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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. 23 minutes ago, happiness7 said:

    New anti-cheat system?

    Probably not, more likely that you got reported, they observed you, decided you were a bot.
    Reason i think that's the scenario: Seems like the GM accidentally clicked his macro twice.
    Smart of them to make a macro like that, nice scare factor. ?
    Easy way for you to test this is to use wrotation on your char, and see if you get banned. If not then it's not detected, if you however do get banned. Then it's a whole other story. ?

  2. 14 hours ago, biggraz said:

    I can only get a couple of eenys paid profiles to work, and im using mcro fight class, the paid one ordush literally doesnt work at all.

    You are saying that my fightclass ir literally not working at all?
    There are over 400 people not having any issues.
    There is a support forum for my fightclasses.
    In my fightclass try and change the range to 35 and back to 25 (You can do this on the third tab of the UI).
    Also do what Matenia said.

  3. 18 hours ago, whatblackdog said:


    I'm having trouble getting the bot to use ranged. It's targeting and then running into melee range. I've tried getting a fresh 1.12 client, as well as a fresh Wrobot. No joy. I've also tried playing with range settings when the profile is running, but it still doesn't seem to want to use a ranged attack.
    Any ideas?

    Edit: I can see in past comments a few people have had this issue. Anyone shed any light on how you fixed it? I've tried everything already suggested

    Just change the range to 35 than back to 25.
    Last tab on the config window.
    For some reason SOME people have an issue, where it doesn't use the default value (25), so it just goes to nil (0) range instead.
    Until you update it yourself

  4. 13 hours ago, Kr8zycdn said:

    VERY frustrated! Still getting this error for the past 2 days and no help what so ever beside saying Read the FAQ.... GREAT HELP!

    Error I am getting

    [E] 21:41:18 - [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName) at Main.PreCombatRotation() at Main.Rotation()



    uninstall the bot/ wow client completely deleted all.

    uninstall : Direct x , Microsoft >net Framework 4.6, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010.. and reinstall them.

    Than downloaded a fresh copy of the WOW client installed it in C:game/wow

    Downloaded a fresh copy of the bot installed in the C:game/WRobot dragged my FC into the fight class.


    Worked fine for a min or 2 and than the god damm error popped again..

    CAN you help me or please just refund me? So I can move forward and delete this hunter I was planning to make.

    Also gonna copy paste from the FAQ here. Last question in the FAQ:

    On 4/24/2018 at 3:14 PM, Ordush said:

    FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
    Here you will find the answers to most of your questions.
    If your issue is not in this list, feel free to seek help in the support channel that fits the fightclass you're using.

    [Q] = Questions
    [A] = Answer

    [Q]: The xml file is only containing 1 line of code, is this a scam?
    [A]: No, this is not a scam. All my fightclasses are encrypted, WRobot reads the encryption key then it loads all my code.

    [Q]: I have loaded the file, but nothing happens in-game (no interface).?
    [A]: This can be because of a few reasons:
    1) Your game client is not English.
    2) Your WRobot is only trial version If it's not any of these two then get help in the support.
    3) You have the settings stored from a pre v2.0.0, they are messing with the new version. Go to wrobot/settings folder and delete anything with "Ordush" in the name.
    4) Your WRobot setup, has a setting set to something that breaks the fightclass. Try making a new WRobot install, in a new folder.

    [Q]: All other fightclasses works fine, why doesn't your?
    [A]: Most other fightclasses are not nearly as advanced as mine is. My fightclasses utilizes a lot more functions from WRobot. This means more can go worng with your install.
    Making a fresh install of WRobot is the safest bet to make sure nothing is wrongly set up.

    [Q]: I am getting this error: (May look slightly different if your computer language is not English)

    [My fightclass] ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
    at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
    at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
    at LuaUtils.GetSpellRemainingCD(String spellName)
    at Main.CombatRotationRanged()
    at Main.Rotation()

    [A]: This error is a false positive. It's basically saying: The code you wrote to check cooldowns... It isn't working.
    However, if the code i wrote did not work. Then the bot would not cast any spells. Ignore the message. It does nothing.


  5. 14 minutes ago, hunterproject11 said:

    hey so I bought the hunter bot. The thing is it's always trying to shoot the bow in all directions itll just keep turning and turning flipping and flipping how to fix this?

    It's obviously something that is wrong with your setup. It's not something i've had happening before.

    Two suggestions: 1: try a reinstall of wrobot to a new folder, 2: try looking through this topic see if something relates to your issue. Maybe there is an answer ?

    if neither works, check the FAQ, else come back here.

    I am on a festival atm and can therefore only provide limited support

  6. Also want to point out that someone sorted screenshot of gm telling him his account was mistakenly ported to the box, because there was no note on his account.

    Which would indicate that they note up bots and then do a sweep.

    Also I did not even get banned for accidentally making 5 bots run in circles in Orgrimmar. (Matenia can confirm this happened, because he knows the circumstances where this happens.)

    As soon as I realized I stopped the bots and haven't logged them in-game since. According to the site they are not banned. There is on chance in hell they did not get reported.

    But since they have not been online to be checked, nothing has happened. My other bots has not been banned or anything, although they have been running.

    So I an positive that it's not hardware that is the fault here.

    You have all done a lot of research and I am sure that within some time, you will have this figured out.

  7. And no it's not a fact that they can see people, it's a fact that SOME of you are exposing yourselves somehow.

    Some of us are not having any issues.

    You people need to remember that unless you are using a modified wow client, they won't be able to do anything that blizzard could not do when they made that client.

  8. 5 hours ago, Faffywaffy said:

    Serpent string should be able to scan what mobs can be affected and what cannot be affected, currently not using on ghost/ghouls but Is being used on mobs that are immune elementals etc. It would also be nice if we could get an option to reapply serpent sting on multiple mobs after it expires to try to upkeep some uptime to min/max damage, especially for grinding from 50 to 60.

    I feel there should be two options for backtracking, the current version and one that simply just backs up 5-10 yards, unless of course the current one can be finetuned so it has less performance issues, often it will fall off of cliffs, fall off of ramps, and it just trys to jump at the wall or run back and forth.

    When feign death is triggered due to loss of agro on the pet you should enable the option to drop a trap as well since the bot usually will get agro again anyway, especially if fighting more than two mobs.

    Following further on backtracking the bot does no checks whether or not your pet has left your line of sight, and will usually sit in place trying to spam skills such as "Mend pet, Intimidation, Beastial wrath." so an option to pull the pet back to the owner if pet is x% of health, or is fighting x amount of enemies would be useful if it can be implemented.

    If your pet dies and humanmasterplugin is running from combat, should try to add an option to feign death and wait 1-2minutes (the wait time is since it could potentially feign on top of a mob or mob(s) and would just get back up and die)

    I will look into some of there things, however I will tell right away: there is no way I can tell if mobs are immune to serpent sting without having to make a list of all mobs in the game, I can only generalize by mob type. I seem to have forgotten elementals. Will add there.

    Also there is on way I can do anything based on plugins, I don't have access to the variables.

    Wrobot does not know if there is a ramp etc, so I can't make a workaround for that, I will however make mob detection, so it doesn't backtrack into those. I will give the choice of old school backtracking.

    I am on a festival atm. So there features will come later ?

  9. 30 minutes ago, Ivkan1997 said:

    So is there any way to maybe set rule on your pc that wow1.exe can use only specific ip address(proxies)? So wow2.exe will use some other specific ip address(proxies)

    I have tested now and proxycap can really leak your IP address.. it doesnt even discconect me from server when i shut down proxycap, and my real IP is showed for all my bots...


    That way your real IP would never be exposed since your wow.exe will only work with one IP which will be proxie...


    First of all.

    If your IP is closed and you don't lose connection to the wow server, then your client is not using that IP..

    Secondly if your wow client IS connected via the 1 IP and that IP is not gone, then it will stay on that IP it is not possible for the wow client to keep a connection to the server and change IP...

    If it disconnects and reconnects, now that is a whole other story

    There already is a Guide in this topic on how to do it

  10. Please post your ideas in the suggestions page.
    Secondly the backtracking needs to be rewritten. First it did straight line backtracking, then people complained about that, then i changed it to this system, now people are complaining about that. Not sure what to do to keep everybody happy.

    I am going on a festival the next two weeks.

  11. 1 hour ago, maylu said:

    Are the accounts being created on separate IPs as well? IP is logged into their database when the account is created. Depending on their GM policies any IP that account is attached to will be banned.


    Hopefully you're tunneling with puTTy and proxycap, and that the program will only accept a connection from an assigned IP through proxycap, which I'm going to assume you have done. If not, I would look into doing this. 

    Depending on the investigation and procedures of the private server, they may log all bans at once. You see this happen on servers such as Paymane (Warmane). The reason behind this is to prevent botters and hackers from trying to save the account or log out and change the IP the account connects with. I can tell you without a doubt that almost all bot bans are caused by player reports or flags generated by their anti-cheat (or manual server queries for previously banned IPs) that require manual review from previously banned IPs.


    There are many ways to block your wow.exe from connecting with your IP using puTTy/proxycap. Some quick Google searches will answer this.

    This about sums up what I've been saying. ?

  12. 9 minutes ago, mutolisk said:

    Got ban right now at 23 lvl. Have only one bot account. Want use it for playing by myself at 60.

    I think i got it because of player reports. I think all GM stuff have all charachters statistics. 

    For example if i have at least 2 reports GM just check my finishing quests and killed mobs and then give me a ban without porting to GM room. 

    Or maybe they just watch another table that show all players online and there mobs killed or online time, randomly check it and if it confirmed they give a ban.



    I think that you are way overthinking this.
    You probably got reported, they checked you out, banned you..

  13. 4 minutes ago, milkme said:

    "Have anyone tried to bot multiple accounts on 2 seperate pc with different IP and proxies ( I belive some of you have more than 1 router at home )?"

    Yes, I had multiple machines running on different routers, different proxies.

    On my main machine I had 6 bots running, they got wavebanned 3 times each time different proxies, however 1 character survived the very first wave because I stopped botting with it shortly before the wave, so it wasn't flagged.

    The other machine had 8 bots running and they all survived.

    I believe one banwave was caused by proxycap actually crashing and me not noticing as at some point I think it wasn't on, maybe I even fucked something up myself, but that was before the banwaves so my memory on that isn't so clear. As long as proxycap is running the proxies can go down no problem, it won't let you log in because the proxycap rule still tries to send you through the proxy, but if proxycap itself is down then there are no rules active unless you somehow block the respective wow.exe's through other means.

    If it was anything other than this extremely weird pattern, multiple of my batches created through different IPs, different browsers, different e-mail providers, different name/password patterns being banned exactly at the same time every time, even if one was lvl 6 and the other lvl 14, if it really would be anything else, I would just blame reports and GMs manually catching me.

    The only other theory I have right now is that my first waveban was me fucking up somehow or proxycap crashing and at the same time GMs decided to go hard on starting/early areas, maybe checking obvious points like quest mobs that bots would be waiting at, the tram etc. etc. etc. and then flagging accounts but waiting deliberately to teleport and ban all at the same time then taunting us to make us think that they have a way to connect the accounts, but what really happens is just that they catch all our bots manually because as we remake them they just have to look at the starting areas re-flag them. The bots on my other machines however wouldn't have been touched by me fucking up/proxycap crashing and they wouldn't be in the areas that the GMs are focusing on, creating the illusion that they got my machine fingerprinted. Then they stopped that at some point and now that we only run 2 and are fine we think it has something to do with them having a way to connect the accounts. So overall just bad timing.

    That theory however would not explain people being banned for multiboxing rather than botting(unless the GMs do that deliberately aswell)or people still being wavebanned right now even when people like Ordush never got hit by a wave.

    I believe in your second theory. I also think that the GM's just write "Mutlibotting" on almost every account they ban. ?

  14. I don't think you understand what he means by "leaking your ip".
    He means that you risk that the program crashes or loses connection to the ip you are using.
    And thereby leaking your IP. HOWEVER that is not the case with wow, because if you lose your interne connection while on a wow server, you will get disconnected from the server.
    However if you use a relogger, and your program crashes then it will log on with your own IP. (Leak of your IP). However i am yet to see proxycap crash. and if the connection to the IP you provided in proxycap is lost, then you won't even be able to connect to the server.

  15. 1 minute ago, tonycali said:

    Typical liberal ideology I'm a senior developer of fight class hunter so im superior to you,  and im evil for selling a charachter and your the morally superior guy here for not (no proof u do or dont) Just like no proof of you going unbanned but have an excuse of why u wont be able to show the 10 hunters that are just rolling thru mass botting without ban city .  I think we beat this dicussion to death.  I'm not sitting here in anger or anything droidz has made an awesome product but ndales seems to have something different than kronos / elysium so i guess will just agree to disagree on topic ordush.

    lol i have nothing against people selling accounts, but as i said that is a whole other discussion.
    I will definitely get banned if i keep them running, one at a time by reports.
    My point is that something is making them able to see that all the accounts belong to you, or at least that they are all bots. But it's definitely not wrobot that is detected, or some shit that is looking at your windows. It's something else, i don't know what, but you guys are wasting so much time on tin foil theories instead of getting to the core.
    I have nothing to gain by lying.
    Anyway that is the last word from me.

    You guys all have something in common, find out what that is, and you will solve this issue.

  16. Just now, tonycali said:

    So in 2 weeks you should have  10 60's ready to post the screen shots of them on ndale with name blacked out if not cool story ordush.

    No, because i am not leveling them to level 60 lol.
    Bambo started having these issues you people are talking about here, we've been trying out a shit ton of different shit via Discord to solve his issue.

    I agreed with him on discord to try level 10 chars at the same time on my setup, to see if i ran into the same issues he did.
    One bot got banned, remade a new one (the now level 32) one. Even on the same IP that got banned. Haven't been banned since.

    I did this as a service to him, to see if it was his setup that had issues or if it was ND that had some kind of protection. in the meantime this little thread popped up, and as you can see he has even been active here as well.
    I am not leveling toons to sell them just like a lot of you guys are, I am a programmer, i make shit so you guys can do your thing. I don't agree on your methods, but that is a whole other discussion.

    So no, i am not going to prove anything, and you should focus on finding out what it is that is not working out for you people instead of doing a witch hunt on a senior member, who is telling you guys that you can bot on ND.
    I understand that you are frustrated, but there is still no reason to bare that tone.

  17. 2 minutes ago, tonycali said:

    Theres enough take my word for it without any proof in this world then you call it facts...lol?. BS if so post a overwolf vid of  u running ur 10+ all day there so far away u can't even see the names when there windowed in small boxes..but  if what you are saying is true then why isn't the market flooded with lvl 40's for sale  and only a couple lvl 20's for sale like 1-2 account from MASS SELLERS who usually have 50 accounts for sale...The market says differently than your facts bro.

    Yeah waste your time arguing with me instead of trying to solve your issue lol.
    If i was just some random noob on wrobot sure I'd go through all the hassle of recording it. However i am not just some random noob on WRobot.
    Again, believe me or not, i do not care at all.

  18. 5 minutes ago, tonycali said:

    can we see these 10 that are 32-37 with blacked names find it odd that ur the only person in this whole community that isn't being banned.  

    How many people are writing in this thread 5-6 different people?
    Is that the whole community?
    See the names with blacked names? I hope you are kidding? Why on earth would I make this up?
    You can believe me or not, i don't really care. I am just stating facts here.
    It gets you nowhere claiming that ND has a method to ban everyone, if you all believe that, you will never get anywhere. You need to understand that this is not the case, and those of you who is having these issues has something in common, i can't tell you what it is. Because i don't know.
    But there are people here who are not getting banned.

  19. 3 minutes ago, tonycali said:

    Great  only put on 8 accounts and ban city by lvl 12.   yet can go 2 accounts 24/7 to  30-40.  Whats the sweet spot only lol 3-5?....And of course this is with all socks5 proxies and no cheap shared proxies even after changing the proxy cities on fresh ones to a new country..

    I have 10 accounts running atm.
    They are all with socks5 proxies, same IP range on the first three so 128.84.2.x. (Just some random numbers).
    Level 32-37 atm.
    I've gotten 1 char banned a few days ago. rest is still fine and running.
    Honestly all of you who are getting banned here, have something in common, i don't know what.
    But ND does not have any way to detect this unless you are one of those that has whatever it is in common.
    You should use more energy finding out what it is, than complaining about getting banned.

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