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Senseye reacted to waldodamon for a file, Waldo Blood DK
For use with almost any talents, but I am running with Heartbreaker, Rapid Decomposition, Ossuary, Mark of Blood, Tightening Grasp, Foul Bulwark and Blood Mirror. Only thing I forgot to do is add in Mark of Blood as an ability, haven't even needed to... I liked Dr. Wolf's fight class, but I wanted something that utilized more runes when they were fully charged, so my DK wasn't sitting with full runes and very little Runic Power. I made more use of not only Marrowrend to keep Bone Shield nice and high, but also Heart Strike to really build up the Runic Power. I also tailored Death and Decay a little more so that you're 99% of the time standing in it, therefore building more Runic Power. This keeps a constant 6+ stacks of Bone Shield and as soon as Death Strike is available, bam, you've got Blood Shield and a heal too. Hopefully you like this. I will add Mark of Blood tomorrow as it is late here, and re-upload as V2.
Senseye reacted to Drwolftech for a file, Drwolf Blood DK
Use the optimized talents on picture
I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate.
Paypal Donate
Senseye reacted to Droidz for a file, 92-94 Gorgond (Alliance)
Level 92 to 94
ps: I recommand to use potion http://www.wowhead.com/item=120182
Senseye reacted to eeny for a file, [H] [Quest] 92-94 Horde Gorgrond
Horde profile for Gorgrond quests.
Hasn't gone through full QA just yet so until further notice keep an eye on the profile.
Starts with Durotan on the gorgrond / frostfire border. its 99% AFK, the only issue is the base selection about 15 minutes into the profile which you will have to do manually at this time. it should pop up with a messagebox. CHOOSE THE LUMBERYARD!
I didn't script the final quest "strike while the iron is hot" so i think you end up with 3/4 chapters completed, you can do that manually if you wish.
Added a filler on the end so once its done all the quests it will go do a grind until you stop it.
Senseye reacted to thereaperx151 for a file, Bloodelf 1-5 Starter
BloodElf 1-5 Starter
Hello This Is my first quester profile It's pretty simplistic it basically gets you to level 5 as a bloodelf on a x1 Private server it took me half the day to learn and figure it out but I got it =) I would like input please on the things I'm missing and what different things I could be doing for anyone who is more advanced than me this profile isn't completely 100% afk at the part where you have to get the severed head I could not figure out how to get the bot to walk all the way up there besides that everything worked out great..... I'd like to make an entire 1-80 profile for bloodelf and make it 5$ to see if I can't get some money for my college fund I do enjoy making the profiles ^_^
Senseye reacted to eeny for a file, AUTO-GEAR for Legion
AutoGear automatically rolls on and equips loot according to stat weights like WoWhead filters. AutoGear rolls "need" on upgrades and "greed" otherwise.
Included in AutoGear are default stat weights for all specs of all classes. Us
Stat weights work like the advanced filter on WoWhead. For example, if you specify that 1 point of strength is worth 1 point and 1 point of crit is worth 0.5 points, an item with 5 strength and 3 crit will be worth 6.5 points. That item might then replace an item in the same slot with 3 strength and 2 crit, worth 4 points. If the first item was presented in a loot roll, AutoGear would roll "need" and if you won the roll, it would equip the new item as soon as it could.
The default stat weights may not be what you prefer. If you want to change them, stat weights for all classes and specs can be found in the "SetStatWeights()" function in "[wow]\Interface\AddOns\AutoGear\AutoGear.lua". Simply edit the numbers there, save the file, and type "/run ReloadUI()" to update. A GUI for setting stat weights would be nice, but the authors haven't been motivated to make one yet. Code patches are welcome. This includes improvements to AutoGear's current stat weights, which sometimes need updating due to WoW class balance changes.
If you receive an upgrade mid-combat, AutoGear queues the upgrade to be equipped when combat ends. It used to equip weapon upgrades immediately because weapons could be changed in combat, but due to addons that automated weapon swaps in combat for DPS at maximum level, Blizzard now prevents addons from swapping weapons in combat automatically. You can still equip them manually earlier than AutoGear can if you notice you've received a weapon upgrade.
Chat commands:
/ag - options menu
/ag scan - manually run automatic gearing once (scan all bags for better gear)
/ag toggle/[enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle automatic gearing
/ag quest [enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle quest handling
/ag party [enable/on/start]/[disable/off/stop] - toggle automatic acceptance of party invitations
Warning: AutoGear is not recommended for use at max level. Its weights are not optimal, nor are stat weights ideal for determining upgrades in end-game content. AutoGear is meant primarily as a convenience for leveling quickly. Using it at max level, especially in team PvE or PvP, is likely to get you kicked from various groups and guild
Senseye reacted to cn3588 for a file, The Forge of Souls - 20 or 22 Bag
20 bag Drop about 30%
24 bag Drop not sure.
Run at Northrend
Not 100% AFK you need click to open the door. run about 3-4 times you will get 20 bag.
http://www.wowhead.com/item=50317/papas-new-bag 20 bag
http://www.wowhead.com/item=50316/papas-brand-new-bag 22bag
Senseye reacted to cn3588 for a file, Magtheridon's Lair - 20 Bag
Need click to open the door
100% drop.
Run at Hellfire Peninsula
http://www.wowhead.com/item=34845/pit-lords-satchel 20 bag