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  1. To follow the progress on Attack/AutoShot problem :
  2. There you go for th fightclass :
  3. Hello. That will make a lot of double posting, sorry for that, but as Eeny advise me to post here in PM. Here are the two main problems I saw concerning Attack and Auto-Shot for hunters. I suspect the problem should be the same for Wanding : Something that needs to be highlighten: I don't know for other classes since I didn't look at them in depth yet, but for Hunters, Attack spell (id:6603) is a self cast spell. That causes the toon to "loose" it's target, as the log tells it, when you go back to Ranged spells => [FIGHT] Manual target change For me that's not the solution, since it look like it's the "main entry" for combat trigger in grinder/quester. If isRepeating detection of Attack spell could be fixed, that should be enough to correct the problem. Also, inside the bot grinder/quester routines, Attack should then not be re-triggered if Auto-Shot/Wanding isRepeating and in good range. This one should also correct the rotation if isRepeating can not be fixed (at least for Hunters).
  4. Something that needs to be highlighten: I don't know for other classes since I didn't look at them, but for hunters, Attack speel (6603) is a self cast spell. That causes the toon to "loose" it's target as the log tells it=> [FIGHT] Manual target change
  5. A simple solution would have been to replace "Reward Item" by : WarriorRewardItem, RogueRewardItem, PriestRewardItem,... and check which class is the toon currently playing. The Quest developper then just add the Reward Item gossip for each of this variable. I know that after testing to edit the very first quest proposed in Vanilla, I don't want to hassle to make Quest profiles if I have to maintain [Number of Class] * Quests version for each class just to pin rewards correctly. Best Item addons chooser aren't accessible for all WoW versions ;)
  6. Oddly, when the configuration Panels open, the current state of the file isn't correctly displayed too. Some variables are displayed false whereas they are set at true in the saved file. No correlation between default values.
  7. Hello, Yes I do call Save(), at the end of the sowconfiguration, and no curiously I have no message, even in debug mode.
  8. Here is an example of class I use : public class PriestSettings : Settings { [Setting] [DefaultValue(true)] [Category("Movements")] [DisplayName("Follow Mode")] [Description("Follow the party Leader. Only working when in party")] public bool FollowMode { get; set; } [Setting] [DefaultValue(80)] [Category("Heal")] [DisplayName("Lesser Heal Treshold")] [Description("Limit of Life under which bot trigger LesserHeal.In percent")] public double LesserHealTreshold { get; set; } private PriestSettings() { ConfigWinForm(new System.Drawing.Point(400, 400), "Priest " + Translate.Get("Settings")); } public static PriestSettings CurrentSetting { get; set; } public bool Save() { try { return Save(AdviserFilePathAndName("McRo-Priest", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("PriestSettings > Save(): " + e); return false; } } public static bool Load() { try { if (File.Exists(AdviserFilePathAndName("McRo-Priest", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName))) { CurrentSetting = Load<PriestSettings>(AdviserFilePathAndName("McRo-Priest", ObjectManager.Me.Name + "." + Usefuls.RealmName)); return true; } CurrentSetting = new PriestSettings(); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("PriestSettings > Load(): " + e); } return false; } } When trying to change a value, in the resulting XML: the value changed is never saved. If it existed in the file it is totaly deleted the value non targeted by the change may be delete also (randomly)
  9. I still opened a bug because, I suppose, the fact that Attack reptition is not detected makes Grinder bot (and probably Quester too, not tested) spams Attack dumbly whatever spell you cast.
  10. I opened a bug request I can't do more about it right now.
  11. Hello On Grinder, whatever I do, when in combat my avatar just spam Attack. I suppose Quester will have the same problem. This might be linked to :
  12. Linked to addon use. Not a bug. Can be closed.
  13. Hello SpellManager.IsRepeating(Attack.Ids) on Hunter Attack spell (6603) always return false. SpellManager.IsRepeating(new List<uint>{6603}) Always return false too.
  14. @Pasterke It's much more complicated than that. If you take into account Party, WRotation, Grinder, Quester, etc. logics it just can't be done that way : how do you manage the cases: where you start combat at close combat and then it goes to range combat, whatever your level is? where you're out of mana ? And range is already fixed at 35 in my figh class Furthermore, in Grinder for exemple Serpent Sting does trigger Auto Shot but it is immediatly overriden by Attack command which is spammed by the Grind bot @MacPod I didn't test my fight classes against Grinder nor Quester yet. I'm actually working on it, but it's gonna be a bit tougher since Grinder bot spams Attack command .... I strongly believe it's because the bot is faulty on Hunter Attack. It can't detect, in C# if it is triggered or not.
  15. By the way , is there any function to actually set a target without interacting with it ?
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