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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. I would like to confim this. The option to pause bot if a player is nearby is great to avoid player reports - but if a character is attacked by a npc in free world it looks like a bot because no human would go afk on a unsafe place. If the bot wakes up while beeing attacked all would be great because it would look like the character was just grabbing in inventory... Beyond danger the bot would go to pause if the other player is still in range and all is fine. Great idea!!
    What should one say...? AWESOME. Phantastic work - thank you!
  2. Greetings, while running a quester profile is there a chance to get the number of the free bag space so i can force to vendor if i think there is more room neccessary? And in second, if i start to go anywhere using this code: ------------------------------ var path = new List<Vector3>() {new Vector3(-8770.368f, 842.1389f, 90.03706f)}; MovementManager.Go(path); while (MovementManager.InMovement && Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && !Conditions.IsAttackedAndCannotIgnore) {Thread.Sleep(100);} MovementManager.StopMove(); ------------------------------ The bot tries to run straight to the target - without generating a path and therefore mostly against a wall and is continuing with the next step then. Is there a way to force a new path generation? thank you a lot!
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