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mbfme got a reaction from stweily in hunter feed pet
better to use macro feed pet ingame and to bind it to general settings in wrobot, already existing thread are in the forum..
mbfme got a reaction from fragik in Fishing problems
I got an issue about fishing, wrobot cast every seconds without trying to wait to catch the fish, he just spam the "Fish" spell.
I already installed DXSlim etc...
mbfme reacted to Amazing Snake in WRobot for Classic
What you think about Classic WRobot?
There are many new Servers coming up (Elysium & Crestfall) and elysium will have the huge Nostalrius Population like 30k+
mbfme got a reaction from braxecito in Vanilla support
I know that this kind of post have already been posted but I'm here to up again because actually I think it would be really useful to implement the support for the Vanilla extension, just take a look at Elysium private server, only them represent 25K players average, there is a big potential !
Please creator take this post in consideration.
mbfme reacted to tonycali in [BUG] Relog
I'd post where i play on but theres a certain member on these boards who uses wrobot has been banned for 10 days for using it on a private server and then had the nerve to whisper me saying he's going to tell a GM im botting even though he was running the same way points on top of me in a BG....Ratting on fellow botters thats lame. And theres another member on here who uses his same name / avatar as he does on a certain private server forums which he should change before that same jerk rats him out as well.
mbfme got a reaction from BetterSister in WOTLK ALL IN ONE 1-60 PROFILE PRE ORDERS NOW!
5 times ? lmfao
mbfme reacted to masterfluff in Any chance for TBC support?
yea since nostalrius refugees are spreading now to all possible tbc servers, i think there is a greaaaat demand of a BC bot since there is not one good (supported) one