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Everything posted by Mykoplazma

  1. Oh well thanks that possiblity to write directly to memory is very tempting idk that was possible nice :)
  2. Idk what kind of system you have. You must change the settings inside the windows control panel and set the voice synthetizer to the german one. It's have nothing to do with plugin itself. First find the german voice ( if you dont have it in the system ) install it and set up it in windows. Then it will speak german. For windows 10 there is a setup search google for other system versions : http://www.isunshare.com/windows-10/change-voice-and-speed-of-text-to-speech-in-windows-10.html
  3. Hello I can read the player rotation property using for example ObjectManager.Me.Rotation is there a possibility to set value of rotation?
  4. Can I get a description on each methods for auction helpers ( at least how the filter should be passed and how to select item for sell) etc or it's top secret? Ok somebody can remove it? I decompiled dll with dot peek and get all needed info ;)
  5. Of course if you have german wow and german tts module in windows set as a deflaut tts voice ( propably in german windows version ) it should work and speak german.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Another silly plugin - All npc text ( quest,gossip etc ) will be read in english in computer like voice by computer using text to speech ( deflaut tts speech setting ) - ( you can always get Ivona 'trial version' to make it sound MUCH better ) ;) And please report if it's working don't have expirience with compiling to dll. ( it can works on cata and other versions too idk :))
  7. There is something generally wrong with figthclasses generated in xml format. It's ok but after one hour ( less on more in my case on pandaria priv ) the fps is going down to 18 ( from 100 ) the text in chat become lighter in color and the prompt is gone and only stop bot /reload in wow and start bot again helps resolve that problem. With my own rotations which are pure cs without any cooldown ( sleep thread ) there is no such problem. Lua overload? The memory is up to 300 megs for wrobot too and I'm only using fight class and no plugins.
  8. Player's own client side movement is updated 64 times per second, this means if you're at a perfect 60 fps, some frames will get 2 movement updates while other gets 1 and that thing is making a mess? ;)
  9. Try to lock game on 64 fps using nvidia doctor or something when I have that on there is no bad clicks.
  10. In the profile setting you have that level range thing from x to x. ( character level ) and ( attack level ) There is small bug and that set of controls are taking values bigger than possible in game and wider than 2-3 numbers ( no check? ) you can write bullshit like 10-222222 and it will be saved into profile file and of course the profile will not work with that setting. And you cannot delete it only manual fix inside the xml is repairg it. Suggestion make that control 3 slot with limit 110 or pushup - pushdown number control.
  11. using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using robotManager.Helpful; using wManager.Wow.Class; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class Main : ICustomClass { public float Range { get { return 30; } } private bool _loop; public void Initialize() { _loop = true; while (_loop) { Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Flash Heal"); } } public void Dispose() { _loop = false; } public void ShowConfiguration() {} } Ok this is stripped down custom combat class. Take all of that copy to notepad and save into fightclass dir with .cs on the end. Then Replace that Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Flash Heal"); to anything you want you can make 2 comands or any other number like Lua.RunMacroText("/cast Disenchant"); Lua.RunMacroText("/use Item:43433"); or whatever idk what you want achieve. You can put normal spell there too. For pause in between add Thread.Sleep(15); Where 15 is in miliseconds so to get one second write Thread.Sleep(1000);
  12. Ok my car is broken and I can make it run what is wrong? What you wanna do, what macros are you wanna cast, paste maybe link to rotation?
  13. Just enable the plugin in plugins tab it should show up as GatheringMobSpawns.cs and set it to on. The second thing is this is plugin created to kill specific mobs with ids like new List<int> {98232, 98234, 98235 } }; To make the bot kill other kind of mob you must find the id on wowhead and add it to list. For now that list let the bot attack 3 mobs : www.wowhead.com/npc=98232 www.wowhead.com/npc=98234 www.wowhead.com/npc=98235 To add mob you must go to wowhead find the mob id and add it to that list directly into the plugin code.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Because I'm lazy and don't like manually target lowest hp player in the group this plugin will do that for me when I press a key with macro. Simply enable plugin make macro under key /run targetLowHeal(); and everytime when you press buton with macro it will select the lowest possible hp in the party with prority on the actually tanking unit ( los check,range check and others checks included ) . Tested only on the 5 man instances it should work on bg or raid idk test it yourself. It should work on cata maybe wotlk check yourself.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Just silly toy created in boredom time - mass whispering to three kind of groups - tanks (t) , dps (d) , heals (h) The command is /whisp "player type" ,minimum level,maximum level, text to send ( where "playe type" can be t,d, or h. - tanks,dps, or heal ) For example /whisp t,15,20,tank join rdf - will send to all paladins monks warriors and druids from level range 15-20 text - tank join rdf. Similar thing with dps and heal. Other example Whisp to all (possible :) ) heals on 90 lvl to join rhc - /whisp h,90,90,heal join rhc Tested on Tauri wow and its working ok :). It should work for cata maybe for wotlk idk .. ;)
  16. I get help from that forum with answer which is using a part of c# version 6 - that $ thing used before string instead of using string.format thing like in this example $"print(\"{wowPlayer.Name} around paused.\")". That thing requires c# 6 I have only c# 5 ( windows 7 ) i found how to get compilator for version c# 6 and I have now csc.exe (compilator ) file in separte directory. How to make the bot compile the plugin or rotation using that csc file or where to replace files to get it compiled with c# 6 special new functions?
  17. To check if current selected target is a tank you must use lua function ;) role = UnitGroupRolesAssigned(Unit); the Unit can be "target","player","playerName" etc role can be TANK , DAMAGER, HEALER , NONE Soon I will put rotation which is targeting each party members check lowest hp put tank on priority heal from the weakest to the strongest etc. But it's not possible to create such thing in the editor only pure c# can give you such powers. Pm if interested of the base of it ( only selecting the lowest hp works for now but this is a good start ;))
  18. Version 1.0.1


    If any player is near you ( 200 yards ) the bot will stop - it will continue when player go away from that range.
  19. And sorry again one more question - how to check LOS?
  20. Thank you for your example it's very usefull and full of usefull tips.
  21. Ok. Go to a city with a disco priest. Take a name of anyplayer around with afk write Lua.DoString("CastSpellById(17,\"THATPLAYERNAME\")") and look what will happen ( 17 is power world : shield ). You will cast it on yourself. Always with your snippet the situation is identical. Alawys on self but if in party then ok. Second thing using that example for object manager iteration: if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDead && Party.IsInGroup() && !Usefuls.IsLoadingOrConnecting && Usefuls.InGame) { foreach (var playerGuid in Party.GetPartyGUID()) { if (playerGuid > 0) { var p = new WoWPlayer(0); var obj = ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(playerGuid); if (obj.IsValid && obj.Type == WoWObjectType.Player) { p = new WoWPlayer(obj.GetBaseAddress); } if (p.IsValid && !p.IsDead) { Logging.Write(p.name); } } } That p.name sometimes return value Unknown instead of player name all other values are correct.
  22. Ok thank you for answer that method is working - you don't need a target but you must be in party otherwise it will not work. Second question - sometimes object manager don't have access to name field? The result name is Unknown despite all other values are correct and visible . How to get rid of that Unknown thing without lua guid comparasion ( because it's eating resources like crazy )
  23. Set up not a spell but lua script. About skil slots - http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/ActionSlot 1. get Shoot skill from the spell book and for example put it into slot one. 2. add that lua script ( set the spell as a lua script and write that thing into the spell name ) if not IsAutoRepeatAction(1) then CastSpellByName("Shoot"); end
  24. Hi is this possible to cast spell on player without targeting that player before? There was many pqr profiles for ( healing ones ) which was casting all healing spells on friendly target without taking the target slot. It was easy to reproduce using wow plus hack ( for example ) on cata doing simple thing like CastSpellByName("Flash Heal",target.guid) where the target guid is not blizzard crap ( "target","player","pet" etc ) but numerical value of guid ( 123423423423 ) or maybe memory adress of the target player structure anyway it was working , and this is also working too on pqr so is that possible on wrobot to? Now I must find the target, check hp, target it, cast spell. But without that interaction thing is that possible?
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