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  1. Wow, that was about a month AFTER I stopped playing. That really sucks, I mean I understand the "why" and all, but it still really sucks. Honestly, if we had some kind of solidarity, the botting community could literally file a class action lawsuit against Blizzard with high potential to win considering we know everything that they are illegally spying on in the memory of OUR computers when WoW is running.
  2. It wasn't always private servers, as in, when I paid for lifetime subscription, this bot was very active for retail, hell I was using it for retail back in 2018 in Legion with no issues. When did this turn into a "Private Server" bot only?
  3. I figured out the problem. I did a fresh install of Windows 10 yesterday and I never reinstalled C++ Redistributed 2010 (x86) or (x64). I installed these, restarted PC, bot working beautifully now! Feel free to delete this thread, or close it, whichever! :)
  4. Hi all! I just started playing WoW again and just started using the bot again within the last couple weeks. I had bought a lifetime key for the bot back a year or two ago, and it's been working perfectly, until today. Today, when I try to log in to the bot, it just hangs on the "In Progress" screen (see attached pic). I have let it sit this way for 5 minutes to see if any timeout would happen or to see if the server was just slower than usual and it would eventually log in, but nothing. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Waldo
  5. Quite honestly, I have not used my warrior since...wow since MoP actually, but I can tell you one thing, Noxxic is absolute garbage. I wouldn't trust a single word from their page about anything, ESPECIALLY not stat weights or rotation. If I may do so, I would like to recommend Icy Veins to you. Here is their write up for a protection warrior: http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/protection-warrior-pve-tank-guide If, and I mean IF I have some time this weekend, I will try to throw together a quick profile for you to get started. Right now I am in the middle of two real estate investments, so my time is rather limited right now. I can tell you though, if you've been playing by Noxxic standards, switching to the recommendations of Icy Veins, you'll love your Prot Warrior all over again!!
  6. Try checking here and reading all the way to the bottom, look at all the screen captures: Of course too, eeny was cool enough to literally make a Relogger tutorial video found here: I don't mean any disrespect to da8ball in what I am about to say, but by my guess, we are dealing with A) in this particular case. This is why I posted the links I did, hopefully this clears things up for you, 8ball. P.S. Also, just in case you are unaware, in the Gathering tool of the bot, actually I believe (without seeing the bot in front of me) it's in either General settings or the "Advanced" portion of General settings, there is an option to "use taxi" or something to that effect. This basically means that, if you ran profile "x" for 20 minutes, the bot logs out, logs back in whenever you set it to, loads profile "y" this time, the bot will take the according flight master. boat, zeppelin, whatever it needs to do to get to the area where the new profile is located. It's a very smart bot like that. :)
  7. Version 4.0


    For use with almost any talents, but I am running with Heartbreaker, Rapid Decomposition, Ossuary, Mark of Blood, Tightening Grasp, Foul Bulwark and Blood Mirror. Only thing I forgot to do is add in Mark of Blood as an ability, haven't even needed to... I liked Dr. Wolf's fight class, but I wanted something that utilized more runes when they were fully charged, so my DK wasn't sitting with full runes and very little Runic Power. I made more use of not only Marrowrend to keep Bone Shield nice and high, but also Heart Strike to really build up the Runic Power. I also tailored Death and Decay a little more so that you're 99% of the time standing in it, therefore building more Runic Power. This keeps a constant 6+ stacks of Bone Shield and as soon as Death Strike is available, bam, you've got Blood Shield and a heal too. Hopefully you like this. I will add Mark of Blood tomorrow as it is late here, and re-upload as V2.
  8. It's been an issue for a long time, to be honest. I've been using this bot for a while now, it seems only in flying is there a problem, ground stuff seems to be ok...anyway, I hope you get an answer about your issue.
  9. Did you see my thread about the actual overall stuck detection of this bot in general? No one replied to it, except for me, so I wouldn't get too excited about it yet, just something we have to deal with it would seem, and I don't mean that in a bad way.
  10. No replies to this? Seriously?
  11. This is a great bot in many aspects, I have said it before. It is so great that I bought a lifetime subscription to it. The biggest problem, for whatever reason, continues to be the way the bot handles (or doesn't handle) getting stuck. Whether it is while the bot has found a mineral or herb and is enroute to it, or just flying the path of the profile itself, this is one of the worst bots I have ever used as far as stuck detection is concerned, and that concerns me. One example of when the bot finds a mine or herb, if my character is higher than the mineral, let's say near ICC (Icecrown Citadel), and I am flying up over one of the bridges, the bot will literally try to fly down through the actual walkway of the bridge. It will not move forward to clear the bridge, won't move side to side, won't move backwards, just flies up, then down, then up, then down, then up, then down, I have watched this for 5 minutes straight before stopping the bot to intervene. I don't know if this is due to lack of the bot detecting an actual floor or wall or anything in the way, I have no idea why the bot does this, but it is not a good thing at all and it is a crucial foundation for any successful bot. One example of getting stuck while flying the profile, this has nothing to do with the bot finding a mineral or herb, this is just while enroute through the profile itself. The bot will be flying forward and get stuck on a tree branch. I am not talking about a huge tree or a huge branch either, I am talking the very tip of a branch. In this case, the bot does nothing, it just keeps trying to fly straight, the way it was going, so to others they see a person just caught on a very small tip of a tree branch. All I have to do, literally, is tap the space bar once. I don't have to stop the bot, all I do is tap, just TAP the space bar and it clears the branch and continues flying the route. This happens more often than I would like to admit. I have actually re-recorded entire continent profiles literally to avoid all the trees I could just so this wouldn't happen, but obviously it can't avoid everything, and it still happens very often. I am not trying to sound like I am complaining, please don't take this the wrong way. However, this stuck detection problem has been the same and not changed since I started using this bot, and this isn't the first time I have brought this up. If you guys need me to take a video of this happening please let me know, if it helps I will do so. Whatever you guys need from me in order to help with this would greatly benefit the entire community, so please, again, let me know. Thanks! Waldo
  12. Thank you, I appreciate that!
  13. Literally the only glyph I am using is Glyph of Outbreak. I have no other glyphs at all on my botting character, since I do not use him for pvp or running dungeons, he just farms. Is there a particular reason why you are asking? Is there something the fight class is or is not doing? Sorry for the delay in response, work has been very busy lately.
  14. Are you asking for a screenshot of my glyphs and talents from in game? I just want to make sure I know what you're asking for...
  15. Thank you! Please, if there is anything I can make better please let me know! Again, it's tough when I am not fighting "hard" mobs that take more than a couple hits before they are dead, so I need to know if the whole rotation is working correctly or not, if it's not, or if priority needs to be changed between a couple spells, please let me know! :) Thanks!
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