all of my party products is the profile isn't gonna do anything if player isn't in party. I need to tell the bot to find player nearby by specific name so i can use this information to cast spells on it As reference: bool Wrath() { if (!_wrath.KnownSpell) return false; if (!_wrath.IsSpellUsable) return false; if (ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 50 && RestoDruidSettings.CurrentSetting.HelpWrath == RestoDruidSettings.UseWrath.True) { WoWPlayer tank = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByName().ToString(RestoDruidSettings.CurrentSetting.ForceTankName); //nop not gonna work like this... WoWUnit target = tank.TargetObject; int numberOfEliteNearTank = ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitHostile().Count(u => u.Position.DistanceTo(tank.Position) <= u.InteractDistance && u.IsElite && UnitCanAttack.CanAttack(u.GetBaseAddress, tank.GetBaseAddress)); if (numberOfEliteNearTank >= 1) { return false; } Interact.InteractGameObject(target.GetBaseAddress, true); MovementManager.Face(target); _wrath.Launch(); return true; } return false; }
  8. Warmane.com and realm Lordaeron. 1x blizzlike
  9. You're talking about WOD which isn't even close to WOTLK (We are on wotlk section)
  10. After looking at the log closer it says it's trying to get to a vendor that is supposed to be there. But this vendor is on Zeppelin and the bot doesn't realize it... I think vendors from zeppelin should be automaticly made ignored by bot. But why does it think it's stuck even tho it isn't?
  11. Yes but with grinder you can tell the bot where you want and what you want to kill. It doesn't take so long to make grinder profile
  12. Well if you're looking for horde under 60 lvl lvling try my questing profile But Really i don't recomment using Automation for efficiency. Rather make a grinder with huge loop
  13. Since i couldn't get the settings to save and load i hardcoded the plugin to use only backwards for 1500ms every 2.5s-6s link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxrnR7sFxoj9OVhfYXlPNmppdmM Just delete your settings file called MoveDuringCombat-YournameRealmname
  14. The plugin is looking for config MoveDuringCombat-MyName.RealmName and the files are called MoveDuringCombat-MyNameRealmName. The plugin is acting weird for what it is progammed
  15. because hunter can't shoot while being at melee distance on wotlk Also it apparently resets for me too o.o
  16. On plugin settings make it walk back interval like every 5000ms walk back back for 1500ms
  17. http://wrobot.eu/files/file/303-move-during-combat/ what about using this? This won't be added to bot because there is plugin made for it
  18. motw doesn't go to everyone with 1 cast. You get another spell at around 60 lvl for it nor does power word fortitude untill at later lvls
  19. not every buff go to everyone on wotlk
  20. private Spell _motw; _motw = new Spell("Mark of the Wild"); //change Mark of the Wild to your buff name you wanna give people same for other mark of the wild below if (!_motw.KnownSpell) return false; if (!_motw.IsSpellUsable) return false; int motwmana = 80; if (motwmana == 0) return false; var members = getPartymembers().Where(o => o.IsValid && o.IsAlive && !o.HaveBuff("Mark of the Wild") && !o.HaveBuff("Drums of the Wild") && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage >= motwmana && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(o.Position)).OrderBy(o => o.HealthPercent); if (members.Count() > 0) { var u = members.First(); WoWPlayer healTarget = new WoWPlayer(u.GetBaseAddress); if (!TraceLine.TraceLineGo(healTarget.Position) && healTarget.IsAlive) { Interact.InteractGameObject(healTarget.GetBaseAddress, false); _motw.Launch(); } } i believe it works like this. If not then i can't help cuz i'm too busy with other projects
  21. I can give you c# code for buffing after i get home
  22. Then to write this code into a plugin
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