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  1. For those still having issues, by "add the npc nearest the smelting zone" Droidz means to add the NON PLAYER CHARACTER near the forge NOT the Forge itself
  2. Here is a brief example of what I mean 🙂 this will go to the forge in Stormwind, check if you have Saronite in your bag, and then smelt it Smelting Saronite.xml
  3. have you tried adding the Ore Item ID to the options? another way you could do it is create a custom Quester profile to do this manually 🙂
  4. Blue = Enabled White = Disabled
  5. No problem 🙂 If you require any further help, just shoot me a message on Discord = Sharpzee#4301 and I'll do what I can to assist 🙂
  6. You could create a Quester profile in which you did something like: RunCode => wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailRecipient("name1"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ForceMailList.Add("Itemname1"); wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown.ForceToTown = true; Wait => 1000 RunCode => wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ForceMailList.Remove("Itemname1"); RunCode => wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailRecipient("name2"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ForceMailList.Add("Itemname2"); wManager.Wow.Bot.States.ToTown.ForceToTown = true; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I use this in one of my Farming profiles, and it will send Saronite to one character and eternals to another 🙂
  7. Thanks for your response! I figured out that if you manually Add the Trainer NPC to the Database it works perfectly!
  8. Question for the other users - did you have any issues with the product not taking the character to train?
  9. got it working and its great!
  10. Version 1.1.3


    GUILD VAULT 3.3.5 V.1 After spending FOREVER searching for a guild vault script, I decided to give it a go at creating one myself. !QUESTER PROFILE! This profile was created for the SOLE purpose of collecting items from my personal Guild Vault whilst also depositing gold made from the Auction house. What this profile does:- Go to Mailbox to retrieve Gold at start of profile Goes to Stormwind Bank Opens the Guild Vault Removes all items from the first Tab Deposits Gold Balances out Gold to ensure the Character always has 50g for Auction purposes. I also have another profile which pretty much does the same thing, but will use the Dalaran Bank and Deposit ALL Inventory Items to the Guild Vault. How to use?:- I personally run this on a Schedule loop with the Auction Product which means it will: Collect Items from Guild Vault Sell Items on the Auction house Collect Gold from Mailbox Deposit Gold in Guild Vault Profile in action NEW TO CREATING PROFILES AND JUST WANTED TO SHARE 🙂
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