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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. If you can't even restart WoW and just play it without WRobot, it sounds like a system issue. Either corrupt OS or your RAM is unstable. Maybe unstable RAM overclock or XMP isn't fully stable. Maybe some defect ICs or a few cells of an IC.
  2. You have to make your own quest profile
  3. It's probably because it's protected if you run it via Macro - at least it needs a keypress. You should use RunLua and remove the /run part of the macro, the rest after it is pure Lua anyway. No need to put this in 2 steps either, the other part (again, no /run or /script needed) should just go at the end of your existing Lua code
  4. If you're an authorized seller, you can encrypt it with Droidz' software and the real version will only be available from the servers. Don't create an encryption ID based on IP, that's bound to lead to issues. If you do it based on MAC address, it's probably the smartest - it can be changed but you're not fucking users over if they swap out their hardware - most users won't change their motherboard too frequently - or their NIC for that matter. I recommend creating keys on purchase, unique to the user (order id + email) and validating them periodically (heartbeat) - or if your server can handle it, just keep a bunch of TCP connections open for user sessions. I shared my server that does exactly this and can be attached to Rocketr in the authorized sellers forums and it's what most people here were using. It's good enough, if your DLLs are properly obfuscated. Can it still be cracked somewhat easily by someone with extensive reverse engineering knowledge? Of course. But so can pretty much any program you write.
  5. I checked the fightclass and told him to please try with another. It's up to date for sure (I fixed the exceptions, but they shouldn't have caused this). I think the battlegrounder may not find a player to follow or lack an objective and you can go afk (no combat, you get the debuff, etc).
  6. It's probably encrypted with a salt. I doubt Droidz will share that. It's probably easier to set the values to the Settings class via a plugin, then restart the bot and turn off the plugin.
  7. Since they control the client, they can easily save data in your client before banning you that sends them this info again when you make a new account. When you get banned, change your IP, make a new account in incognito mode, delete WDB AND WTF folder before you start the game again. If you wanna be even more safe, download client from scratch.
  8. Your only bet is running a script that keeps checking for failed quests and abandons them via Lua
  9. You're likely not gonna be able to do this via XML. This already contains a working Shaman and you can adjust the source code before recompiling.
  10. If you're using it WITH the bot, then it won't work. The bot already auto loots. Plus it's vanilla tweaks that you need to use...
  11. They're not real patches. The client remains 1.12, but might send out a wrong number which might break fightclasses and plugin To WRobot, it shouldn't matter, but it will never support custom clients. But it will likely still run just fine on Turtle. Try it out - you'll need your own fightclasses and maybe plugins, but it should at least connect to the client.
  12. They likely either: purposely broke CTM (you can likely confirm by trying manually) broke Lua movement functions something about keys being injected My best guess is CTM. I doubt Droidz wants to fix that for custom clients.
  13. You'd have to ask Droidz. But the general rule is NO support of custom clients. It makes things way too complicated.
  14. Then there's your solution. WRobot won't work.
  15. He just told you not to apply patches. Custom clients are not supported
  16. I highly doubt they added detection to the 1.12.1 client. They may call it another patch and change the patch number, but they can't modify the client THAT heavily. You likely got reported or they monitor multiboxing for potential bots and if something looks fishy, they investigate manually.
  17. Here's what you should do: add code to to TagNBagger (since it's public) to read a variable in WRobot via Via.GetVar<string>("customName") use your quester to set that var, you can use my example randomized questers to take a look at how to do it when var is set, the internal settings of the plugin are changed FROM WITHIN the plugin, you can then reload the plugin itself if required use Var to communicate between plugins, quester, other parts of WRobot for everything you need The chat command itself isn't a bad idea either. But within the same instance of WRobot, you don't need to chat and as far as I understand, this is mainly what you're struggling with. The party mode plugin I released which TagNBagger is based on is also open source, if you need more inspiration. More info:
  18. This is a separate plugin. I don't know where you're trying to paste this code. If you're trying to put this INTO an existing plugin, this will never work. The important thing is in the sTemp class, that one has all the required info/functionality for writing a file. Quite frankly, I don't think you are capable of making a product that quests as a party with next to no coding knowledge. I'll just tell you one of the obvious things, now that I can read the code: var filePath = AdviserFilePathAndName("CustomPlugin-TagAndBag-" ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName); What's obvious here? Either you do what Droidz did, a plugin name like CustomPlugin-TagAndBag, followed by the second argument (arguments are divided by a comma) OR you concatenate the whole string. Trying to do XML in a multiline string isn't exactly easy. You need to escape existing quotation marks or they will end the string again. This is why Droidz used double quotation marks. You can test strings here, for example. Keep in mind, that one uses a more modern version of C#. If you don't compile your own code (I told you, set up Visual Studio), you're limited to .NET Framework 4.0 (if I recall correctly), because WRobot compiles your code at runtime. using robotManager.Helpful; using wManager.Plugin; using System.Windows.Forms; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class Main : IPlugin { public void Initialize() {} public void Dispose() {} public void Settings() { sTemp.CreateHmpSetting(); } } class sTemp : Settings { public static void CreateHmpSetting() { var filePath = AdviserFilePathAndName("CustomPlugin-TagAndBag", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName); // read how to do a multiline string here: https://blog.gitnux.com/code/c-sharp-multiline-string/ var fileContent = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> <PluginSettings xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema""> <ChannelName>GemeinsamesLeveln</ChannelName> <ChannelPassword>GemeinsamesLeveln</ChannelPassword> <Followers /> <GroupRegen>true</GroupRegen> <GroupTrain>false</GroupTrain> </PluginSettings>"; Others.WriteFile(filePath, fileContent); MessageBox.Show("HMP file created"); } } Again - I have no idea what context you're trying to use this in. If this doesn't work, you'll have to actually do what I said in the first place and learn.
  19. It could, if those patches change FrameXML (you can look inside with an MPQ viewer). If they change the UI in any way, some of that can break WRobot.
  20. Can't read that code, please format it properly The error pretty clearly tells you there's a problem with setting your brackets => } I recommend you get Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code so you have at least basic syntax highlighting enough to help you to write code that will compile.
  21. Dear community, I just found, I still have access to some workspaces via bitbucket (where I barely ever log in). Therefore, I'm sharing the original source as it was last commited by him here. I don't know if it's different from what was already uploaded or anything. That's why I'm sharing it in the developer forums and not plugins/quester. Last commits are from early 2018. mxsbt-vanillaflightmaster-dbcc4a5bd0e7.zip fnv316quester-quester-1-40-71d751b8482d.zip
  22. Please get help from someone who speaks both Chinese and English and have them explain the responses in this thread and help you respond. I feel like you haven't understood anything anyone told you in this thread. I certainly don't understand anything what you're trying to say now.
  23. Sounds like you're using a TBC/Wrath fightclass in vanilla that tries to use StopAttack() which doesn't seem to exist in in Vanilla. Or TurtleWoW removed that function from the client
  24. Generally, they edit the executable. This is what I've done to TBC to fix nameplate distance, FoV patches and iirc some specific condition Lua edits so I could use secure functions in pre-approved patches. WoW loads every patch-*.mpq file in your Data folder. This is how you add assets to the game or overwrite existing ones. You can take the structure that exists and whichever patch loads last will overwrite every previous file. It's generally how you patch talent trees, spells, the UI, etc. It's fairly straight forward and just DBC patching, which is what servers already use to largely validate spells anyway. So you can then extract DBC and maps (also modifiable) with the existing tools and your server will treat the spells just like the client "knows" them. Certain scripts and hacks for spells will still be required - DBC doesn't contain all the necessary info. For maps, it'll just generate paths via a pathing library (forget what it's called, haven't worked on WoW servers in ages), so any modified map will just as the client sees it.
  25. You're clearly using addons and you provided that info in the log file. [D] 13:21:45.659 - [Info] Wow Addons: !Libs, !!!Libs, AutoProfit, C, CensusPlus, ChatMOD, Clean_Up, En_UnitFrames, !ImprovedErrorFrame, Lern2Spell, MinimapButtonBag-TurtleWoW, MyAddons, SpamIam, SpamThrottle, SpellBookTag, SpellHelper, SUCC-bag, TinyTip, TinyTipExtras, TinyTipOptions, TipBuddy, UnitFramesImproved_Vanilla, WIM, YouveGotRedOnYou, MozzFullWorldMap, zUI This video isn't helping. Use a screen recording software like OBS. By the looks of your addons, it also seems like you're playing on Turtle WoW, they use a modified client. It's probably this error, like caused by a modded client or addons: [E] 16:35:33.694 - GetReactionTowards(WoWFactionTemplate otherFaction): System.NullReferenceException: 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。 在 wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate.GetReactionTowards(WoWFactionTemplate otherFaction)
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