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Everything posted by morris79

  1. new update. Visual studio almost accept my code. #region get tanks List<WoWPlayer> getTanks() { List<WoWPlayer> ret = new List<WoWPlayer>(); var u = Party.GetPartyHomeAndInstance().Where(p => p.GetDistance < 80 && p.IsValid && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(p.Position)); if (u.Count() > 0) { var p = ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid; ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = unit; Lua.RunMacroText("/target focus"); ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = p; WoWPlayer p = new WoWPlayer(unit.GetBaseAddress); } if (ret.Count() == 0) { Logging.WriteError("CANNOT HEAL TANK IS TOO FAR OR NOT SET!!"); WoWPlayer v = new WoWPlayer(ObjectManager.Me.GetBaseAddress); ret.Add(v); } return ret; } #endregion still cant get the Unit to work. Marks it as red! Please help guys. will be the best restro druid flightclass if it just works. Druid healing in 3.3.5a ported from 6.x by ME.cs
  2. its a combination of serveral things. But mainly from forums and aio from Bettersister See attach file. So fare every thing is working, only setting Tank as focus target and NaturesSwiftness heals. There is sayes objeck not found. Will share the end result if working. Druid healing in 3.3.5a ported from 6.x by ME.cs
  3. Hi gues, I am trying to make my LifeBloom be cast on my focus taget at all times. Need a string that sets Tank as my current focus target. The code I got so fare is. Cant get it to work. Plz help me #region get tanks List<WoWPlayer> getTanks() { List<WoWPlayer> ret = new List<WoWPlayer>(); public bool CastSpell(string name, wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.WoWObject obj) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) && obj != null) { var tmp = wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid; wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = obj.Guid; new wManager.Wow.Class.Spell(name).Launch(false, false, false, "focus"); wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.FocusGuid = tmp; WoWPlayer p = new WoWPlayer(unit.GetBaseAddress); ret.Add(); } return false; } } #endregion
  4. This is not my code but from BetterSister, wolk Resto druid AIO. I want to chance getTanks, toget it just from my focus target. I have zero program skilles, plz help. Thanks for your time and support. #region get tanks List<WoWPlayer> getTanks() { List<WoWPlayer> ret = new List<WoWPlayer>(); var u = Party.GetPartyHomeAndInstance().Where(p => p.GetDistance < 80 && p.IsValid && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(p.Position)); if (u.Count() > 0) { foreach (var unit in u) { //Logging.WriteDebug("Unit name: " + unit.Name.ToString().Trim()); if (IsTank(unit.Name.ToString())) { WoWPlayer p = new WoWPlayer(unit.GetBaseAddress); ret.Add(p); } } } if (ret.Count() == 0) { Logging.WriteError("CANNOT HEAL TANK IS TOO FAR OR NOT SET!!"); WoWPlayer v = new WoWPlayer(ObjectManager.Me.GetBaseAddress); ret.Add(v); } return ret; } Druid healing in 3.3.5a ported from 6.x by ME.cs
  5. Hello there, thanks for your time. How to do this quest. http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9771/searching-for-scout-jyoba 1:Want to pick up the quest from a Dead Target 2: Kill mobs to collect one item. So fare it just stand still, no matter what I try. Log sayes nothing, as if there is nothing to do. Code I got so fare is. See attach file. Morris Zangamarxh 62 plus.xml
  6. morris79


    thansk for the quick support Droidz. Will chance the fightclass :)
  7. morris79


    Getting error when pressing start Wrobot TBC [E] 22:44:22 - Compilator Error : \AppData\Local\Temp\xnr3ap2i.0.cs(96,28) : error CS1002: ; was exspectet \AppData\Local\Temp\xnr3ap2i.0.cs(104,10) : error CS1513: } was exspectet So fare I have reinstall Wrobot, wish dosent help. After click ok, it funktion ok. 24 nov 2017 22H44.log.html
    If you like me, had trouble making wf on both hands and thing the fight class is 2 slow! Then this is your best bet. Alle the money worth. Great job :) morris
  8. it worked 100% for me.. super thanks mate
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