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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. The path server is down at least for Vanilla. No bots will work on Vanilla atm.
  2. Pathing is not working on any Vanilla servers right now. Tried myself: Northdale, K3 Reported from others: LH, NH, other servers No pathing is currently working
  3. I think it's Northdale, nothing works for me either on Northdale. lol
  4. IF it does not use revenge before everything else, then add the condition that you were told to, in the very start of this post, to all other spells than revenge. (IsUsable)
  5. You have 2x Heroics strike, change both of them
  6. Yes, remember to change both your instances of Heroic Strike. ?
  7. look at what Matenia wrote. ? Where it says "Not spell, is lua script" set that to true. ?
  8. Also, you don't want to remove all your conditions, they should still be there. Only remove your Lua Script condition. ?
  9. If you don't change your code all your conditions will be irrelevant.
  10. That works? ? It just sets retV to 1, so it'll never be true? ? Lua Script: revengeUsable = IsUsableSpell("Revenge"); Return value research false Return value var revengeUsable The code you wrote above just casts Heroic Strike. This is why your revenge is not prioritized. Every time it gets to Heroic Strike, it will run the code you just wrote, and cast heroic strike, it will overwrite any condition you have made. Edit: Just looked through your code. The heroic strike will always overwrite anything, it does not care for any conditions at all. My guess is that you made that code in or for it to not turn OFF heroic strike Instead do it like this: Where it says "Heroic Strike" on the left (spell name) write: RunMacroText("/cast !Heroic Strike") Then under the spell settings (top setings thingy) change to Is Lua Code or whatever it says. ? Then remove that silly LuaScript. ?
  11. If you are on vanilla, you need to have the spell on actionbar for IsUsableSpell to work. you can also do a lua condition instead with revengeUsable = IsUsableSpell("Revenge"); revengeUsable has to be your check var however, this is also requires your spell to be on the actionbar. Now, if it make take WRobot a second to register that Revenge is usable, hence it might cast spells anyway. Try increasing the fps on the FC. (Top left corner). Edit: I just noticed devastate, so you are not on Vanilla. ?
  12. Can't this code be used to fix the revive bug in dungeons?
  13. lol gotta love WRobot, and all it's small kinks =P
  14. PLEASE do tell if you figure out what the issue is. So i can add it to the FAQ. ?
  15. I am not sure why you are having these issues. ? You have tried making a fresh install in a whole new folder?
  16. It's really weird, because i am not getting this issue at all. Not even on proxy. Please try turning on CTM. see if t changes anything, basically i have done everything that can be done to fix the issue. I even have MovementManager.Face(ObjectManager.Target); in the end of the movement code, so it honestly sounds like a wrobot bug, that is happening to you for some odd reason. It's very hard to fix something i can't replicate. I take these bug reports very seriously, and until now I've managed to fix 100% of all the bugs reported. (Although 95% of the bugs reported, has not been caused by my fightclass).
  17. afraid it's not something I've ever looked into. Maybe @Matenia knows something, hard to tell. ?
  18. You can just go to that vendor and call ToTown, it should use the nearest vendor? Edit: I mean go to the vendor, open his trade window.
  19. Is it because there are specific items you want to sell, or is it a specific vendor you want to use?
  20. you just do a return with Lua.LuaDoString<String>("return functionName");
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