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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Soulds good mate - now im just waiting for the vanilla bot update - where it is possible to use it there.
  2. Anyone have any idea how to get around this ? I need to grab some Bloodstone ore for a later Quest, and those can only be found on AH :)
  3. return ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(-534.2473, 325.9972, 115.4728)) < 5; something like that
  4. Depends on what you want with the bot I guess. I myself is creating and sharing some huge projects, mostly because I find I kinda fun the "beat" the game. And the money you get is really small, I belive I have gain like 2-3$/hour max, but it have been quite fun playing the game in another way. Myself I have never been into the lore of wow, but after clearing 1 zone at the time, and following the quests, it give a completely new perspective of the game. But I must admit the real reason I create these leveling profiles, is for some irl friends, so we can have some fun in the old versions of wow. I am just fearing that Wrobot will before too noob friendly, when the profiles are done. (That is also why I haven't released vanilla fightclasses, as most of them actually are done, so people actually have to do something themself)
  5. No one can give you a sure answer on this - as it is a case by case thing. But the most common answer would be no - simply because blizzard only ban the botted accounts (unless they make some direct connect like a gold flow or item flow or something) Hope this answered your question.
  6. "var fromShipWaitPosition = new Vector3(8162,587, 1005,365, -0,03771297); // Position where Zeppelin/Ship waits players (from)" "var toShipWaitPosition = new Vector3(-8644.726, 1341.569, 0,0184304); // Position where Zeppelin/Ship waits players (to)" see the diffence ? one is with . and the other is with , change both to . like (8162.587, 1005.365, -0.03771297); (-8644.726, 1341.569, 0.0184304); and you are good to go
  7. Anyway guess ill have a look at it later, when I have completed the profiles. When trainers / Class quest and all that stuff have to be implanted. Thanks for trying to help @Runaro I might have a work around for all the distance problem - i belive a code with timestamp could be made - as the boats and zeppelins and all other objects runs in a loop
  8. I copyed your code with cords and stuff (you can see them in the youtube video...) and still the same problem in vanilla.
  9. @Droidz is it possible for you to fix the distance counter on those objects ?
  10. I diden't use the quest id - just had a return ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(xxxxxxxxxxxxx)) < 1 in it to make sure i was in the right place. but thats not really the problem, then codes runs fine, it just don't have any idea when the elevation is there: it have the exact same distance, no matter where it is top/bottom/middle and i belive that have always been the problem - that the bot object.distance couden't detect the boats/zep/elevation and so on
  11. No in game i have never had CTM on but used both on and off @ wrobot settings
  12. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <EasyQuestProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <QuestsSorted> <QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="GoTo" /> <QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D( new Vector3(-1313.202, 181.7892, 68.55197, &quot;None&quot;) ) &lt; 1" /> <QuestsSorted Action="None" NameClass="We are at the boarding point, to the Thunder Bluff Elevator!" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="// Wait for the Elevator &#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;if (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(4171).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance &lt;= 5) {&#xD;&#xA; Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Elevator is already here - waiting for the next one, to make sure boarding will not fail&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;}&#xD;&#xA;while (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(4171).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance &lt;= 5) {Thread.Sleep(500);};&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Wait for Elevator&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;while (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(4171).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance &gt; 5) {Thread.Sleep(500);};" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="// Enter the Elevator &#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Will enter the Elevator in 10 second&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;Thread.Sleep(10000);{ wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.Forward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 800); }" /> <QuestsSorted Action="None" NameClass="We are on the Thunder Bluff Elevator!&#xD;&#xA;" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="TurnRightStart();" /> <QuestsSorted Action="Wait" NameClass="350" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="TurnRightStop();" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="// Leave the Elevator&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Will leave the Elevator in 1 seconds&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;Thread.Sleep(10000);{ wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.Forward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 1200); }" /> <QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="" /> </QuestsSorted> <NpcQuest /> <Npc /> <Blackspots /> <BlackGuids /> <EasyQuests> <EasyQuest> <Name>GoTo</Name> <QuestId> <int>99</int> </QuestId> <QuestType>FollowPath</QuestType> <QuestClass xsi:type="FollowPathEasyQuestClass"> <Path> <Vector3 X="-1313.525" Y="182.4907" Z="68.55195" /> </Path> <IsCompleteWhenAtLastPath>false</IsCompleteWhenAtLastPath> <ForceToStartFirstPosition>false</ForceToStartFirstPosition> <IsHotSpots>true</IsHotSpots> <IsLoop>false</IsLoop> </QuestClass> <ObjectiveCount1>0</ObjectiveCount1> <ObjectiveCount2>0</ObjectiveCount2> <ObjectiveCount3>0</ObjectiveCount3> <ObjectiveCount4>0</ObjectiveCount4> <ObjectiveCount5>0</ObjectiveCount5> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount1>true</AutoDetectObjectiveCount1> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount2>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount2> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount3>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount3> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount4>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount4> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount5>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount5> <CanCondition /> <IsCompleteCondition>return ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(-1313.525, 182.4907, 68.55195, "None")) &lt; 1;</IsCompleteCondition> <RepeatableQuest>false</RepeatableQuest> <NotRequiredInQuestLog>false</NotRequiredInQuestLog> <PickUpQuestOnItem>false</PickUpQuestOnItem> <PickUpQuestOnItemID>0</PickUpQuestOnItemID> <Comment /> <GossipOptionRewardItem>1</GossipOptionRewardItem> <RequiredQuest>0</RequiredQuest> <MaxLevel>100</MaxLevel> <MinLevel>0</MinLevel> <WoWClass>None</WoWClass> </EasyQuest> </EasyQuests> </EasyQuestProfile> TurnRightStop(); dosent seems to work in vanilla as well :/
  13. Still a problem with the bot don't detect the distance :s so it is pretty random when it starts moving
  14. I've seen it at random around the world. Both with sell/repair/pick-up and turn in. It have also been reported before, but I don't believe there have been made a workaround. Personally I just love the toon a bit, and it goes back to normal after that
  15. Sure. It's nothing personal, I've removed like 50 people on Skype I dident talk to, as people was starting to send virus links xD But I'll be happy to take the profile with the steps.
  16. okay fair enough - i would be very happy if you could share that code with me so i could use it in the questing profiles - credit would ofc be made :-) As that would make the profiles so much more user frindly. I would ofc credit you with a free profile when it is done , as thanks for the time saved :-)
  17. but we have another problem in Vanilla - there are no NPC's on the boats/ships so we cant use them to navigate
  18. Dude I'm well are about how it works xD Would just be annoying to make it again and again and again for every city in the questing profiles :)
  19. updated the thread, as i need someone to run alliance as well :)
  20. Hi man thanks for the offer :) but I actually just made my own test server with GM powers - that's a lot easier :)
  21. Trying to delete some quest from logs with the code: local questId = xxxxx; for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, id = GetQuestLogTitle(i); if id == questId then SelectQuestLogEntry(i); SetAbandonQuest(); AbandonQuest(); end end But it dosen't seems to work in the vanilla version :/ any ideas ?
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