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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. 5 minutes ago, Garub said:

    Open in Fight Class Editor and then in NotePad ++.

    I apologize for the work I'm doing to you, but I do not know how to add this to my Fight Class.xml


              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">

    <FightClassSpell> means the start of a spell (charge in this case)
    </FightClassSpell> means the end of a spell
    So go open your fightclass with notepad, and paste the code i just added above under a </FightClassSpell>

    now if you open your fightclass with the editor the spell Droidz made will be there, move it around as you like.
    Also make sure you have CombatOnly turned off. Otherwise it will not work out of combat.

  2. 1 hour ago, Garub said:

    The file is blank, has nothing written.

    It certainly is not blank ?
    I'll bet that you opened it with internet explorer. ?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <FightClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <FightClassName>Fight config name</FightClassName>
              <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber">


  3. 4 hours ago, Madee said:

    i can bot on feenix but not on lightshope why? if i press start nothing happens

    Probably want to make your own support page, but my guess is that you are trying to run a TBC version of WRobot on vanilla.

    @Seminko As mentioned above, GM's follow people around, see what they do. This is a classic move. My guess is that he is posting a shit ton on AH, they decide to investigate. Can be almost anything triggering them looking into you. ?

  4. 42 minutes ago, payyn518 said:

    I'm running Vanilla Beastmaster - Hunter  and the bot completes the backtracking, but doesn't turn around enough to shoot his bow. So i get the error "Target needs to be in front of you". If I slightly turn the bot, he starts to fire shots. I'm running 1.3.0

    First of all, try and reinstall wrobot and/or wow without any plugins/addons installed. Then add your plugins/addons one at a time, untill the error occurs again. Then you know what plugin/addon is causing it.
    Secondly, what product are you using?

  5. 5 minutes ago, iMod said:

    Only in theorie, you can calculate and make a guess, otherwise no.
    If i'm not wrong there was a lua library that does it for a healing addon but sadly i don't remember the name y.y

    Bonusscanner. ?

    Already knew how to do it with lua, it's just tedius in Vanilla, because you have to check tooltips. So i hoped there was an easier way with WRobot.
    Cheers for the heads up ?

  6. 2 hours ago, ntx said:

    sounds great, youre doing great work! the menu you made is so crazy good work! A+ for above and beyond scripting +++++

    was hoping it would be good for pvp when i purchased but it just runs arround when 1v1 and hots itself ?  so cant wait to see what you come up with for pvp implementation!
    i know there is a descent demand for good pvp profiles like your druid for pve... that menu feature is superior to anything else me and my friends have seen!! if you where to make that for pvp fightclasses im sure  you would have sales on it! i need SLSL lock and Disc prist both for pvp farming ? sooooo if you get the time ? you already have first sale to me ?

    Best regards NTX

    Thank you NTX!
    When i'm done with my current project, i will revise TBC. ?

  7. 3 minutes ago, athf said:

    i have an issue with all Hunter FC and maybe you can help  every time it tried to rez my pet it gets partially done and then interrupts the cast. also when I'm casting mend pet it will essentially spam it until I'm out of mana and doesn't actually wait the full duration. Is this a latency issue?

    Sounds weird.
    it's not supposed to be casting anything while casting. Sounds like you changed something in the configs of WRobot. Try reinstalling wrobot into a new folder. ?

  8. Just now, ntx said:

    hey m8 i purchased your Rdruid healing profile and i love it. but sadly its very robotic in pvp, would like if it could be more suitable for pvp like:

    1: have a few hostile dps abilities to make it actually fight a player
    2: posible CC option? roots, clones
    3: interup with bearcharge?
    4: fearie fire

    would be sick to see these, cus atm its looking very robotic in bgs, and there is no PVP Restro druid fightclass at all, so i bet you can attract more buyers... i tried to enter the file myself to tweak anything but naturally you encrypteed it ?

    ❤️ NTX

    Hey NTX.
    My druid is made for PVE, which is why most PVP features are not there.
    However, i am going to rewrite my fightclasses. I will take a look at the druid as well.
    Currently i am working on a Vanilla project. When i am done there, i will move back to TBC again. ?

  9. 22 minutes ago, athf said:

    My bot keeps running into melee range and back out and never uses bow skills. I tried a different FC and didn't have this issue. Is it a setting somewhere? Thanks!

    *Edit NVM just changed my combat range in the settings.

    Glad you figured it out. ?

  10. 1 hour ago, andrekevin said:

    Hello, just bought Ordush BM hunter fightclass. One of the best profiles so far!

    But i have some issue with "Feed pet". Bought "Tough Jerky" for my boar, but when pet lose loyalty my character just spams the "Tough Jerky" as if i wanted to eat it on my character instead of giving in with the "Mend pet" spell.

    Guessing its a right/left click issue, would appreciate help getting it to work properly ? 


    Thands in advance / New botter 

    [sting "xTiALSd.lua"]:7: attempt to index global `C_PetJournal' (a nil value)

    ** Both client and Wrobot started in admin mode.

    Do you know the spell Feed Pet?
    Sounds like you don't?

  11. 3 hours ago, schizoaffectivecop said:

    you don't understand it was working before with the older food...

    It has stopped working. and sorry about spamming i didn't know i could edit a post.

    It does sound like something is wrong with your setup.
    Are you on Windows 10? Are you running your game and wrobot as admin?
    To me it sounds like you don't have permission to change variables, and it sounds to me like you don't have permission to save files on your computer.
    Because if it does not save your settings between sessions, that sounds like you are not allowed o save the file.
    Instead of spamming here, do you have discord?

    I am in the official WRobot channel, you can find me there. PM me there, and we can see if we can figure out why your pc is not allowing you to do stuff. It's easier to help you live, then it is to help you via these support spams. ?

  12. 2 hours ago, schizoaffectivecop said:

    New problem. it is not feeding the pet any more. before i had it working but now the bot just keeps pressing feed pet and it won't select the chosen food in FC settings.

    When you write in the food name, you have to make sure:
    1. It's spelled right
    2. You press ENTER after typing it in.
    If you just close the menu or press ESC. It won't work.

  13. This is the same error that i reported. It's been there since a few updates.
    You have to reinstall wrobot to a new folder from scratch to update.

    Edit: And who in their right mind would use IExplorer and Edge? ?

  14. Just now, schizoaffectivecop said:

    I just deleted the Addons folder and fixed. sorry about calling your perfect FC Toast.

    It's the best one available . I have schizophrenia. the voices tell me to screw with the FC settings all the time.   

    Glad you got it to work.

  15. 6 minutes ago, schizoaffectivecop said:

    okay so i have had the FC working for 3 hours.

    New problem.   I was playing with the settings and now everytime i start Wrobot this comes up when it try's to use spells.

    It does not attack anymore. I have tried reinstalling Wrobot and World of Warcraft and still no change. Ordush your FC is toasted.

    Maybe it's Server side? 


    Would, you please stop using terms as "Fix please" and "your FC is toasted." ? This is not the reality lol..
    My fightclass works perfectly fine, you can ask the more then 100 people using it without any issues at all.
    I can see from your screenshot, that this is not a fresh install lol..
    When i say install to a new folder, i mean COMPLETELY new folder, NOTHING can be in the folder when you install the bot.
    Please make sure you are on a fully new wrobot folder, with fresh install, make sure you have NO plugins and NO addons for wow.
    Also try adding Auto Shot to your action bar.
    These problems you are having, is not because my fightclass does not work. It's because you are either doing something wrong, or you are using some bugged plugins/addons.

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