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Everything posted by xandrosz

  1. Hm, that's weird.
  2. Hey @Sophie_, the spawn area of Nighthuntress Syrenne is huge. If you blacklist all areas, the bot haven't any space to farm (LOL). But i know what you mean.. hate this NPC. So if you still want to blacklist a spot, use following code: <GathererBlackListRadius> <Position X="0" Y="0" Z="0" /> <Radius>30</Radius> <Continent>Troll_Raid</Continent> </GathererBlackListRadius> Best regards.
  3. Hallo zusammen, sollten einige von euch die World of Warcraft Spielzeit regelmäßig via Gamecard aktivieren, kann ich euch folgende Seite empfehlen: https://www.guthaben.de/wow-gamecard Dort kosten 60 Tage (2 Monate) 19,99€ (+1,49€ Transaktionsgebühren) Habe ich bisher noch nicht günstiger gesehen.
  4. Answered via PM @Phoenix
  5. Just type in the wow chat or create a macro (ESC -> Macro)
  6. No need to copy the name of the Item! /script BuyMerchantItem(1) Order Resources Cach /script BuyMerchantItem(2) Lean Shank /script BuyMerchantItem(3) Fatty Bearsteak /script BuyMerchantItem(4) Big Gamy Ribs /script BuyMerchantItem(5) Leyblood /script BuyMerchantItem(6) Wildfowl Egg /script BuyMerchantItem(7) Cursed Queenfish /script BuyMerchantItem(8) Mossgill Perch /script BuyMerchantItem(9) Highmountain Salmon /script BuyMerchantItem(10) Stormray /script BuyMerchantItem(11) Runescale Koi /script BuyMerchantItem(12) Black Barracuda /script BuyMerchantItem(13) Aethril /script BuyMerchantItem(14) Dreamleaf /script BuyMerchantItem(15) Foxflower /script BuyMerchantItem(16) Fjaneskagll /script BuyMerchantItem(17) Starlight Rose /script BuyMerchantItem(18) Leystone /script BuyMerchantItem(19) Felstate /script BuyMerchantItem(20) Stonehide Leather /script BuyMerchantItem(21) Stormscale /script BuyMerchantItem(22) Unbroken Claw /script BuyMerchantItem(23) Unbroken Tooth /script BuyMerchantItem(24) Shaldorei Cloth /script BuyMerchantItem(25) Arkhana /script BuyMerchantItem(26) Ley Light Shard 3
  7. Hey there, is there any option to loop my custom macro all 3 seconds ? I dont know exactly in which functional category i should create the profile. Thanks in advance
  8. Version 1.0


    Nothing special. PvE Tank Fight Class for Protection Paladin. Perfect for farming or grinding profiles without Retribution weapon. Casting Avenger's Shield Blessed Hammer Consecration Judgment Shield of the Righteous Eye of Tyr Blinding Light Light of the Protector
  9. Thanks a lot, Droidz.
  10. Of course, if i put in "SAY" the Bot doesnt do anything. The profile only works with channel numbers
  11. Hey guys, i downloaded this custom profile: with following settings: /* _________________ * * Settings: * _________________ */ public const string Message = "Hello, how are you?"; // Message at send. public const bool SendWhispers = false; // put 'true' to send whispers at all nearest players, put 'false' to send messages to the selected ChannelId public const string ChannelId = "2"; // channel id (2 == trade) public const int EverySeconds = 40; // Time in seconds between two send How can i change the Channel ID to the SAY Channel ? I really appreciate any help. Greetings.
  12. Version 1.0


    Hi guys! This is the most efficient route to grind and farm Stormscale Leather in Highmountain. Tested on a medium populated server and farm 330+ Stormscale Leather / Hour Put in \WRobot\Profiles\Grinder - Start at Thundertotem, Highmountain Make sure you have Skinning on in Bot Settings Check out my new Profile Bundle
  13. Version 1.0


    Nothing special. PvE Damage Fight Class for Restoration Shaman. Perfect for grinding profiles without Enhancement or Elemental Artefact weapon. Casting Flame Shock Lightning Bolt Chain Lightning Lava Burst Healing Stream Totem Riptide I attack 5-7 Mobs at once.
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