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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. 50 minutes ago, bignoga said:

    Yep I just did a fresh install of wrobot and having exact same issue. I mentioned the other day.

    Issue 1: Will attempt to feed pet, you can see the icon going on off on off on off when it gets to content but will not actually select the food. 

    Issue 2: If pet dies hunter will try and revive him in combat, the hunter will attempt until it gets to around 35% then run using the human paid plugin, often times it will die anyways. Upon reviving the hunter wont realize pet is dead and will just spam call pet for remainder of session.


    Edit: Yes I have changed the pet food name from the default clefthoof

    And you are running wow and wrobot as admin?
    AND you are doing changes WHILE the bot is running?

  2. 24 minutes ago, bodacias said:

    Ok, yeah, I understand -I don't want you to feel like I was complaining or anything, mostly I'm just new to the whole thing and I'm piecing together my understanding of it all - for a minute I thought that you were implying: there was some sort of increased Ban risk or something having your Bot's sound on (so I couldn't help but ask about it) -Thanks for the info on Cvar -Seems I was reading about that in your Readme notes as well. I apricate your help!

    Yeah, sorry for me being harsh. I need to be a better supporter, like i used to. But when you begin getting 10-20 support pm's etc. a day and most of them are stuff that is already in the FAQ OR doesn't even have anything to do with my stuff. You automatically begin dismissing most stuff as fast as you can.
    I've also had a lot of issues with stress the last 3 months, which doesn't help much on the temper.
    However none of what i wrote above was meant to be hard or anything. Just not full of smileys =P

    - But don't worry my brother has joined my team, and we're coming with a LOT of new stuff that you can look forward to soon! I'm sure he'll figure out how to permanently fix the action bar stuff in a way that i hadn't thought of. ?

  3. 6 hours ago, bodacias said:

    why not? just for the sake of sanity? or perhaps reasons beyond the constant noise of the pick up drop spell check?

    Because if you are botting, there is no reason to have sound on?
    The whole reason you play with sound is to enjoy the sounds coming while playing, but when you are botting. I can't imagine you are sitting in front of your screen 24/7. Unless ofc. you only use it for rotation. If that is the case, then i'm afraid i currently don't have a fix for vanilla. since mute sound as cvar wasn't added until TBC.

  4. 2 hours ago, bodacias said:

    I'm using your vanilla beast master fight class profile seems to be great, except (just out of curiosity), what is the sound that I hear constantly? is that like the macro?  its my only complaint so far.

    You shouldn't bot with sound on.
    It's because in vanilla there are some functions you can't use, without holding a spell in the curser as minimum. So what you are hearing is the spell being picked up checked, then put down again. One of these spell being "Auto Shoot". There is no way to check if the hunter is auto shooting without either having auto shoot on the actionbar or having it on the curser.
    Yes i could put the spell on the action bar (I am actually doing this) but unfortunately that gave me a LOT of pm's from people that couldn't get auto-shoot to work. Because guess what? They removed the spell from the action bar. ?

  5. 28 minutes ago, bignoga said:


    Recently purchased your TBC fightclass and am having an issue with pet management. Will not revive,call,feed.

    Edit: Netherwing Realm, Level 10/12/13

    I moved your post to the right forum, in the right topic.
    Try reading the FAQ first, if that doesn't help get back here. ?



  6. 3 hours ago, ClassicPlastic said:

    Sorry to annoy you ordush but it's not using raptor strike very often.

    is it suppose to be like that?

    The TBC version of the fightclass, has some issues with melee fighting.
    I am going to rewrite it soon.
    I am working with my brother now, so it's not just me but also csMax who is deveolping on my stuff. He is a longtime programmer, and is way more skilled than I am. So you can await some new powerful features etc.
    We are currently working on an auth system. When that is done, we'll begin rewriting and releasing new stuff. ?

  7. 1 hour ago, Edgewood411 said:

    Hi Ordush, any updates to the FC being made soon? I remember you saying that you were working on some additions for the TBC version. The FC works great but with the broken nature of autopetfeeder for tbc the feed pet issue is cumbersome for TBC botting. 

    Hey mate
    Me and csMax are gonna make an auth system first, when that is done. We'll begin optimizing everything I've made. (i will finish the warlock FC on the sideline).
    We just don't want to release a lot of new work before we're done with the auth. ?

  8. 2 hours ago, sibz said:

    How do I make the bot save setting for assigned pet food, everytime i start the bot up the pet food has reset to clefthoof ribs.

    Seems like the bot sometimes while moving back away from mob keeps meleeing while out of range and pet has aggro does not swap to ranged auto shoot .

    Any suggestions what i could do to fix these problems?

    Sounds like you don't have permissions to save your settings.

    Try running wrobot as admin same with wow.

    Remember that any setting you change while wrobot not running will reset.

  9. 12 hours ago, drazzhar said:

    Hello ,


    Just a quick question , i buy your product a few months ago . How should i go to get the last version of your product ? i should buy a new version ?


    EDIT :


    Also have this error :


    My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Le format de la chaîne d'entrée est incorrect.
       à System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
       à System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
       à LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName)
       à Main.CombatRotationMelee()
       à Main.Rotation()


    Thank you for your help ?

    That error is from the old version. You can use your download link at sellfy to download the latest version.

  10. 6 hours ago, andyroo said:

    when i connect to the game it gets stuck on authenticating.

    i added the ip and port that proxiesforyou gave me.

    any help if possible?


    Seems that the IP you entered doesn't work. Have you verified that the IP's you got and/or the login is working properly?

  11. 9 hours ago, Skemez said:

    Why not use the client supplies on there website?

    Because if you use a client uploaded by the server you are playing on, you risk them having changed it and added their own anti-cheat.
    That was a well known problem with some servers previously, where some people got banned while others didn't.

  12. 4 hours ago, Omon said:

    what if u (devs) have clean clients to to download on your website

    Hosting the wow clients is a bad idea. ?
    There are tons of clients out there: Just never use a client downloaded from the site of wow server you are playing on. ?

  13. 18 minutes ago, CocoChanel said:

    I had it open in the background without issues.

    There are however reports of people losing their retail accounts due to this, so to be safe I'd run the private server session on a VM.
    (There are many guides here on the forum on VMs)

  14. 8 hours ago, Stressfullest said:

    Hello, is there a way to completely disable the walk backwards feature, when for example using it with wrotation?

    There is supposed to be a toggle for it, but it seems that i haven't added it to the TBC FC.
    I will be working on WRobot in the christmas vacation, i will add the button then. ?

  15. 14 hours ago, Jensen- said:

    Ordush uprage tbc hunter fighting class please to something similar like you got in vanilla i dont want to change food manualy every few lvls

    First of all, please stop making demands.
    Secondly, it's not "just" update.. It will take me several hours to do. I can't just copy/paste lol...
    Thirdly, i already said that i will, when the Christmas vacation hits. I am having issues with stress. So i will not be able to do it until i don't have a full time work to think of.

  16. 1 hour ago, Gobick said:


    My hunter won't revive/call his pet and he won't use aspect of the hawk either. I have tried turning all the settings off and on. It's a fresh wrobot installation as well. Your FC is working perfectly when I am using your vanilla version on Northdale, but now that I am trying your TBC version on a TBC server it doesn't seem to work as smoothly. 



    Hi Gobick, make sure that all addons are disabled.
    Oh and make sure that you run wow AND wrobot as admin.
    When you are running as admin, try turning the optiosn OFF then back ON again. This has worked 100% of the time that this issue has happened.
    Oh yeah, and obviously... the bot HAS to run when you make changes, otherwise it will not change anything to the actual bot, but only to the in-game interface. ?

  17. 55 minutes ago, Findeh said:

    DP.CheckArea(x, y, z, range) also check for a critters. Can you fix that please?
    There is wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WoWUnit.CreatureTypeTarget that returns String "Critter" if it's a critter, or you can also check for a unit level.

    In current state this funcion is not working because in every dungeon will be tones of critters.

    I will look into it asap!
    I just looked into my code, it's an easy fix.
    It's actually not in my plugin but rather in the questing profile.
    Open the profile in the quest editor
    Then click tools and Custom Scripts

    public class DP
        public static bool CheckArea(float x, float y, float z, int range)
            if (!ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Any(u => u.Type != WoWObjectType.Player && u.IsAlive && u.IsAttackable && u.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(x, y, z)) < range))
                return true;
            return false;
        public static bool LeaderReadyPull()
            if (Lua.LuaDoString<string>("return TeamLeader()") == "Player" && Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return AllReady"))
                return true;
            return false;
        public static void SetObjective(string msg)
            Lua.LuaDoString("SetObjective('"+ msg +"')");

    You will see this code.
    This line:

    if (!ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Any(u => u.Type != WoWObjectType.Player && u.IsAlive && u.IsAttackable && u.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(x, y, z)) < range))

    add:  && u.Health > 1
    So it looks like this:

    if (!ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Any(u => u.Type != WoWObjectType.Player && u.IsAlive  && u.Health > 1 && u.IsAttackable && u.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(x, y, z)) < range))

    Now it will ignore mobs with less than 2 hp. ?
    It's not the perfect solution but it will work until i release a more permanent better fix.
    However this will work on the go now. ?

  18. 17 hours ago, sxh92 said:

    My hunter never uses Arcane shot for some reason.

    the fight class is missing Aspect of the Monkey 

    + he only uses raptor strike like once in a fight..

    tho hunter's mark and serpent sting works perfect. 

    Try reinstalling wrobot into a new folder.
    make sure that you are running wrobot/wow as admin, and make sure that you are running without addons.
    You can also try turning the spells off then back on in the interface to see if there is a false positive on the spells.

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