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  1. This is a terrible spot. Elites kill bot over and over.
  2. That's a very good question ! i have the same problem ;)
  3. Bonsoir a tous J'ai un petit problème je fais tourner 2 sessions de bots sur le même ordinateur et rien que le fait de farmer il a des pertes de fps et tombes à 5-10 très souvent pourtant quand je regardes sur mon gestionnaire de tache je suis a 2000 mo de mémoire ram sur 8000 et mon processeur n'est qu'à 15% du coup je ne comprends pas bien , en 64bits je tournes au max de fps même en haute qualité . Si vous avez des conseils pour régler ce problème ce serrait très gentil .
  4. I'm happy to hear you problem is resolved ;) good luck for leveling ;)
  5. I actually use the bot with my warrior and in 6 battle for gilneas he was stuck only 1 times , sometimes it can happen , sometimes not , Disable this bg and Strand of the ancient and it will work great ! , Be carefull and use a good fightclass to look legit and don't get reported by other player . :)
  6. I bought a lot of quester and sometimes you have to check the settings of the profiles and uncheck quest you've already done , if it's still not working you can try to do the quest manually and restart the bot and if it's still not working i think contact the owner of the profile is the best idea yeah
  7. Is using battleground bot ( with a personnal fightclass very undetectable by other player ) and gatherer during the queue is " safe " Because actually i do that around 7-8 hours per day and i think it's a bit risky if player report me :/
  8. Non mais tu peux très bien configurer le bot pour qu'il vendes automatiquement les objets inutiles et ne gardes que le stuff rare !
  9. Hello everybody i finally found why my bot is not working it was because i used a lures Don't use that and it will work ( for me it's working ) Crate of Bobbers: Wooden Pepe Crate of Bobbers: Can of Worms Crate of Bobbers: Murloc Head Crate of Bobbers: Squeaky Duck Crate of Bobbers: Tugboat Crate of Bobbers: Cat Head Hope i'm helpful , bye :)
    When you use this profile, please activate WRobot option "Can attack units already in fight" (in tab "General Settings" > "Enter advanced settings...")
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