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Everything posted by loves2spooge

  1. This program is fantastic. Never gets locked up, haven't had hardly any issues recently :) Good fun
  2. 62.42 Townlong Steppes There are too many pats right there. Land, kill the two mobs, 3 go by and attack, 4 more come by, 2 more come by lol. SO many pats haha. Thanks. :) Spooge
  3. Also make sure you are running 32bit version of WOW. How To: Run Wow Launcher>Click Options>Game Preferences>Check "Launch 32bit Client" Spooge
  4. Thanks I will play around a bit. I got him to mount at one point but don't remember what I had set. I have changed the mount name around trying different things. Also, he is a twink so no Great sunwalker. Spooge
  5. Would have been my first guess. General Settings>Create Fight Class>Load FightClass/Create new>General Settings>Range=10+ If that is what you have tried, not sure. Will have to wait for Droidz
  6. Link to the paste bin. http://pastebin.com/0DXeMZGB Basically just runs around trying to unstuck all day. Thanks in advance.
  7. The spot is PRIME, lots of motes, loads of skins, and NO traffic yet. Now there might be lol. The profile I made is junk and I need to know why. Thanks in advance.
  8. Both of those ideas are really good. That would really cool, so no way to tell bot when it finishes after XX minutes to hearth then close? Darn. Cool idea. I really like the hearth when stuck but understand why that could be an issue.
  9. 47.18 Vale of eternal blossoms he gets stuck. Otherwise great profile. I will keep letting you know if you make the changes. :)
  10. I would really like a Mote farmer grinder location. Something with skinning is not necessary but then would make more versatile. I have tried a few. I don't think I quite have the Grinder creation figured out yet. Here is mine. It starts on Windward Island in the Jade forest It is terribad... Any tips are appreciated before I submit it to the downloads section. Windward Island.xml
  11. I have added a FightClass to help w/ the pickpocketing Thanks
  12. Anyone tried this? I am thinking of doing some conversions seeing if anyone has had good luck. Spooge
  13. Version 1.0 BETA


    Pickpocketing FightClass This class was designed to work directly w/ the pickpocketing Custom profile found The FightClass uses Sap as it stealths up to a mob, it then pickpockets, then moves to the next mob w/in set distance. If the bot is detected it casts Vanish and SHOULD move to next target though I am having trouble testing this fully. Let me know As long as the rogue evaded combat, I was able to make about 200g per/hr with this, Which is fine for just using before I grind through a bunch of mobs.
  14. I can't get this to work very well. He doesn't seem to pickpocket. Just keeps ambushing them. Never even tries for a pickpocket. What fight class are you using? What settings in Class/Fights class Thanks Edit* If I use a normal rogue fightclass so he can fight back when spotted he just attacks, when I use a pali class, or mage class he just pickpockets, but then can only melee once attacked. I think he should cast a stun first like sap then pickpocket then move to next guy
  15. I too have some trouble w/ the WRotation to this effect. As well as Party mode. Seems to want to attack a target until it is dead, in LFR, that can be bad. When I set it to follow/assist party members it will assist for the first target, any subsequent targets after that however it ignores unless first target is dead.
  16. I have taken the liberty to plug this into google translate, there are no pictures, if I get time I will xfer the pictures over. For now it is just the text, but in ENGLISH. :) Spooge Translated version of Tutoriel quester wrobot.htm
  17. Well yea...no one said WRotation AFK it. That is idiotic... :) Spooge
  18. Restart wRobot? Not sure what else. As long as it is an xml file, and in the fight class folder.
  19. I believe the grinder profile only uses ground mounts. If you wanted you could create a flying profile, but I don't think he would kill much...If you can fly in the area, you probably shouldn't be leveling there any more. :) Or are you farming leathers or something?
  20. Ohren, did this work? And I would LOVE to take a look at your resto profile. I have been building mine and it is...mediocre at best. Thanks.
  21. Have you tried the Party option? How AFK are you wanting to bot this? I load up the party one, select the tank or a good looking DPS and use him as lead. Then start the party. I watch it and it does a reasonable job. Only have to unstuck a few times. I worked out, shaved, took a shower and watched a few episodes of arrested last night while it ran the last 3 LFR's. Works great for me if you have a good class build and can kinda pay attention to it.
  22. I have been using bot "with normal amount of caution" and I have had no issues.
  23. Droidz posted the source code for the grinder, I have been looking thru it in VS I think it is possible, and I may give it a shot. At that point we may move this into Dev discussion, I was curious if it was already implemented. Seems not to be. :)
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