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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. No you can't do those things, that's all server side. At most you can maybe change your range/global cd duration if the server doesn't check for those and just accepts client values.
  2. This happend a while ago already. Currently when using the quester on 2.4.3, it will sometimes skip quest steps until I restart it. In the "Bot state:" it show that it's at TurnIn something, for example, then actually grinds for the next quest. Sometimes when restarting after a long time, it will go back to finish one quest 2 zones ago. It's a bit odd and I'm not sure what could cause it.
  3. This thread is about TBC. Warmane doesn't give a shit about their Cata/MoP servers, because they're just happy anyone in playing at all. They also don't crack down as hard on 3.3.5 servers, because the Chinese don't infest these as heavily.
  4. I've gotten banned on Warmane recently. Was BG botting, used a good (my own, non-public) profile and fightclass. No whisper, just a permaban right away. Was botting for a friend, had never gotten banned before. It happend when one of those "banwaves" was going on with the reason of "Use of botting programs" rather than a REAL wave where everyone gets permabanned as "bot". I think the two are fundamentally different, probably different GMs too.
  5. That's not what I asked. You need a fightclass that has healing spells to actually heal players around you. wRobot doesn't do the work by itself, it only targets for you.
  6. It's easy enough. All spells the client casts through the interface inevidbly go through CastSpellByName() (in Lua). Therefore, you can overwrite CastSpellByName with your own function, do a condition for HoJ and just make it do nothing if target has CoS etc. Do I think that guy is actually doing it that way? Probably not. He's likely just boasting/lying about something he has done in a way more simplistic way.
  7. Meshes here are broken. In the first screenshot, instead of walking up the staircase, it puts the next waypoint RIGHT where my mouse symbol is. I remember trying this before in MoP 5.4.8 and having the same issue.
  8. Does your fightclass have party healing spells? I haven't had a problem with party healer mode.
  9. I simply forgot. I added it now. You can re-download.
  10. Turn off free mode, make sure your profile is correctly loaded (log should say so). Might have to restart your bot entirely. Also check if the profile you saved actually contains XML waypoints (open in an editor).
  11. Fight.StartFight(WoWUnit.GetBaseAddress) BGFight.StartFight(WoWUnit.GetBaseAddress) You just need to find another WoWUnit through the ObjectManager.
  12. That's just Click To Move, you can disable that in your game's Interface -> Mouse options...
  13. Don't bother with manacost. You can generally estimate the mana percentage it costs and see if you're above. For everything IsUsableSpell covers what you need. Most of us hang around the wRobot Discord. The link is in sidebar/footer iirc, but just in case: https://discord.gg/ED2Mjfp And there is a gearscore addon for 2.4.3. It's absolutely useless bullshit though, especially on lower levels. TBC isn't Wrath, itemization works very differently and the guy who backported it did it to troll Feenix. Only the Warmane community was actually stupid enough to pick it up and use it. Pawn uses actual, real stat weights.
  14. If it's an XML file, you can go into your wRobot folder, open the fightclass editor, open the fightclass in it and modify it
  15. If the bot freezes while training, the problem is with your fightclass. If the bot doesn't continue questing or grinding or stays in the same spot, the problem is with your quester/grinder profile. Contact the owners/creators of these products. If you bought them the correct way, you should be given support.
  16. I might be too late here, but I use this helper class, that allows me to easily iterate over ranks and break the loop if (highest to lowest) I know a spell or (lowest to highest) I don't know a spell anymore. class RotationSpell { public Spell Spell; private string Name; private int? Rank; public RotationSpell(string name, int? rank = null) { this.Name = name; this.Rank = rank; this.Spell = new Spell(name); } public bool IsUsable() { return Spell.IsSpellUsable; //return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("usable = (IsUsableSpell(\"" + Name + "\") and true or false)", "usable"); } public bool CanCast() { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return (IsUsableSpell(\"" + FullName() + "\") and GetSpellCooldown(\"" + FullName() + "\") == 0)"); } public float GetCooldown() { string luaString = @" cooldownLeft = 0; local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(""{0}""); if enabled == 1 and start > 0 and duration > 0 then cooldownLeft = duration - (GetTime() - start) end"; return Lua.LuaDoString<float>(string.Format(luaString, FullName()), "cooldownLeft"); } public void UpdateRank(int rank) { this.Rank = rank; } public string FullName() { return Rank != null ? (Name + "(Rank " + Rank + ")") : Name; } public bool IsKnown() { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return (GetSpellInfo(\"" + FullName() + "\") ~= nil)"); } }
  17. Stop restarting it so quickly. Give it some time.
  18. https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/#comment-966
  19. Check out the thread regarding repair. They're stickied. There's an error at the top, that might need fixing (like you installing .NET Framework). However, it also seems you're trying to run a grinder without a profile? Or maybe you bought a grinder here that needs to be started as quester?
  20. The simple answer is no. The longer answer is that through Lua events and more complicated C# code, you might be able to achieve that. You could also just record a quest with "FollowPath" type and tick the little box with "Is complete when last path reached". But something like "have I actually interacted successfully with the flightmaster" might not really work. What you could do is set said flight master as a quest giver. You would then set your 1 step (in the quester) as to pick up some random quest (that's unlikely/impossible to be finished) and your bot would run there, interact with the NPC trying to pick it up, but not find it. Thus you'd get stuck at the NPC.
  21. You can use the quester and use a CompleteCondition of having reached a certain zone name or whether "return new Vector3D(x, y, z).DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Me.Position) <= 5".
  22. Other people who come here and ask questions are generally willing to put in some time and effort into understanding. I am not asking you to become a programmer. I am not asking you to study software engineering. I am asking you to invest (once!) 2-3 hours to understand the very, very basics, so that you can read/understand (very roughly) the code snippets you are given, as opposed to expecting others to do work for you. I know this isn't too much to ask for, because it's no more complicated than learning the fightclass editor (in fact, it's less complicated, because it requires less logic). I also know this isn't too much, because plenty of other people on here and Discord have managed - with zero knowledge - to make something of the code snippets. I am not coming at you, but if I didn't feel a general unwillingness to learn, I wouldn't have said anything. Consider this constructive feedback, as I am still trying to help you. This one, simple article covers everything you need to know. You'll be able to understand what it is that you're actually doing and the next time someone gives you code that isn't copy-pastable but still correct, you'll know how to apply it.
  23. You are supposed to have minimal understanding of what you're doing. The code can't just be copy pasted as Csharp. Take the Lua part of it, so everything in green until the first comma. Then do a Lua condition, as search you put hasMainHandEnchant and as result, you put true (or 1, I'm not 100% sure, but you can look at the API documentation of GetWeaponEnchantInfo to see what it returns). I really think it's time for you to understand the things you're doing here. You constantly expect people to do work for you, so you may profit of it. You expect to be given code snippets that are copy paste ready. The only reason I'm still helping is because you've shared fightclass before and I hope you will contribute to do so. I highly recommend looking at a basic programming course. Even if it's just the first chapter, it would be very useful if you understood variables, functions and types. It would help you read Lua documentation on your own and better understand the code snippets people are giving you. There are some cheap and free JavaScript courses out there. It's extremely similar to Lua and will teach you the basics.
  24. private bool HasMainHandEnchant() { return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("hasMainHandEnchant, mainHandExpiration, mainHandCharges, hasOffHandEnchant, offHandExpiration, offHandCharges = GetWeaponEnchantInfo();", "hasMainHandEnchant"); } This is the C# code I use to determine whether the mainhand is enchanted (has a poison). The Lua is right in there. You can choose yourself which language to use.
  25. http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/75817-poison-macro/
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